H935 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to go or come (in a wide variety of applications) abide, apply, attain, [idiom] be, befall, [phrase] besiege, bring (forth, in, into, to pass), call, carry, [idiom] certainly, (cause, let, thing for) to come (against, in, out, upon, to pass), depart, [idiom] doubtless again, [phrase] eat, [phrase] employ, (cause to) enter (in, into, -tering, -trance, -try), be fallen, fetch, [phrase] follow, get, give, go (down, in, to war), grant, [phrase] have, [idiom] indeed, (in-) vade, lead, lift (up), mention, pull in, put, resort, run (down), send, set, [idiom] (well) stricken (in age), [idiom] surely, take (in), way. a primitive root;

2302 instances of the word בּוֹא bôwʼ (H935)

  • Jeremiah 50:5 - to Zion They shall ask the way thitherward with their faces saying Come and let us join ourselves to the LORD covenant in a perpetual that shall not be forgotten

  • Genesis 50:10 - And they came to the threshingfloor of Atad which is beyond Jordan and there they mourned lamentation with a great sore and very and he made for his father a mourning seven days

  • Jeremiah 50:26 - Come against her from the utmost border open her storehouses cast her up as heaps and destroy her utterly let nothing of her be left

  • Jeremiah 50:27 - Slay all her bullocks let them go down to the slaughter woe is come unto them! for their day the time of their visitation

  • Jeremiah 50:31 - Behold I am against thee O thou most proud saith the Lord GOD of hosts is come for thy day the time that I will visit

  • Jeremiah 50:41 - Behold a people shall come from the north nation and a great kings and many shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth

  • Jeremiah 51:10 - hath brought forth The LORD our righteousness come and let us declare in Zion the work The LORD our God

  • Isaiah 51:11 - Therefore the redeemed of the LORD shall return and come unto Zion with singing and joy and everlasting shall be upon their head gladness and joy they shall obtain shall flee away and sorrow and mourning

  • Jeremiah 51:13 - O thou that dwellest waters abundant abundant in treasures is come thine end and the measure of thy covetousness

  • Jeremiah 51:33 - For thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel The daughter of Babylon is like a threshingfloor and the time to thresh her yet a little while shall come and the time of her harvest

  • Jeremiah 51:46 - faint And lest your heart and ye fear a rumour that shall be heard in the land shall both come one year a rumour and after one year a rumour and violence in the land against ruler against ruler

  • Jeremiah 51:47 - Therefore behold the days come that I will do judgment upon the graven images of Babylon and her whole land shall be confounded and all her slain shall fall in the midst

  • Jeremiah 51:48 - and all that is therein shall sing for Babylon Then the heaven and the earth unto her from the north shall come for the spoilers saith the LORD

  • Jeremiah 51:51 - We are confounded because we have heard reproach hath covered shame our faces are come for strangers into the sanctuaries house of the LORD'S

  • Jeremiah 51:52 - Wherefore behold the days come saith the LORD that I will do judgment upon her graven images and through all her land shall groan the wounded

  • Jeremiah 51:53 - should mount up Though Babylon to heaven and though she should fortify the height of her strength come me shall spoilers unto her saith the LORD

  • Jeremiah 51:56 - is come upon her even upon Babylon Because the spoiler are taken and her mighty men is broken every one of their bows God of recompences for the LORD requite requite

  • Jeremiah 51:60 - that are written So Jeremiah all the evil that should come against Babylon book in a even all these words that are written against Babylon

  • Jeremiah 51:61 - said And Jeremiah to Seraiah When thou comest to Babylon and shalt see and shalt read all these words

  • Jeremiah 51:64 - And thou shalt say sink Thus shall Babylon and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her and they shall be weary Thus far are the words of Jeremiah

  • Isaiah 52:1 - Awake Awake put on thy strength O Zion put on garments thy beautiful O Jerusalem city the holy for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean

  • Jeremiah 52:4 - year And it came to pass in the ninth of his reign day of the month in the tenth in the tenth day of the month came that Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon he and all his army against Jerusalem and pitched against it and built forts against it round about

  • Jeremiah 52:5 - So the city was besieged unto the eleventh year of king Zedekiah

  • Jeremiah 52:11 - the eyes of Zedekiah Then he put out bound him in chains and carried and the king him to Babylon him to Babylon and put him in prison him in prison till the day of his death

  • Jeremiah 52:12 - day of the month Now in the fifth in the tenth day of the month year which was the nineteenth year king of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon came Nebuzaradan captain of the guard which served king of Babylon into Jerusalem

  • Psalms 55:5 - Fearfulness and trembling are come hath overwhelmed upon me and horror

  • Isaiah 56:1 - Thus saith the LORD Keep ye judgment and do and my righteousness is near for my salvation to come and my righteousness to be revealed

  • Isaiah 56:7 - Even them will I bring mountain to my holy and make them joyful an house of prayer their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar an house an house of prayer shall be called for all people

  • Isaiah 57:2 - He shall enter into peace they shall rest in their beds each one walking in his uprightness

  • Isaiah 58:7 - Is it not to deal to the hungry thy bread the poor that are cast out and that thou bring to thy house when thou seest the naked that thou cover not thyself from thine own flesh him and that thou hide

  • Isaiah 59:14 - is turned away backward And judgment and justice afar off standeth is fallen in the street for truth and equity cannot enter

  • Isaiah 59:19 - So shall they fear from the west the name of the LORD from the rising of the sun and his glory shall come in like a flood When the enemy the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard

  • Isaiah 59:20 - shall come to Zion And the Redeemer and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob saith the LORD

  • Isaiah 60:1 - Arise shine is come for thy light and the glory of the LORD is risen

  • Isaiah 60:4 - Lift up round about thine eyes and see all they gather themselves together shall come to thee thy sons from far shall come and thy daughters at thy side shall be nursed

  • Isaiah 60:5 - Then thou shalt see and flow together shall fear and be enlarged and thine heart shall be converted because the abundance of the sea unto thee the forces of the Gentiles shall come

  • Isaiah 60:6 - The multitude of camels shall cover thee the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah all they from Sheba shall come gold and incense they shall bring the praises of the LORD and they shall shew forth

  • Isaiah 60:9 - Surely the isles shall wait for me and the ships of Tarshish first to bring thy sons from far their silver and their gold with them unto the name of the LORD thy God and to the Holy One of Israel because he hath glorified

  • Isaiah 60:11 - shall be open Therefore thy gates continually day nor night they shall not be shut that men may bring unto thee the forces of the Gentiles and that their kings may be brought

  • Isaiah 60:13 - The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee the fir tree the pine tree and the box together to beautify and I will make the place of my sanctuary and I will make the place of my feet glorious

  • Isaiah 60:17 - For brass I will bring gold and for iron I will bring silver and for wood For brass and for stones and for iron I will also make thy officers peace and thine exactors righteousness

  • Isaiah 60:20 - shall no more go down Thy sun neither shall thy moon withdraw itself for the LORD light shall be thine everlasting shall be ended and the days of thy mourning

  • Isaiah 62:11 - Behold the LORD hath proclaimed unto the end of the world Say ye to the daughter of Zion Behold thy salvation cometh behold his reward is with him and his work before

  • Isaiah 63:1 - Who is this that cometh from Edom with dyed garments from Bozrah this that is glorious in his apparel travelling in the greatness of his strength I that speak in righteousness mighty to save

  • Isaiah 63:4 - For the day of vengeance is in mine heart and the year of my redeemed is come

  • Psalms 63:9 - to destroy But those that seek my soul it shall go into the lower parts of the earth

  • Psalms 65:2 - O thou that hearest prayer unto thee shall all flesh come

  • Isaiah 66:4 - I also will choose their delusions their fears and will bring upon them because when I called none did answer when I spake they did not hear but they did evil before mine eyes that in which I delighted I also will choose

  • Isaiah 66:7 - Before she travailed she brought forth came before her pain she was delivered of a man child

  • Psalms 66:11 - Thou broughtest us into the net thou laidst affliction upon our loins

  • Psalms 66:12 - to ride Thou hast caused men over our heads we went through fire and through water but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy

  • Psalms 66:13 - I will go into thy house with burnt offerings I will pay thee my vows

  • Isaiah 66:15 - For behold the LORD of fire will come like a whirlwind and with his chariots to render with fury his anger and his rebuke with flames of fire

  • Isaiah 66:18 - For I know their works and their thoughts and they shall come that I will gather all nations and tongues and they shall come and see my glory

  • Isaiah 66:20 - And they shall bring all your brethren out of all nations an offering of the LORD upon horses and in chariots and in litters and upon mules and upon swift beasts mountain to my holy Jerusalem saith of the LORD And they shall bring as the children of Israel an offering vessel in a clean into the house of the LORD

  • Isaiah 66:23 - And it shall come to pass that from one new moon one new moon And it shall come to pass that from one sabbath one sabbath come shall all flesh to worship before me saith the LORD

  • Psalms 69:1 - Save me O God are come for the waters in unto my soul

  • Psalms 69:2 - I sink mire in deep where there is no standing I am come into deep waters where the floods overflow

  • Psalms 69:27 - Add iniquity iniquity and let them not come into thy righteousness

  • Psalms 71:3 - Be thou my strong habitation resort whereunto I may continually thou hast given commandment to save me for thou art my rock and my fortress

  • Psalms 71:16 - I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD I will make mention of thy righteousness

  • Psalms 71:18 - Now also when I am old and grayheaded O God forsake Now also when me not until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation to every one that is to come and thy power

  • Psalms 73:17 - Until I went into the sanctuary of God then understood I their end

  • Psalms 74:5 - A man was famous according as he had lifted up upon the thick trees axes

  • Psalms 78:29 - So they did eat filled and were well them their own desire for he gave

  • Psalms 78:54 - And he brought them to the border of his sanctuary even to this mountain had purchased which his right hand

  • Psalms 78:71 - From following the ewes great with young he brought him to feed Jacob his people and Israel his inheritance

  • Psalms 79:1 - O God are come the heathen into thine inheritance have they defiled temple thy holy they have laid Jerusalem on heaps

  • Psalms 79:11 - come before Let the sighing of the prisoner thee according to the greatness of thy power preserve thou those that are appointed to die

  • Psalms 86:9 - All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee O Lord and shall glorify thy name

  • Psalms 88:2 - come before Let my prayer thee incline thine ear unto my cry

  • Psalms 90:12 - us to number our days So teach that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom

  • Psalms 95:6 - O come let us worship and bow down let us kneel before the LORD our maker

  • Psalms 95:11 - Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest

  • Psalms 96:8 - Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name bring an offering and come into his courts

  • Psalms 96:13 - Before the LORD for he cometh for he cometh he shall judge the earth he shall judge the world with righteousness and the people with his truth

  • Psalms 98:9 - Before the LORD for he cometh shall he judge the earth shall he judge the world with righteousness and the people with equity

  • Psalms 100:2 - Serve the LORD with gladness come before his presence with singing

  • Psalms 100:4 - Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name

  • Psalms 101:2 - I will behave myself wisely way in a perfect O when wilt thou come unto me I will walk with a perfect heart within my house

  • Psalms 102:1 - O LORD Hear A Prayer and let my cry come

  • Psalms 102:13 - Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion for the time to favour is come her yea the set time

  • Psalms 105:18 - they hurt with fetters Whose feet in iron was laid he

  • Psalms 105:19 - Until the time came that his word the word of the LORD tried

  • Psalms 105:23 - also came Israel into Egypt and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham

  • Psalms 105:31 - He spake and there came divers sorts of flies and lice in all their coasts

  • Psalms 105:34 - He spake came and the locusts and caterpillers and that without number

  • Psalms 105:40 - The people asked and he brought quails them with the bread of heaven and satisfied

  • Psalms 109:17 - As he loved cursing so let it come unto him as he delighted not in blessing so let it be far

  • Psalms 109:18 - As he clothed himself with cursing like as with his garment so let it come like water into his bowels and like oil into his bones

  • Psalms 118:19 - Open to me the gates of righteousness I will go into them and I will praise the LORD

  • Psalms 118:20 - This gate of the LORD into which the righteous shall enter

  • Psalms 118:26 - Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the LORD Blessed you out of the house of the LORD

  • Psalms 119:41 - come VAU Let thy mercies also unto me O LORD even thy salvation according to thy word

  • Psalms 119:77 - come Let thy tender mercies unto me that I may live for thy law is my delight

  • Psalms 119:170 - come Let my supplication before me according to thy word thee deliver

  • Psalms 121:1 - I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help

  • Psalms 121:8 - The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and even for evermore

  • Psalms 126:6 - forth He that goeth and weepeth bearing precious seed come come again with rejoicing bearing his sheaves

  • Psalms 132:3 - Surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my house nor go up into my bed