G1447 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
Hebraistically or in the Jewish (Chaldee) language in (the) Hebrew (tongue) adverb from G1446 (Ἑβραΐς);

6 instances of the word Ἑβραϊστί Hebraïstí (G1447)

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  • John 5:2 - there is Now at which Jerusalem by which the sheep market a pool which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda five porches having

  • Revelation 9:11 - And hath over them a king which is the angel of the bottomless pit his name whose in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon And in the Greek tongue his name hath Apollyon

  • Revelation 16:16 - And he gathered them into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon

  • John 19:13 - therefore When Pilate heard that saying he brought forth Jesus and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called the Pavement in the Hebrew but Gabbatha

  • John 19:17 - And he bearing cross went forth into called the place of a skull a place which called in the Hebrew Golgotha

  • John 19:20 - This then title many read of the Jews for nigh it was to the city the place where was crucified Jesus and it was written in Hebrew and Greek and Latin

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