H7971 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to send away, for, or out (in a great variety of applications) [idiom] any wise, appoint, bring (on the way), cast (away, out), conduct, [idiom] earnestly, forsake, give (up), grow long, lay, leave, let depart (down, go, loose), push away, put (away, forth, in, out), reach forth, send (away, forth, out), set, shoot (forth, out), sow, spread, stretch forth (out). a primitive root;

789 instances of the word שָׁלַח shâlach (H7971)

  • 1 Samuel 11:7 - And he took a yoke of oxen and hewed them in pieces and sent them throughout all the coasts of Israel by the hands of messengers saying Whosoever cometh not forth after Saul after Samuel so shall it be done of oxen fell And the fear of the LORD on the people Whosoever cometh not forth consent with one

  • Exodus 11:10 - And Moses and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharaoh hardened and the LORD heart Pharaoh go out so that he would not let the children of Israel of his land

  • 2 Samuel 11:12 - said And David So Uriah Tarry here to day also and to morrow I will let thee depart Tarry So Uriah in Jerusalem here to day and the morrow

  • Judges 11:12 - sent And Jephthah messengers unto the king of the children of Ammon saying What hast thou to do with me that thou art come against me to fight in my land

  • 2 Samuel 11:14 - And it came to pass in the morning wrote that David a letter to Joab and sent it by the hand of Uriah

  • Judges 11:14 - again And Jephthah sent messengers unto the king of the children of Ammon

  • Judges 11:17 - sent Then Israel messengers but the king of Edom saying Let me I pray thee pass through thy land would not hearken but the king of Edom but the king of Moab sent but he would abode Then Israel in Kadesh

  • 2 Samuel 11:18 - sent Then Joab and told David all the things concerning the war

  • Judges 11:19 - sent And Israel messengers unto Sihon king of the Amorites king of Heshbon said And Israel unto him Let us pass we pray thee through thy land into my place

  • 1 Kings 11:21 - And when Hadad heard in Egypt slept that David with his fathers was dead and that Joab the captain of the host said And when Hadad to Pharaoh Let me depart to mine own country

  • 1 Kings 11:22 - And he answered Then Pharaoh unto him But what hast thou lacked with me that behold thou seekest to thine own country And he answered Nothing howbeit let me go Nothing howbeit let me go

  • 2 Samuel 11:22 - So the messenger and came and shewed David had sent all that Joab

  • 2 Samuel 11:27 - was past And when the mourning sent David and fetched her to his house and she became his wife and bare him a son displeased But the thing had done David the LORD

  • Judges 11:28 - hearkened Howbeit the king of the children of Ammon not unto the words of Jephthah which he sent

  • Judges 11:38 - And he said And he sent her away for two months with her companions and bewailed her virginity upon the mountains

  • Daniel 11:42 - He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries also upon the countries of Egypt shall not escape

  • 2 Samuel 12:1 - sent And the LORD Nathan unto David And he came unto him and said unto him There were two men city and the other and the other rich and the other poor

  • 1 Kings 12:3 - That they sent and called came him And Jeroboam and all the congregation of Israel and spake unto Rehoboam saying

  • 1 Samuel 12:8 - was come When Jacob into Egypt cried and your fathers then the LORD sent then the LORD Moses and Aaron which brought forth and your fathers into Egypt and made them dwell in this place

  • Judges 12:9 - And he had thirty for his sons And he had thirty daughters whom he sent abroad And he had thirty daughters and took for his sons abroad And he judged Israel seven years

  • 1 Samuel 12:11 - sent And the LORD Jerubbaal and Bedan and Jephthah and Samuel and delivered you out of the hand of your enemies on every side and ye dwelled safe

  • Job 12:15 - Behold he withholdeth the waters and they dry up also he sendeth them out and they overturn the earth

  • 1 Kings 12:18 - sent Then king Rehoboam Adoram who was over the tribute stoned and all Israel him with stones that he died Then king Rehoboam made speed to get him up to his chariot to flee to Jerusalem

  • 2 Kings 12:18 - took And Jehoash and in the king's of Judah all the hallowed things had dedicated that Jehoshaphat and Jehoram and Ahaziah his fathers and in the king's of Judah all the hallowed things and all the gold that was found in the treasures house of the LORD house and in the king's and sent it to Hazael and in the king's of Syria and he went away from Jerusalem

  • 1 Chronicles 12:19 - some of Manasseh And there fell to David when he came of the Philistines Saul to battle but they helped upon advisement sent them not for the lords of the Philistines him away saying to the jeopardy of our heads And there fell to his master Saul

  • Genesis 12:20 - commanded And Pharaoh concerning him and they sent him away and his wife

  • 1 Kings 12:20 - heard And it came to pass when all Israel was come again that Jeroboam that they sent and called him unto the congregation and made him king And it came to pass when all Israel there was none that followed the house of David but the tribe of Judah

  • 2 Samuel 12:25 - And he sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet and he called his name Jedidiah because of the LORD

  • 2 Samuel 12:27 - sent And Joab messengers to David and said I have fought against Rabbah and have taken the city of waters

  • Exodus 12:33 - were urgent And the Egyptians upon the people in haste that they might send them out of the land for they said We be all dead

  • 1 Chronicles 13:2 - said And David unto all the congregation of Israel If it seem good unto you and that it be of the LORD our God abroad let us send unto our brethren every where that are left in all the land of Israel and with them also to the priests and Levites which are in their cities and suburbs that they may gather

  • 1 Samuel 13:2 - chose Saul him three and a thousand men of Israel Saul and a thousand in Michmash and in mount Bethel and a thousand were with Jonathan in Gibeah of Benjamin and the rest of the people he sent every man to his tent

  • Numbers 13:2 - Send thou men that they may search the land of Canaan which I give unto the children of Israel of every a man of every a man tribe of their fathers Send every one a ruler

  • Numbers 13:3 - sent And Moses them from the wilderness of Paran by the commandment of the LORD heads of the children of Israel were

  • 1 Kings 13:4 - heard And it came to pass when king the saying of the man of God which had cried against the altar in Bethel that he put forth Jeroboam his hand against the altar saying Lay hold against him dried up his hand that he put forth so that he could not pull it in again

  • Ezekiel 13:6 - They have seen vanity divination and lying saying saith The LORD The LORD hath not sent them and they have made others to hope that they would confirm the word

  • 2 Samuel 13:7 - sent Then David to Tamar home saying home Amnon's now to thy brother and dress him meat

  • Judges 13:8 - intreated Then Manoah the LORD and said O my Lord the man of God which thou didst send come again let unto us and teach us what we shall do unto the child that shall be born

  • 1 Chronicles 13:9 - And when they came unto the threshingfloor of Chidon put forth Uzza his hand to hold the ark stumbled for the oxen

  • 1 Chronicles 13:10 - was kindled And the anger of the LORD against Uzza and he smote him because he put his hand to the ark and there he died before God

  • Exodus 13:15 - would hardly And it came to pass when Pharaoh let us go slew that the LORD all the firstborn in the land of Egypt all the firstborn of man all the firstborn of beast therefore I sacrifice that the LORD all that openeth the matrix being males all the firstborn of my children I redeem

  • 2 Samuel 13:16 - And she said unto him There is no cause this evil is greater than the other that thou didst in sending me away unto me But he would not hearken

  • Numbers 13:16 - These are the names sent And Moses to spy out the land called And Moses Oshea the son of Nun Jehoshua

  • Exodus 13:17 - go And it came to pass when Pharaoh Lest peradventure the people led for God them not through the way of the land of the Philistines although that was near although said for God repent Lest peradventure the people when they see war and they return to Egypt

  • 2 Samuel 13:17 - Then he called his servant that ministered unto him and said Put now this woman out from me and bolt the door after

  • Numbers 13:17 - sent And Moses them to spy out the land of Canaan and said and go up this way southward and go up into the mountain

  • Ezekiel 13:20 - Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I am against your pillows wherewith ye that ye hunt and will let the souls to make them fly and I will tear them from your arms go and will let the souls wherewith ye that ye hunt and will let the souls to make them fly

  • Nehemiah 13:21 - Then I testified against them and said unto them Why lodge ye about the wall if ye do so again hands I will lay on you From that time forth came they no more on the sabbath

  • 2 Samuel 13:27 - pressed But Absalom go him that he let Amnon sons and all the king's

  • Numbers 13:27 - And they told him and said We came unto the land whither thou sentest us and surely it floweth with milk and honey and this is the fruit

  • 1 Chronicles 14:1 - sent Now Hiram king of Tyre messengers to David and timber of cedars and carpenters with masons and carpenters and timber to build him an house

  • 2 Samuel 14:2 - sent And Joab to Tekoah and fetched but be as a woman thence a wise and said mourned and put on apparel now mourning and anoint not thyself with oil but be as a woman time that had a long mourned for the dead

  • Jeremiah 14:3 - And their nobles have sent their little ones no water they came to the pits and found no water they returned with their vessels empty they were ashamed and confounded and covered their heads

  • Exodus 14:5 - And it was told the king of Egypt fled against the people was turned and the heart of Pharaoh and of his servants against the people and they said Why have we done go this that we have let Israel from serving

  • 1 Kings 14:6 - heard And it was so when Ahijah the sound of her feet Come in at the door that he said Come in thou wife of Jeroboam why feignest thou thyself to be another for I am sent to thee with heavy

  • Joshua 14:7 - old Forty years sent was I when Moses the servant of the LORD me from Kadeshbarnea to espy out the land again him word as it was in mine heart

  • Leviticus 14:7 - And he shall sprinkle and shall pronounce him clean from the leprosy seven times and shall pronounce him clean loose bird and shall let the living into the open field

  • 2 Kings 14:8 - sent Then Amaziah messengers to Jehoash son of Jehoahaz son of Jehu king of Israel saying let us look one another in the face

  • 2 Kings 14:9 - sent And Jehoash king of Israel to Amaziah king of Judah saying The thistle that was in Lebanon sent to the cedar that was in Lebanon saying Give thy daughter to my son to wife and there passed beast by a wild that was in Lebanon and trode down The thistle

  • Joshua 14:11 - as I was in the day As yet I am as strong as I was in the day sent that Moses me as my strength me as my strength now for war both to go out and to come in

  • Ezekiel 14:13 - Son man when the land sinneth against me by trespassing grievously then will I stretch out mine hand upon it and will break the staff of the bread thereof and will send famine upon it and will cut off man and beast

  • Jeremiah 14:14 - said Then the LORD lies unto me The prophets prophesy in my name I sent them not neither have I commanded them neither spake vision lies and divination and a thing of nought and the deceit of their heart prophesy

  • Jeremiah 14:15 - Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the prophets that prophesy in my name and I sent Therefore thus saith By sword and famine shall not be in this land By sword and famine be consumed concerning the prophets

  • Ezekiel 14:19 - a pestilence Or if I send into that land and pour out my fury upon it in blood to cut off from it man and beast

  • 2 Kings 14:19 - Now they made a conspiracy against him in Jerusalem and he fled him to Lachish but they sent after him to Lachish and slew

  • Job 14:20 - Thou prevailest for ever against him and he passeth thou changest his countenance and sendest him away

  • Ezekiel 14:21 - For thus saith the Lord GOD my four judgments and the noisome the sword and the famine beast and the noisome and the pestilence How much more when I send upon Jerusalem to cut off from it man and beast

  • 1 Samuel 14:27 - But Jonathan heard charged not when his father the people wherefore he put forth the end of the rod his hand and dipped it in an honeycomb and put his hand to his mouth were enlightened and his eyes

  • 2 Samuel 14:29 - sent Therefore Absalom for Joab sent him to the king but he would not come sent the second time but he would not come

  • 2 Samuel 14:32 - answered And Absalom Joab Behold I sent answered Come Behold I sent the king's answered Come from Geshur it had been good for me to have been there still now therefore let me see face the king's and if there be any iniquity in me let him kill

  • Numbers 14:36 - sent which Moses to search the land who returned to murmur and made all the congregation against him by bringing up a slander the land

  • Leviticus 14:53 - But he shall let go bird the living out of the city into the open fields and make an atonement for the house and it shall be clean

  • 1 Samuel 15:1 - also said Samuel unto Saul sent The LORD me to anoint thee to be king over his people over Israel now therefore hearken thou unto the voice of the words The LORD

  • Jeremiah 15:1 - Then said the LORD stood unto me Though Moses and Samuel before me yet my mind could not be toward this people cast them out before and let them go forth

  • 2 Samuel 15:5 - came nigh And it was so that when any man to him to do him obeisance he put forth his hand and took him and kissed

  • Judges 15:5 - And when he had set on fire the brands he let them go and also the standing corn of the Philistines And when he had set both the shocks and also the standing corn with the vineyards and olives

  • Exodus 15:7 - And in the greatness of thine excellency thou hast overthrown them that rose up against thee thou sentest forth thy wrath which consumed them as stubble

  • 2 Samuel 15:10 - sent Absalom spies throughout all the tribes of Israel saying As soon as ye hear the sound of the trumpet saying reigneth Absalom in Hebron

  • Deuteronomy 15:12 - be sold And if thy brother an Hebrew man an Hebrew man unto thee and serve thee six year year then in the seventh thou shalt let him go free

  • 2 Samuel 15:12 - sent And Absalom for Ahithophel the Gilonite counsellor David's from his city even from Giloh while he offered sacrifices And the conspiracy was strong for the people continually increased And Absalom

  • Deuteronomy 15:13 - And when thou sendest him out free And when thou sendest empty

  • Judges 15:15 - And he found jawbone of an ass a new and put forth his hand and took it and slew a thousand men

  • Deuteronomy 15:18 - It shall not seem hard unto thee when thou sendest him away free a double from thee for he hath been worth hired servant to thee in serving thee six years shall bless and the LORD thy God thee in all that thou doest

  • 1 Kings 15:18 - took Asa all the silver and the gold that were left and the treasures house of the LORD and the treasures house and king and delivered them into the hand of his servants sent and king Asa them to Benhadad the son of Tabrimon the son of Hezion and king of Syria that dwelt at Damascus saying

  • 1 Samuel 15:18 - sent And the LORD thee on a journey and said and utterly destroy the sinners the Amalekites and fight against them until they be consumed

  • 1 Kings 15:19 - There is a league and thy father and thy father behold I have sent unto thee a present of silver and gold and break There is a league with Baasha king of Israel that he may depart

  • 1 Kings 15:20 - hearkened So Benhadad unto king Asa and sent the captains of the hosts which he had against the cities of Israel and smote Ijon and Dan and Abelbethmaachah and all Cinneroth with all the land of Naphtali

  • 1 Samuel 15:20 - said And Saul unto Samuel Yea I have obeyed the voice of the LORD the way sent of the LORD me and have brought Agag the king of Amalek of Amalek and have utterly destroyed

  • 2 Samuel 15:36 - Behold they have there with them their two sons Ahimaaz Zadok's son and Jonathan Abiathar's ye shall send son and by them unto me every thing that ye can hear

  • 2 Kings 15:37 - In those days began the LORD to send against Judah Rezin the king of Syria and Pekah the son of Remaliah

  • 1 Samuel 16:1 - said And the LORD unto Samuel How long wilt thou mourn for Saul seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel fill thine horn with oil I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehemite for I have provided among his sons me a king

  • Isaiah 16:1 - Send ye the lamb to the ruler of the land from Sela to the wilderness unto the mount of the daughter of Zion

  • 2 Chronicles 16:2 - brought out Then Asa silver and gold out of the treasures house of the LORD house and of the king's and sent to Benhadad and of the king's of Syria that dwelt at Damascus saying

  • Isaiah 16:2 - bird For it shall be that as a wandering of the nest cast out so the daughters of Moab shall be at the fords of Arnon

  • 2 Chronicles 16:3 - There is a league and thy father and thy father behold I have sent thee silver and gold break There is a league with Baasha king of Israel that he may depart

  • 2 Chronicles 16:4 - hearkened And Benhadad unto king Asa and sent the captains of his armies against the cities of Israel and they smote Ijon and Dan and Abelmaim and all the store against the cities of Naphtali

  • 2 Kings 16:7 - sent So Ahaz messengers to Tiglathpileser king of Assyria saying I am thy servant and thy son come up and save and out of the hand king of Syria and out of the hand king of Israel which rise up

  • 2 Kings 16:8 - took And Ahaz the silver and gold that was found house of the LORD and in the treasures house of the king's and sent of the king's of Assyria it for a present

  • 2 Kings 16:10 - And king Ahaz to meet Tiglathpileser And king of Assyria that was at Damascus and saw an altar that was at Damascus sent And king Ahaz to Urijah the priest the fashion an altar and the pattern of it according to all the workmanship

  • Leviticus 16:10 - But the goat fell on which the lot for a scapegoat shall be presented alive before the LORD to make an atonement with him and to let him go for a scapegoat into the wilderness