H8147 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
two; also (as ordinal) twofold both, couple, double, second, twain, [phrase] twelfth, [phrase] twelve, [phrase] twenty (sixscore) thousand, twice, two. dual of H8145 (שֵׁנִי); feminine שְׁתַּיִם;

646 instances of the word שְׁנַיִם shᵉnayim (H8147)

  • Proverbs 20:12 - ear The hearing eye and the seeing the LORD hath made even both

  • Leviticus 20:13 - If a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman an abomination of them have committed both be put to death be put to death their blood

  • 1 Kings 20:15 - Then he numbered the young men of the princes of the provinces hundred and they were two and thirty and after Then he numbered all the people even all the children of Israel being seven thousand

  • 1 Kings 20:16 - And they went out at noon But Benhadad was drinking himself drunk in the pavilions he and the kings the thirty and two he and the kings that helped

  • Leviticus 20:18 - And if a man shall lie with a woman having her sickness and shall uncover her nakedness her fountain he hath discovered and shall uncover her fountain of her blood of them shall be cut off and both from among their people

  • Judges 20:21 - came forth And the children of Benjamin out of Gibeah and destroyed down of the Israelites that day and two twenty thousand men to the ground

  • 1 Kings 20:27 - And the children of Israel were numbered and were all present against pitched And the children of Israel before them like two little flocks of kids but the Syrians filled the country

  • 1 Samuel 20:42 - said And Jonathan to David in peace forasmuch as we have sworn both of us in the name The LORD said The LORD and thy seed and thy seed for ever And he arose And Jonathan went into the city

  • 2 Kings 21:1 - old was twelve years Manasseh and reigned fifty and five years and reigned in Jerusalem name And his mother's was Hephzibah

  • 2 Chronicles 21:5 - old was thirty and two years Jehoram and he reigned eight years and he reigned in Jerusalem

  • 2 Kings 21:5 - And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the LORD

  • Joshua 21:7 - The children of Merari by their families and out of the tribe of Reuben and out of the tribe of Gad and out of the tribe of Zebulun cities twelve

  • 2 Samuel 21:8 - took But the king the two sons of Rizpah the daughter of Aiah whom she bare of Saul Armoni and Mephibosheth and the five sons of Michal the daughter of Saul whom she bare for Adriel sons of Barzillai the Meholathite

  • 1 Kings 21:10 - And set two men sons of Belial before him to bear witness against him saying Thou didst blaspheme God and the king And then carry him out and stone him that he may die

  • Judges 21:10 - sent And the congregation thither twelve thousand men of the valiantest and commanded them saying and smite the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead with the edge of the sword with the women and the children

  • 2 Kings 21:12 - Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel Behold I am bringing such evil upon Jerusalem and Judah that whosoever heareth shall tingle of it both his ears

  • 1 Kings 21:13 - And there came in two children of Belial and sat witnessed of Belial Naboth in the presence of the people saying did blaspheme Naboth God and the king Then they carried him forth out of the city and stoned him with stones that he died

  • Deuteronomy 21:15 - If a man have two wives and another beloved and another and the hated and they have born him children beloved and the hated him children and if the firstborn be hers that was hated

  • Joshua 21:16 - And Ain with her suburbs and Juttah with her suburbs and Bethshemesh with her suburbs cities nine out of those two tribes

  • Deuteronomy 21:17 - for the firstborn the son of the hated But he shall acknowledge by giving portion him a double of all that he hath for he is the beginning of his strength the right of the firstborn

  • Ezekiel 21:19 - Also thou son of man appoint both twain of the way may come that the sword of the king of Babylon land out of one shall come forth both twain thou a place and choose it at the head of the way to the city and choose

  • 2 Chronicles 21:19 - And it came to pass that in process of time And it came to pass that in process of time after the end And it came to pass that in process of time of two after his bowels by reason of his sickness so he died diseases of sore made And his people for him like the burning for him like the burning of his fathers

  • 2 Kings 21:19 - old was twenty and two years Amon and he reigned and two years and he reigned in Jerusalem name And his mother's was Meshullemeth the daughter of Haruz of Jotbah

  • 2 Chronicles 21:20 - years old Thirty and two and he reigned eight years and he reigned in Jerusalem without being desired Howbeit they buried him in the city of David but not in the sepulchres of the kings

  • Ezekiel 21:21 - stood For the king of Babylon at the parting of the way at the head of the two of the way to use divination bright he made his arrows he consulted with images he looked in the liver

  • Joshua 21:25 - And out of the half tribe of Manasseh Tanach with her suburbs and Gathrimmon with her suburbs cities two

  • Genesis 21:27 - took And Abraham sheep and oxen and gave them unto Abimelech made and both of them a covenant

  • Joshua 21:27 - And unto the children of Gershon of the families of the Levites out of the other half tribe of Manasseh cities of refuge for the slayer they gave Golan in Bashan with her suburbs and Beeshterah with her suburbs cities two

  • Genesis 21:31 - Wherefore he called that place Beersheba because there they sware both of them

  • Joshua 21:40 - So all the cities for the children of Merari by their families which were remaining by their families of the Levites were by their lot So all the cities twelve

  • 2 Chronicles 22:2 - old Forty and two year was Ahaziah and he reigned year one and he reigned in Jerusalem name His mother's also was Athaliah the daughter of Omri

  • Genesis 22:3 - rose up early And Abraham in the morning and saddled his ass and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son and clave the wood for the burnt offering and rose up unto the place had told of which God

  • Exodus 22:4 - be certainly be certainly in his hand If the theft whether it be ox or ass or sheep alive double he shall restore

  • Genesis 22:6 - and he took And Abraham the wood of the burnt offering and laid it upon Isaac his son and he took in his hand the fire and a knife both of them together

  • Exodus 22:7 - shall deliver If a man unto his neighbour money or stuff to keep and it be stolen house If a man be found if the thief let him pay double

  • Genesis 22:8 - said And Abraham God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering My son both of them together

  • Exodus 22:9 - For all manner of trespass whether it be for ox for ass for sheep for raiment or for any manner of lost thing which another challengeth and whom the judges shall come For all manner double shall condemn and whom the judges he shall pay double unto his neighbour

  • Exodus 22:11 - Then shall an oath of the LORD be between them both that he hath not put his hand goods unto his neighbour's of it shall accept and the owner thereof and he shall not make it good

  • Deuteronomy 22:22 - be found If a man lying and the woman married to an husband die then they shall both of them If a man lying and the woman and the woman so shalt thou put away evil from Israel

  • Numbers 22:22 - was kindled anger And God's because he went stood and the angel of the LORD in the way for an adversary against him Now he was riding upon his ass and his two servants

  • Deuteronomy 22:24 - Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate not being in the city and ye shall stone them with stones that they die the damsel because she cried not being in the city and the man because he hath humbled wife his neighbour's so thou shalt put away evil from among

  • Ezekiel 23:2 - Son of man there were two women the daughters mother of one

  • 2 Kings 23:12 - And the altars that were on the top of the upper chamber of Ahaz had made did the king of Judah And the altars had made which Manasseh in the two courts of the house of the LORD beat down did the king and brake them down from thence and cast the dust of them into the brook Kidron

  • Ezekiel 23:13 - Then I saw that she was defiled way one that they took both

  • Leviticus 23:13 - And the meat offering thereof shall be two tenth deals of fine flour mingled with oil an offering made by fire unto the LORD savour for a sweet and the drink offering thereof shall be of wine the fourth part of an hin

  • Leviticus 23:17 - of your habitations Ye shall bring out loaves wave of two of two tenth deals they shall be of fine flour with leaven they shall be baken they are the firstfruits unto the LORD

  • Deuteronomy 23:18 - Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore or the price of a dog into the house of the LORD thy God for any vow these are abomination of the LORD thy God for even both

  • 1 Samuel 23:18 - made And they two a covenant before the LORD abode and David in the wood and Jonathan went to his house

  • Leviticus 23:18 - And ye shall offer with the bread seven lambs without blemish of the first year bullock of the first young and one rams and two they shall be for a burnt offering unto the LORD with their meat offering and their drink offerings even an offering made by fire savour of sweet unto the LORD

  • Leviticus 23:19 - Then ye shall sacrifice kid of the goats one for a sin offering and two lambs of the first year for a sacrifice of peace offerings

  • 2 Samuel 23:20 - And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada the son man of a valiant who had done many acts of Kabzeel also and slew two lionlike men of Moab he went down also and slew a lion in the midst of a pit in time of snow

  • Leviticus 23:20 - shall wave And the priest them with the bread of the firstfruits for a wave offering before the LORD with the two lambs they shall be holy the LORD And the priest

  • Jeremiah 24:1 - shewed The LORD me and behold two baskets of figs were set before the temple The LORD after had carried away captive that Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah and the princes of Judah with the carpenters and smiths from Jerusalem and had brought of Babylon

  • 2 Chronicles 24:3 - took And Jehoiada wives for him two and he begat sons and daughters

  • Exodus 24:4 - wrote And Moses all the words of the LORD and rose up early in the morning and builded an altar under the hill according to the twelve and twelve pillars according to the twelve tribes of Israel

  • Leviticus 24:5 - And thou shalt take fine flour and bake thereof two twelve cake thereof two tenth deals cake shall be in one

  • Leviticus 24:6 - And thou shalt set them in two rows six on a row table upon the pure before the LORD

  • 1 Chronicles 24:12 - to Eliashib The eleventh to Jakim the twelfth

  • Joshua 24:12 - And I sent before the hornet you which drave them out before you even the two kings of the Amorites but not with thy sword nor with thy bow

  • 1 Chronicles 24:17 - to Jachin The one and twentieth to Gamul the two and twentieth

  • Genesis 24:22 - had done And it came to pass as the camels drinking took that the man earring a golden of half a shekel shekels weight and two bracelets for her hands of ten a golden shekels weight

  • Proverbs 24:22 - suddenly shall rise For their calamity the ruin of them both and who knoweth

  • Numbers 25:8 - And he went after of them through the man of Israel through into the tent and thrust both of them through the man of Israel and the woman through her belly was stayed So the plague from the children of Israel

  • 1 Chronicles 25:9 - came forth lot Now the first for Asaph to Joseph to Gedaliah the second who with his brethren and sons were twelve

  • 1 Chronicles 25:10 - The third to Zaccur he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • 1 Chronicles 25:11 - The fourth to Izri he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • Exodus 25:12 - And thou shalt cast four rings of gold for it and put four corners of it and two rings side shall be in the one of it and two rings side in the other

  • 1 Chronicles 25:12 - The fifth to Nethaniah he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • 1 Chronicles 25:13 - The sixth to Bukkiah he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • 1 Chronicles 25:14 - The seventh to Jesharelah he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • 1 Chronicles 25:15 - The eighth to Jeshaiah he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • Genesis 25:16 - These are the sons of Ishmael and these are their names by their towns and by their castles twelve princes according to their nations

  • 1 Chronicles 25:16 - The ninth to Mattaniah he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • 2 Kings 25:16 - pillars The two sea one and the bases had made which Solomon for the house of the LORD was without weight the brass of all these vessels

  • 1 Chronicles 25:17 - The tenth to Shimei he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • Exodus 25:18 - And thou shalt make them in the two cherubims of gold of beaten work And thou shalt make them in the two ends of the mercy seat

  • 1 Chronicles 25:18 - The eleventh to Azareel he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • 1 Samuel 25:18 - made haste Then Abigail and took and two hundred loaves and two bottles of wine and five sheep ready dressed and five measures of parched and two hundred clusters of raisins and two hundred cakes of figs and laid them on asses

  • Exodus 25:19 - And make cherub and the other end on the other cherub and the other end on the other even of the mercy seat And make cherub on the two end

  • 1 Chronicles 25:19 - The twelfth to Hashabiah he his sons and his brethren The twelfth

  • 1 Chronicles 25:20 - The thirteenth to Shubael he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • 1 Chronicles 25:21 - The fourteenth to Mattithiah he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • Exodus 25:22 - And there I will meet with thee and I will commune which are upon with thee from above the mercy seat from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel

  • 1 Chronicles 25:22 - The fifteenth to Jeremoth he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • Genesis 25:23 - said And the LORD and two manner nations are in thy womb and two manner and the one people from thy bowels shall be separated and the one people and the one people shall be stronger and the elder shall serve the younger

  • 1 Chronicles 25:23 - The sixteenth to Hananiah he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • 1 Chronicles 25:24 - The seventeenth to Joshbekashah he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • 1 Chronicles 25:25 - The eighteenth to Hanani he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • 1 Chronicles 25:26 - The nineteenth to Mallothi he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • 1 Chronicles 25:27 - The twentieth to Eliathah he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • 2 Kings 25:27 - and thirtieth And it came to pass in the seven in the year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah in the twelfth month and twentieth And it came to pass in the seven month did lift up that Evilmerodach king of Babylon in the year that he began to reign the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah out of prison

  • 1 Chronicles 25:28 - The one and twentieth to Hothir he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • 1 Chronicles 25:29 - The two and twentieth to Giddalti he his sons and his brethren The two

  • 1 Chronicles 25:30 - The three and twentieth to Mahazioth he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • 1 Chronicles 25:31 - The four and twentieth to Romamtiezer he his sons and his brethren were twelve

  • Exodus 25:35 - And there shall be a knop under two branches And there shall be a knop under two branches And there shall be a knop under two branches of the same according to the six branches that proceed out of the candlestick

  • 1 Samuel 25:43 - Ahinoam also took David of Jezreel and they were also both of them his wives

  • 2 Chronicles 26:3 - old Sixteen years was Uzziah and he reigned fifty and two years and he reigned in Jerusalem name His mother's also was Jecoliah in Jerusalem

  • 1 Chronicles 26:8 - All these of the sons of Obededom All these of the sons and their brethren men able for strength for the service were threescore and two of Obededom

  • Numbers 26:14 - These are the families of the Simeonites and two twenty thousand and two hundred