H853 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
properly, self (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition, even or namely) (as such unrepresented in English). apparent contracted from H226 (אוֹת) in the demonstrative sense of entity;

6795 instances of the word אֵת ʼêth (H853)

  • Deuteronomy 2:30 - would But Sihon king of Heshbon not let us pass hardened by him for the LORD thy God his spirit obstinate and made his heart that he might deliver him into thy hand as appeareth this day

  • 1 Kings 2:30 - came And Benaiah to the tabernacle of the LORD And he said And he said the king Come forth And he said Nay but I will die again And Benaiah the king word And he said Thus said Joab and thus he answered

  • 2 Samuel 2:30 - And Joab returned from following Abner and when he had gathered all the people there lacked servants of David's nineteen men and Asahel

  • Jeremiah 2:30 - In vain have I smitten your children no correction they received hath devoured your own sword your prophets lion like a destroying

  • Deuteronomy 2:31 - said And the LORD unto me Behold I have begun to give before Sihon and his land I have begun that thou mayest inherit that thou mayest inherit and his land

  • 1 Samuel 2:31 - Behold the days come that I will cut off and the arm and the arm house of thy father's that there shall not be an old man house

  • 1 Kings 2:32 - shall return And the LORD his blood upon his own head who fell upon two more righteous and better than he and slew them with the sword my father David not knowing thereof to wit Abner the son of Ner captain of the host of Israel and Amasa the son of Jether captain of the host of Judah

  • 1 Samuel 2:32 - And thou shalt see an enemy in my habitation in all the wealth which God shall give Israel and there shall not be an old man in thine house for ever

  • 2 Samuel 2:32 - And they took up Asahel and buried him in the sepulchre of his father which was in Bethlehem all night And Joab at break of day and they came to Hebron

  • Deuteronomy 2:33 - delivered And the LORD our God him before us and we smote him and his sons and all his people

  • 1 Samuel 2:33 - And the man of thine whom I shall not cut off from mine altar shall be to consume thine eyes and to grieve thine heart and all the increase of thine house shall die And the man

  • Jeremiah 2:33 - Why trimmest thou thy way to seek love the wicked ones therefore hast thou also taught thou thy way

  • Numbers 2:33 - But the Levites were not numbered among the children of Israel commanded as the LORD Moses

  • Deuteronomy 2:34 - And we took all his cities at that time and utterly destroyed all his cities the men and the women and the little ones we left none to remain

  • Numbers 2:34 - did And the children of Israel commanded according to all that the LORD Moses so they pitched by their standards and so they set forward every one after their families according to the house of their fathers

  • 1 Chronicles 2:35 - gave And Sheshan his daughter to Jarha his servant to wife and she bare him Attai

  • 1 Kings 2:35 - put And the king Benaiah the son of Jehoiada in his room over the host and Zadok the priest put And the king in the room of Abiathar

  • Deuteronomy 2:36 - From Aroer which is by the brink of the river of Arnon and from the city of the river even unto Gilead there was not one city too strong delivered for us the LORD our God all unto us

  • 1 Chronicles 2:36 - And Attai begat Nathan Nathan begat Zabad

  • Jeremiah 2:36 - Why gaddest thou about so much to change thy way of Egypt as thou wast ashamed as thou wast ashamed of Assyria

  • 1 Chronicles 2:37 - And Zabad begat Ephlal Ephlal begat Obed

  • 1 Kings 2:37 - For it shall be that on the day thou goest out and passest over the brook Kidron for certain for certain die die thy blood shall be upon thine own head

  • Jeremiah 2:37 - Yea thou shalt go forth from him and thine hands upon thine head hath rejected for the LORD thy confidences and thou shalt not prosper

  • 1 Chronicles 2:38 - And Obed begat Jehu Jehu begat Azariah

  • 1 Chronicles 2:39 - And Azariah begat Helez Helez begat Eleasah

  • 1 Chronicles 2:40 - And Eleasah begat Sisamai Sisamai begat Shallum

  • 1 Kings 2:40 - arose And Shimei and saddled his ass from Gath to Achish to seek his servants And Shimei and brought his servants from Gath

  • 1 Chronicles 2:41 - And Shallum begat Jekamiah Jekamiah begat Elishama

  • 1 Kings 2:43 - Why then hast thou not kept the oath of the LORD and the commandment that I have charged

  • 1 Chronicles 2:44 - And Shema begat Raham the father of Jorkoam and Rekem begat Shammai

  • 1 Kings 2:44 - said The king moreover to Shimei Thou knowest all the wickedness Thou knowest which thine heart that thou didst to David my father shall return therefore the LORD all the wickedness upon thine own head

  • 1 Chronicles 2:46 - And Ephah concubine Caleb's bare Haran and Moza Gazez Haran bare Gazez

  • 1 Kings 2:46 - commanded So the king Benaiah the son of Jehoiada which went out and fell upon him that he died And the kingdom was established in the hand of Solomon

  • 1 Chronicles 2:48 - concubine Caleb's Maachah bare Sheber and Tirhanah

  • 1 Chronicles 2:49 - She bare also Shaaph and the father of Madmannah Sheva and the father of Machbenah and the father of Gibea and the daughter of Caleb was Achsah

  • Amos 3:1 - Hear this word hath spoken that the LORD against you O children of Israel against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt saying

  • Esther 3:1 - After these things promote did king Ahasuerus Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite and advanced him and set his seat above all the princes

  • Exodus 3:1 - Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law the priest of Midian and he led the flock to the backside of the desert and came to the mountain of God even to Horeb

  • Ezekiel 3:1 - Moreover he said unto me Son of man that thou findest eat eat this roll speak unto the house of Israel

  • Hosea 3:1 - Then said of the LORD and love a woman and love of her friend yet an adulteress according to the love of the LORD toward the children of Israel who look gods to other and love flagons of wine

  • 1 Kings 3:1 - made affinity And Solomon Pharaoh's king of Egypt and took daughter Pharaoh's and brought her into the city of David until he had made an end of building and the house and the house of the LORD and the wall of Jerusalem round about

  • 1 Samuel 3:1 - And the child Samuel ministered of the LORD before Eli And the word of the LORD was precious in those days vision there was no open

  • 2 Chronicles 3:1 - began Then Solomon to build the house of the LORD at Jerusalem in mount Moriah where the LORD appeared that David his father had prepared in the place that David in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite

  • Jeremiah 3:1 - They say put away If a man his wife and she go If a man from him and become another shall he return unto her again be greatly be greatly shall not that land but thou hast played the harlot lovers with many shall he return unto her again to me saith the LORD

  • Job 3:1 - After this opened Job his mouth and cursed his day

  • Joel 3:1 - For behold in those days and in that time when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem

  • Judges 3:1 - Now these are the nations left which the LORD to prove Israel by them even as many of Israel as had not known all the wars of Canaan

  • Micah 3:1 - And I said Hear I pray you O heads of Jacob and ye princes of the house of Israel Is it not for you to know judgment

  • Nehemiah 3:1 - rose up Then Eliashib priest the high with his brethren priest and they builded gate the sheep they sanctified it and set up the doors it unto the tower of Meah they sanctified it unto the tower of Hananeel

  • Song of Solomon 3:1 - on my bed By night I sought loveth him whom my soul I sought him but I found

  • Zechariah 3:1 - And he shewed me Joshua priest the high standing before the angel of the LORD and Satan standing at his right hand to resist

  • Amos 3:2 - You only have I known of all the families of the earth therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities

  • Deuteronomy 3:2 - said And the LORD unto me Fear into thy hand him not for I will deliver him and all his people and his land and thou shalt do and thou shalt do unto Sihon king of the Amorites which dwelt at Heshbon

  • Ezekiel 3:2 - So I opened my mouth and he caused me to eat that roll

  • Ezra 3:2 - Then stood up Jeshua the son of Jozadak and his brethren the priests and Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and his brethren and builded the altar of God of Israel to offer burnt offerings thereon as it is written in the law of Moses the man of God

  • 2 Kings 3:2 - And he wrought evil in the sight of the LORD but not like his father and like his mother for he put away the image of Baal And he wrought but not like his father

  • Joel 3:2 - I will also gather all nations and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel whom they have scattered all nations my land and parted

  • Jonah 3:2 - Arise unto Nineveh city that great and preach unto it the preaching that I bid

  • Lamentations 3:2 - He hath led me into darkness but not into light

  • Leviticus 3:2 - And he shall lay his hand upon the head of his offering and kill it at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation shall sprinkle sons and Aaron's the priests the blood upon the altar round about

  • Malachi 3:2 - But who may abide the day of his coming and who shall stand when he appeareth fire for he is like a refiner's ' soap and like fullers

  • Ruth 3:2 - And now is not Boaz of our kindred with whose maidens thou wast Behold he winnoweth in the threshingfloor barley to night

  • Song of Solomon 3:2 - I will rise now and go about the city in the streets and in the broad ways I sought loveth him whom my soul I sought him but I found

  • Deuteronomy 3:3 - delivered So the LORD our God into our hands Og also the king of Bashan and all his people and we smote him until none was left to him remaining

  • Esther 3:3 - said servants Then the king's gate Then the king's unto Mordecai Why transgressest commandment Then the king's

  • Exodus 3:3 - said And Moses I will now turn aside and see sight this great why is not burnt the bush

  • 1 Kings 3:3 - loved And Solomon the LORD in the statutes of David his father in high places only he sacrificed and burnt incense

  • 2 Chronicles 3:3 - was instructed Now these are the things wherein Solomon for the building of the house of God The length by cubits measure after the first by cubits was threescore and the breadth by cubits twenty

  • 2 Kings 3:3 - unto the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat to sin which made Israel Nevertheless he cleaved he departed

  • Joshua 3:3 - And they commanded the people saying When ye see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God and the priests the Levites bearing it then ye shall remove from your place and go after

  • Leviticus 3:3 - And he shall offer of the sacrifice of the peace offering an offering made by fire unto the LORD and all the fat that covereth that is upon the inwards and all the fat that is upon the inwards

  • Malachi 3:3 - And he shall sit as a refiner and he shall purify and silver and he shall purify the sons of Levi and purge them as gold and silver unto the LORD that they may offer an offering in righteousness

  • Micah 3:3 - Who also eat the flesh of my people their skin and flay their bones from off them and they break and chop them in pieces as for the pot and as flesh within the caldron

  • Nehemiah 3:3 - gate But the fish build did the sons of Hassenaah who also laid the beams thereof and set up the doors thereof the locks thereof and the bars

  • Song of Solomon 3:3 - found The watchmen that go about the city loveth ye him whom my soul me to whom I said Saw

  • Deuteronomy 3:4 - And we took all his cities at that time there was not a city which we took not from them threescore all his cities all the region of Argob the kingdom of Og in Bashan

  • Ezra 3:4 - They kept also the feast of tabernacles as it is written burnt offerings and offered the daily and offered the daily by number according to the custom as the duty and offered the daily and offered the daily

  • Joshua 3:4 - Yet there shall be a space between you and it about two thousand cubits by measure come not near unto it that ye may know the way for ye have not passed the way heretofore

  • Judges 3:4 - And they were to prove Israel by them to know whether they would hearken unto the commandments of the LORD which he commanded their fathers by the hand of Moses

  • Leviticus 3:4 - And the two kidneys and the fat that is on them which is by the flanks and the caul above the liver kidneys it shall he take away

  • Micah 3:4 - Then shall they cry unto the LORD but he will not hear them he will even hide his face from them at that time as they have behaved themselves ill in their doings

  • Ruth 3:4 - And it shall be when he lieth down that thou shalt mark the place And it shall be when he lieth down and thou shalt go in and uncover his feet And it shall be when he lieth down and he will tell thee what thou shalt do

  • Song of Solomon 3:4 - It was but a little that I passed from them but I found loveth him whom my soul I held him and would not let him go until I had brought house him into my mother's and into the chamber of her that conceived

  • Zechariah 3:4 - And he answered and spake unto those that stood before and spake Take away garments the filthy and spake Behold to pass I have caused thine iniquity from thee and I will clothe thee with change of raiment

  • Hosea 3:5 - Afterward return shall the children of Israel and seek the LORD their God and David their king and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days

  • 2 Chronicles 3:5 - house And the greater he cieled tree with fir he cieled gold with fine and set thereon palm trees and chains

  • Leviticus 3:5 - shall burn sons And Aaron's it on the altar upon the burnt sacrifice which is upon the wood that is on the fire it is an offering made by fire savour of a sweet unto the LORD

  • Micah 3:5 - Thus saith the LORD concerning the prophets err that make my people that bite with their teeth and cry Peace and he that putteth not into their mouths they even prepare war

  • Song of Solomon 3:5 - I charge you O ye daughters of Jerusalem by the roes and by the hinds of the field nor awake nor awake my love till he please

  • Deuteronomy 3:6 - And we utterly destroyed them as we did unto Sihon king of Heshbon And we utterly destroyed of every city the men women and children

  • Esther 3:6 - scorn And he thought to lay hands of Mordecai alone for they had shewed even the people of Mordecai sought wherefore Haman to destroy all the Jews that were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus even the people of Mordecai

  • 1 Kings 3:6 - said And Solomon Thou hast shewed unto thy servant David my father kindness for him this great according as he walked before thee in truth and in righteousness and in uprightness of heart with thee and thou hast kept kindness for him this great that thou hast given him a son to sit on his throne as it is this day

  • 2 Chronicles 3:6 - And he garnished the house stones with precious for beauty and the gold and the gold of Parvaim

  • 2 Kings 3:6 - went out And king Jehoram the same time of Samaria and numbered all Israel

  • Joshua 3:6 - saying And Joshua unto the priests saying And they took up the ark of the covenant and pass over before the people And they took up the ark of the covenant before the people

  • Judges 3:6 - And they took their daughters to be their wives their daughters and gave to their sons and served their gods

  • Nehemiah 3:6 - gate Moreover the old repaired Jehoiada the son of Paseah and Meshullam the son of Besodeiah they laid the beams thereof and set up the doors thereof and the locks thereof and the bars

  • Numbers 3:6 - Bring the tribe of Levi and present them before Aaron the priest that they may minister

  • Exodus 3:7 - said And the LORD I have surely I have surely the affliction of my people which are in Egypt their cry and have heard by reason of their taskmasters for I know their sorrows

  • 1 Kings 3:7 - And now O LORD my God king thou hast made thy servant instead of David my father child and I am but a little I know not how to go out or come in