G1388 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
compare G1185 (δελεάζω)); a trick (bait), i.e. (figuratively) wile craft, deceit, guile, subtilty from an obsolete primary verb, (probably meaning to decoy;

12 instances of the word δόλος dólos (G1388)

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  • Romans 1:29 - Being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whisperers

  • John 1:47 - saw Jesus Nathanael coming to him and saith of him saw indeed an Israelite in whom guile no is

  • 1 Peter 2:1 - laying aside Wherefore all malice and all guile and hypocrisies and envies and all evil speakings

  • 1 Thessalonians 2:3 - For exhortation our was not of deceit nor of uncleanness nor in guile

  • 1 Peter 2:22 - Who sin no did neither found was guile in mouth his

  • 1 Peter 3:10 - For he that will life love and see days good let him refrain tongue from evil and lips no that they speak guile

  • Mark 7:22 - Thefts covetousness wickedness deceit lasciviousness eye an evil blasphemy pride foolishness

  • 2 Corinthians 12:16 - be it so But I not burden you nevertheless being crafty with guile you I caught

  • Acts 13:10 - And said O full all subtilty and all mischief thou child of the devil thou enemy all righteousness not cease to pervert ways of the Lord the right

  • Mark 14:1 - was After the feast of the passover and unleavened bread of two days and sought the chief priests and the scribes how him by craft they might take and put him to death

  • Revelation 14:5 - And in mouth their no was found guile without fault for they are before the throne of God

  • Matthew 26:4 - And consulted that Jesus they might take by subtilty And kill

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