G1350 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a seine (for fishing) net probably from a primary verb (to cast);

11 instances of the word δίκτυον díktyon (G1350)

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  • Mark 1:18 - And straightway they forsook nets him and followed him

  • Mark 1:19 - And further thence a little he saw James the son the son of Zebedee And John the son brother his And his were in the son the ship mending the son their nets

  • Matthew 4:20 - And they straightway left their nets followed him

  • Matthew 4:21 - And going on from thence he saw other two brethren James the son of the son of Zebedee And John the son of brethren his in the son of a ship with Zebedee the son of father his mending the son of nets his And he called his

  • Luke 5:2 - And saw two ships standing by the lake but the fishermen were gone out of them and were washing their nets

  • Luke 5:4 - when Now he had left speaking he said unto Simon Launch out for the deep and let down nets your for a draught

  • Luke 5:5 - And answering Simon said unto him Master all the night we have toiled nothing and have taken at nevertheless word thy I will let down the net

  • Luke 5:6 - And this done they inclosed of fishes multitude a great brake and net their

  • John 21:6 - And he said it Cast on the right side of the ship the net and ye shall find Cast therefore and now it to draw able for the multitude of fishes

  • John 21:8 - And the other disciples in a little ship came not (for they were far from land but as it were from cubits two hundred dragging the net with fishes

  • John 21:11 - went up Simon Peter and drew the net to land full fishes of great an hundred and fifty and three and for all there were so many yet was not broken the net

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