H8168 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
the palm; by extension, a handful handful, hollow of the hand. from an unused root meaning to hollow out;

3 instances of the word שֹׁעַל shôʻal (H8168)

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  • Ezekiel 13:19 - And will ye pollute me among my people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread that should not die the souls that should not die alive the souls alive by your lying me among my people that hear your lies

  • 1 Kings 20:10 - sent And Benhadad unto him and said do so The gods unto me and more also shall suffice if the dust of Samaria for handfuls for all the people that follow

  • Isaiah 40:12 - Who hath measured in the hollow of his hand the waters heaven with the span and meted out and comprehended in a measure the dust of the earth and weighed in scales the mountains and the hills in a balance

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