H8582 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to vacillate, i.e. reel or stray (literally or figuratively); also causative of both (cause to) go astray, deceive, dissemble, (cause to, make to) err, pant, seduce, (make to) stagger, (cause to) wander, be out of the way. a primitive root;

44 instances of the word תָּעָה tâʻâh (H8582)

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  • Amos 2:4 - Thus saith of the LORD For three transgressions of Judah and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof because they have despised the law of the LORD his commandments and have not kept caused them to err and their lies have walked the which their fathers after

  • Micah 3:5 - Thus saith the LORD concerning the prophets err that make my people that bite with their teeth and cry Peace and he that putteth not into their mouths they even prepare war

  • Isaiah 3:12 - As for my people are their oppressors and women rule As for my people they which lead thee cause thee to err the way of thy paths and destroy

  • Hosea 4:12 - My people counsel at their stocks ask and their staff declareth unto them for the spirit of whoredoms hath caused them to err and they have gone a whoring from under their God

  • Proverbs 7:25 - decline to her ways Let not thine heart go not astray in her paths

  • Isaiah 9:16 - For the leaders of this people cause them to err For the leaders of them are destroyed

  • Proverbs 10:17 - He is in the way of life that keepeth instruction but he that refuseth reproof erreth

  • Job 12:24 - He taketh away the heart of the chief of the people of the earth and causeth them to wander in a wilderness where there is no way

  • Job 12:25 - They grope in the dark without light and he maketh them to stagger like a drunken

  • Proverbs 12:26 - is more excellent than his neighbour The righteous but the way of the wicked seduceth

  • Ezekiel 14:11 - may go no more astray That the house of Israel from me neither be polluted any more with all their transgressions but that they may be my people and I may be their God saith the Lord GOD

  • Proverbs 14:22 - Do they not err shall be to them that devise evil but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good

  • Job 15:31 - trust for vanity Let not him that is deceived for vanity shall be his recompence

  • Isaiah 16:8 - For the fields of Heshbon languish and the vine of Sibmah the lords of the heathen have broken down the principal plants even unto Jazer thereof they are come they wandered through the wilderness her branches are stretched out they are gone over the sea

  • Isaiah 19:13 - are become fools The princes of Zoan are deceived The princes of Noph they have also seduced Egypt even they that are the stay of the tribes

  • Isaiah 19:14 - The LORD hath mingled in the midst spirit a perverse man staggereth thereof and they have caused Egypt in every work man staggereth thereof as a drunken in his vomit

  • Genesis 20:13 - caused me to wander And it came to pass when God house from my father's say unto her This is thy kindness which thou shalt shew unto me at every place whither we shall come say of me He is my brother

  • Isaiah 21:4 - panted My heart fearfulness affrighted me the night of my pleasure hath he turned into fear

  • 2 Kings 21:9 - But they hearkened seduced not and Manasseh them to do more evil than did the nations destroyed whom the LORD before the children of Israel

  • Genesis 21:14 - rose up early And Abraham in the morning and took bread and a bottle of water and gave it unto Hagar putting it on her shoulder and the child and sent her away and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba

  • Proverbs 21:16 - The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding in the congregation of the dead shall remain

  • Exodus 23:4 - If thou meet ox thine enemy's or his ass going astray bring it back bring it back

  • Jeremiah 23:13 - in the prophets of Samaria And I have seen folly they prophesied in Baal to err and caused my people Israel

  • Jeremiah 23:32 - Behold I am against them that prophesy dreams by their lies saith the LORD and do tell to err them and cause my people by their lies and by their lightness yet I sent them not nor commanded at all at all them and cause my people saith the LORD

  • Isaiah 28:7 - But they through wine also have erred and through strong drink are out of the way the priest and the prophet also have erred and through strong drink they are swallowed up of through wine are out of the way of and through strong drink also have erred in vision they stumble in judgment

  • Isaiah 29:24 - shall come They also that erred in spirit to understanding and they that murmured shall learn doctrine

  • Isaiah 30:28 - And his breath stream as an overflowing of the neck shall reach to the midst to sift the nations with the sieve of vanity and there shall be a bridle causing them to err in the jaws of the people

  • 2 Chronicles 33:9 - made So Manasseh Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to do worse than the heathen had destroyed whom the LORD before the children of Israel

  • Isaiah 35:8 - And an highway The way The way of holiness and it shall be called shall not pass over the unclean it but it shall be for those the wayfaring men The way though fools shall not err

  • Genesis 37:15 - found him and behold he was wandering in the field asked him saying What seekest

  • Job 38:41 - Who provideth for the raven his food when his young ones unto God cry they wander for lack of meat

  • Jeremiah 42:20 - For ye dissembled in your hearts when ye sent and according unto all that the LORD our God saying Pray and according unto all that the LORD our God saying and according unto all that the LORD our God so declare unto us and we will do

  • Ezekiel 44:10 - And the Levites that are gone away far went astray from me when Israel went astray from me after their idols they shall even bear their iniquity

  • Ezekiel 44:15 - But the priests the Levites the sons of Zadok that kept the charge of my sanctuary went astray the sons of Israel from me they shall come near to me to minister unto me and they shall stand before from me they shall come near unto me the fat and the blood saith the Lord GOD

  • Isaiah 47:15 - Thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast laboured even thy merchants from thy youth every one to his quarter they shall wander none shall save

  • Ezekiel 48:11 - It shall be for the priests that are sanctified of the sons of Zadok which have kept my charge went astray went astray of the sons of Israel went astray as the Levites

  • Jeremiah 50:6 - sheep hath been lost My people their shepherds have caused them to go astray on the mountains on the mountains to hill they have gone they have forgotten their restingplace

  • Isaiah 53:6 - All we like sheep have gone astray every one to his own way we have turned and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity

  • Psalms 58:3 - are estranged The wicked from the womb they go astray as soon as they be born speaking lies

  • Isaiah 63:17 - why hast thou made us to err O LORD from thy ways and hardened our heart from thy fear Return for thy servants sake the tribes of thine inheritance

  • Psalms 95:10 - Forty years long was I grieved with this generation and said It is a people that do err in their heart and they have not known my ways

  • Psalms 107:4 - They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way no city to dwell they found

  • Psalms 107:40 - He poureth contempt upon princes and causeth them to wander in the wilderness where there is no way

  • Psalms 119:110 - have laid The wicked a snare not from thy precepts for me yet I erred

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