H8145 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
properly, double, i.e. second; also adverbially, again again, either (of them), (an-) other, second (time). from H8138 (שָׁנָה);

152 instances of the word שֵׁנִי shênîy (H8145)

  • 1 Chronicles 23:20 - Of the sons of Uzziel Michah the first and Jesiah the second

  • 1 Chronicles 24:7 - came forth lot Now the first to Jehoiarib to Jedaiah the second

  • 1 Chronicles 24:23 - And the sons of Hebron Jeriah the first Amariah the second Jahaziel the third Jekameam the fourth

  • 1 Chronicles 25:9 - came forth lot Now the first for Asaph to Joseph to Gedaliah the second who with his brethren and sons were twelve

  • Exodus 25:12 - And thou shalt cast four rings of gold for it and put four corners of it and two rings side shall be in the one of it and two rings side in the other

  • 2 Kings 25:17 - was eighteen cubits The height pillar of the one and the chapiter all of brass The height and the chapiter three cubits and the wreathen work and pomegranates and the chapiter round about all of brass pillar and like unto these had the second and the wreathen work

  • Exodus 25:32 - And six branches shall come out of the sides and three branches of the candlestick out of the sides out of the one and three branches of the candlestick out of the sides out of the other

  • 1 Chronicles 26:2 - of Meshelemiah And the sons were Zechariah the firstborn Jediael the second Zebadiah the third Jathniel the fourth

  • Exodus 26:4 - And thou shalt make loops of blue edge curtain of the one from the selvedge in the coupling And thou shalt make edge curtain in the uttermost in the coupling of the second

  • 1 Chronicles 26:4 - of Obededom Moreover the sons were Shemaiah the firstborn Jehozabad the second Joah the third and Sacar the fourth and Nethaneel the fifth

  • Exodus 26:5 - Fifty loops shalt thou make curtain in the one Fifty loops shalt thou make in the edge curtain that is in the coupling of the second may take hold loops one of another

  • Exodus 26:10 - And thou shalt make and fifty loops in the edge curtain of the one that is outmost in the coupling and fifty loops in the edge curtain in the coupling the second

  • 1 Chronicles 26:11 - Hilkiah the second Tebaliah the third Zechariah the fourth all the sons and brethren of Hosah were thirteen

  • Exodus 26:20 - side of the tabernacle And for the second side on the north there shall be twenty boards

  • Exodus 26:27 - And five bars for the boards of the side of the tabernacle of the other And five bars for the boards of the side of the tabernacle for the two sides westward

  • 1 Chronicles 27:4 - And over the course month of the second was Dodai an Ahohite And over the course was Mikloth also the ruler And over the course likewise were twenty and four thousand

  • 2 Chronicles 27:5 - He fought also with the king So much did the children of Ammon and prevailed gave So much did the children of Ammon him the same year an hundred talents of silver and ten thousand measures of wheat of barley and ten thousand unto pay So much did the children of Ammon him the same year him both the second and the third

  • Exodus 27:15 - side And on the other fifteen shall be hangings cubits their pillars three and their sockets three

  • Numbers 28:4 - lamb The one shalt thou offer in the morning lamb and the other shalt thou offer at even

  • Numbers 28:8 - lamb And the other shalt thou offer at even as the meat offering of the morning and as the drink offering shalt thou offer it a sacrifice made by fire savour of a sweet unto the LORD

  • Exodus 28:10 - Six names stone on one names Six of the rest stone on the other according to their birth

  • Exodus 28:18 - row And the second shall be an emerald a sapphire and a diamond

  • Numbers 29:17 - day And on the second bullocks of the first two rams two lambs of the first year fourteen without spot

  • Exodus 29:19 - And thou shalt take of the ram the other shall put and Aaron and his sons their hands upon the head of the ram

  • 1 Chronicles 29:22 - And did eat and drink before him unto the LORD on that day gladness with great king the second time And they made Solomon the son of David and anointed him unto the LORD to be the chief governor and Zadok to be priest

  • Exodus 29:39 - lamb The one thou shalt offer in the morning lamb and the other thou shalt offer at even

  • Exodus 29:41 - lamb And the other and shalt do at even thereto according to the meat offering of the morning and according to the drink offering and shalt do savour thereof for a sweet an offering made by fire unto the LORD

  • 2 Chronicles 30:2 - had taken counsel For the king and his princes and all the congregation in Jerusalem to keep the passover month in the second

  • Genesis 30:7 - conceived again and bare And Bilhah maid Rachel's son a second Jacob

  • Genesis 30:12 - bare And Zilpah maid Leah's son a second Jacob

  • 2 Chronicles 30:13 - And there assembled at Jerusalem people much to keep the feast of unleavened bread month in the second congregation great a very

  • 2 Chronicles 30:15 - Then they killed the passover on the fourteenth month day of the second and the priests and the Levites were ashamed and sanctified themselves and brought in the burnt offerings into the house of the LORD

  • Genesis 32:19 - commanded he And so the second And so and the third And so and all that followed the droves saying On this manner shall ye speak unto Esau when ye find

  • Jeremiah 33:1 - Moreover the word of the LORD came unto Jeremiah the second time while he was yet shut up in the court of the prison saying

  • Exodus 36:11 - And he made loops of blue on the edge curtain of one from the selvedge in the coupling And he made on the edge curtain in the uttermost in the coupling of the second

  • Exodus 36:12 - Fifty loops made curtain curtain to another Fifty loops made he in the edge curtain which was in the coupling of the second held loops curtain to another curtain to another

  • Exodus 36:17 - And he made loops and fifty edge of the curtain upon the uttermost in the coupling and fifty loops And he made edge of the curtain which coupleth the second

  • Exodus 36:25 - side of the tabernacle And for the other corner which is toward the north he made twenty boards

  • Exodus 36:32 - And five bars for the boards side of the tabernacle of the other And five bars for the boards of the tabernacle for the sides westward

  • Exodus 37:3 - And he cast for it four rings of gold for it four corners of it and two rings side upon the one of it and two rings side upon the other

  • Exodus 37:18 - And six branches going out of the sides thereof and three branches of the candlestick of the sides out of the one thereof and three branches of the candlestick of the sides out of the other

  • Isaiah 37:30 - And this shall be a sign and eat this year such as groweth this year of itself and the second that which springeth this year of the same and in the third sow ye and reap and plant vineyards and eat the fruit

  • Exodus 38:15 - side And for the other gate of the court on this hand and that hand were hangings of fifteen cubits their pillars three and their sockets three

  • Exodus 39:11 - row And the second an emerald a sapphire and a diamond

  • Exodus 40:17 - day of the month And it came to pass in the first year in the second on the first day of the month was reared up that the tabernacle

  • Jeremiah 41:4 - day And it came to pass the second after he had slain Gedaliah and no man knew

  • Genesis 41:5 - And he slept and dreamed the second time and behold seven ears of corn came up stalk upon one rank and good

  • Genesis 41:52 - And the name of the second called he Ephraim hath caused me to be fruitful For God in the land of my affliction

  • Job 42:14 - And he called and the name of the first Jemima and the name of the second Kezia and the name of the third Kerenhappuch

  • Ezekiel 43:22 - day And on the second thou shalt offer a kid of the goats without blemish for a sin offering and they shall cleanse the altar and they shall cleanse it with the bullock

  • Genesis 47:18 - is spent When that year they came also hath When that year unto him the second and said unto him We will not hide it from my lord is spent how that our money our herds of cattle also hath it from my lord there is not ought left in the sight it from my lord but our bodies and our lands

  • Jeremiah 52:22 - And a chapiter all of brass was upon it and the height And a chapiter of one was five cubits with network also and the pomegranates And a chapiter round about all of brass pillar The second also and the pomegranates