G1198 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a captive (as bound) in bonds, prisoner from G1199 (δεσμόν);

16 instances of the word δέσμιος désmios (G1198)

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  • Philemon 1:1 - Paul a prisoner Christ of Jesus and Timothy our brother unto Philemon dearly beloved and fellowlabourer our

  • 2 Timothy 1:8 - not therefore Be of the testimony Lord of our nor of me prisoner his but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God

  • Philemon 1:9 - Yet for love's rather beseech such an one thee being as Paul the aged now and also a prisoner of Jesus Christ

  • Ephesians 3:1 - For this cause I Paul the prisoner Christ of Jesus for you Gentiles

  • Ephesians 4:1 - beseech therefore you I the prisoner of the Lord worthy that ye walk of the vocation wherewith ye are called

  • Hebrews 13:3 - Remember them that are in bonds as bound with them and them which suffer adversity as also yourselves being in the body

  • Mark 15:6 - at Now that feast he released unto them one prisoner whomsoever they desired

  • Acts 16:25 - at And midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God heard And them the prisoners

  • Acts 16:27 - out of his sleep And awaking the keeper of the prison and seeing open doors the prison he drew out his sword and would himself have killed supposing had been fled that the prisoners

  • Acts 23:18 - So he took him and brought him to the chief captain and said the prisoner Paul called me unto him and prayed me this young man and brought him to thee who hath something to say unto thee

  • Acts 25:14 - when And many days they had been there Festus unto the king declared cause Paul's saying man a certain There is left by Felix in bonds

  • Acts 25:27 - unreasonable For to me it seemeth to send a prisoner not withal and laid against him the crimes to signify

  • Matthew 27:15 - at Now that feast was wont the governor to release a unto the people prisoner whom they would

  • Matthew 27:16 - they had And then prisoner a notable called Barabbas

  • Acts 28:16 - when And we came to Rome the centurion delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard And Paul was suffered to dwell by himself with that kept him a soldier

  • Acts 28:17 - it came to pass And that after days three called Paul of the Jews the chief were come together And them he said unto them Men and brethren though I nothing against have committed the people or customs of our fathers prisoner from Jerusalem yet was I delivered into the hands of the Romans

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