G1260 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to reckon thoroughly, i.e. (genitive case) to deliberate (by reflection or discussion) cast in mind, consider, dispute, muse, reason, think from G1223 (διά) and G3049 (λογίζομαι);

15 instances of the word διαλογίζομαι dialogízomai (G1260)

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  • Luke 1:29 - And when she saw him she was troubled at saying his and cast in her mind what manner should be of salutation this

  • Mark 2:6 - there were But certain of the scribes there sitting and reasoning in hearts

  • Mark 2:8 - And immediately perceived when Jesus spirit unto them that they so reason ye in themselves he said unto them Why these things reason ye in hearts your

  • Luke 3:15 - were in expectation And as the people and mused all men in hearts he of John or not he were the Christ

  • Luke 5:21 - And began to reason the scribes And the Pharisees saying Who is this which speaketh blasphemies Who can forgive sins alone God

  • Luke 5:22 - perceived But when Jesus thoughts their he answering said unto their What reason ye in hearts your

  • Mark 8:16 - And they reasoned among themselves saying It is because bread no we have

  • Mark 8:17 - And knew when Jesus it he saith unto them Why reason ye because bread no have ye not yet perceive ye neither understand yet hardened have ye heart your

  • Mark 9:33 - And he came to Capernaum And by the house being he asked them What by the way among yourselves was it that ye disputed

  • John 11:50 - Nor consider that it is expedient for us that one man should die for the people and not that the whole nation perish

  • Luke 12:17 - And he thought within himself saying What shall I do because no I have room where to bestow fruits my

  • Matthew 16:7 - And they reasoned among themselves saying It is because bread no we have taken

  • Matthew 16:8 - perceived Which when Jesus he said unto them why reason ye among yourselves O ye of little faith because bread no ye have brought

  • Luke 20:14 - saw But him when the husbandmen they reasoned among themselves saying This is the heir come let us kill him that ours may be the inheritance

  • Matthew 21:25 - The baptism of John whence was it From heaven or From men And they reasoned with themselves saying If we shall say From heaven he will say unto us Why then not believe him

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