H8498 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
adjustment, i.e. structure; by implication, equipage fashion, store. feminine passive participle of H8505 (תָּכַן);

2 instances of the word תְּכוּנָה tᵉkûwnâh (H8498)

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  • Nahum 2:9 - Take ye the spoil of silver Take ye the spoil of gold for there is none end of the store and glory furniture out of all the pleasant

  • Ezekiel 43:11 - And if they be ashamed of all that they have done in thereof and all the forms of the house and the fashion thereof and the goings out thereof and the comings in thereof and all the forms thereof and all the ordinances in thereof and all the forms thereof and all the laws shew thereof and write it in their sight that they may keep in thereof and all the forms thereof and all the ordinances of all that they have done

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