G1407 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a gathering hook (especially for harvesting) sickle from (to pluck);

7 instances of the word δρέπανον drépanon (G1407)

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  • Mark 4:29 - when But is brought forth the fruit immediately he putteth in the sickle because is come the harvest

  • Revelation 14:14 - And I looked And behold cloud a white And on cloud one sat like unto the Son of man having on head crown a golden And in hand sickle a sharp

  • Revelation 14:15 - And another angel came out of the temple crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud Thrust in sickle thy And reap for is come for thee the time reap for is ripe the harvest of the earth

  • Revelation 14:16 - And thrust in he that sat on the cloud sickle on the earth And was reaped the earth

  • Revelation 14:17 - And another angel came out of which the temple which is in which heaven having And he sickle a sharp

  • Revelation 14:18 - And another angel came out from the altar to him that had power over fire And cried cry with a loud to him that had sickle sharp saying Thrust in thy sickle sharp And gather the clusters of the vine of the earth for are fully ripe grapes her

  • Revelation 14:19 - And cast the angel sickle into of the earth And gathered the vine of the earth And cast into winepress of the wrath of God the great

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