G1492 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
used only in certain past tenses, the others being borrowed from the equivalent G3700 (ὀπτάνομαι) and G3708 (ὁράω); properly, to see (literally or figuratively); by implication, (in the perfect tense only) to know be aware, behold, X can (+ not tell), consider, (have) know(-ledge), look (on), perceive, see, be sure, tell, understand, wish, wot a primary verb;

646 instances of the word εἴδω eídō (G1492)

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  • Revelation 1:2 - Who bare record of the word of God and of the testimony of Jesus Christ of all things and that he saw

  • 1 Thessalonians 1:4 - Knowing brethren beloved of God election your

  • 2 Timothy 1:4 - Greatly desiring thee to see being mindful of thy tears that with joy I may be filled

  • 1 Thessalonians 1:5 - For gospel our not came unto you among word only but also among power also among Ghost the Holy also among assurance much as ye know what manner of men came among you for you

  • Jude 1:5 - in remembrance therefore though ye I will knew though ye once this how that the Lord the people out of the land of Egypt having saved afterward not them that believed destroyed

  • 2 Corinthians 1:7 - And hope our is stedfast of you knowing that as partakers ye are of the sufferings so And of the consolation

  • 1 Peter 1:8 - Whom not having ye love in Whom though now him not ye see believing yet ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory

  • 1 Timothy 1:8 - we know But that is good the law if a man it lawfully use

  • 2 Thessalonians 1:8 - In fire flaming taking vengeance not on them that know God and not that obey the gospel Lord of our Jesus Christ

  • 1 Timothy 1:9 - Knowing this that for a righteous man the law not is for the lawless but and disobedient for the ungodly and for sinners for unholy and profane for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers for manslayers

  • Jude 1:10 - these But of those things which not they know speak evil of those things which But naturally as brute beasts they know in those things they corrupt themselves

  • Mark 1:10 - And straightway coming up out of the water he saw opened the heavens And the Spirit like a dove descending upon him

  • Romans 1:11 - I long For to see ye that some I may impart gift unto you spiritual to the end may be established ye

  • 2 Peter 1:12 - Wherefore not I will you always in remembrance of these things though ye know them and be established in the present truth

  • 2 Timothy 1:12 - For the which cause also these things I nevertheless not I am I know for the which I have believed also am persuaded that able he is have committed unto him that which I to keep against that day

  • 3 John 1:12 - Demetrius also bear record of all and of itself the truth and we yea also bear record and ye know that record our true is

  • Luke 1:12 - And him he was troubled when Zacharias saw And fear fell upon him

  • Revelation 1:12 - And I turned to see the voice that spake with me And I turned I saw seven candlesticks golden

  • 3 John 1:14 - I trust But shortly I shall thee and face to face we shall speak Peace be to thee Greet thee Our friends Greet Our friends by name

  • 2 Peter 1:14 - Knowing that shortly I must put off tabernacle this my as even Lord our Jesus Christ hath shewed me

  • 3 John 1:14 - I trust But shortly I shall thee and face to face we shall speak Peace be to thee Greet thee Our friends Greet Our friends by name

  • 2 Timothy 1:15 - thou knowest This that be turned away from me all they which are in Asia of whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes

  • 1 Corinthians 1:16 - I baptized And also of Stephanas the household besides not I know other I baptized

  • Mark 1:16 - as he walked Now by the sea of Galilee he saw Simon and Andrew brother his casting a net into the sea they were for fishers

  • Titus 1:16 - God They profess that they know but in works they deny abominable him being and disobedient and unto every in works good reprobate

  • Philippians 1:17 - But the other of love knowing that for the defence of the gospel I am set

  • Revelation 1:17 - And when I saw him I fell at feet him as dead And he laid right him hand upon me saying unto me not Fear I am the first And the last

  • Ephesians 1:18 - being enlightened The eyes understanding of your that may know ye what is the hope calling of his and what the riches of the glory inheritance of his in the saints

  • 1 Peter 1:18 - Forasmuch as ye know that not with corruptible things as silver and gold redeemed from vain your conversation received by tradition from your fathers

  • Galatians 1:19 - other But of the apostles none saw I James brother the Lord's

  • Mark 1:19 - And further thence a little he saw James the son the son of Zebedee And John the son brother his And his were in the son the ship mending the son their nets

  • Philippians 1:19 - I know For that this my shall turn to salvation through your prayer and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ

  • Revelation 1:19 - Write the things which thou hast seen and the things which are and the things which shall be hereafter

  • Revelation 1:20 - The mystery The seven stars which thou sawest in right hand my and The seven candlesticks golden The seven stars the angels The seven churches are and The seven candlesticks which thou sawest The seven churches are

  • Philemon 1:21 - Having confidence obedience in thy I wrote unto thee knowing that also more than I say do

  • Mark 1:24 - Saying Let us alone what have we to do with thee thou Jesus of Nazareth art thou come to destroy us I know thee what thou art the Holy One of God

  • Philippians 1:25 - And having this confidence I know that I shall abide And continue all with you for your furtherance And joy of faith

  • John 1:26 - answered them John saying I baptize with water among but you there standeth one whom ye not know

  • Philippians 1:27 - Only as it becometh of the gospel of Christ let your conversation be that or I come and see you or else be absent I may hear affairs of your that ye stand fast in one spirit one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel

  • John 1:29 - which The next day seeth which John which Jesus coming unto him and saith which the Lamb which of God which taketh away which the sin which of the world

  • Luke 1:29 - And when she saw him she was troubled at saying his and cast in her mind what manner should be of salutation this

  • Philippians 1:30 - the same conflict Having which ye saw in me and now hear in me

  • John 1:31 - And I not knew him but that he should be made manifest to Israel therefore am I with water baptizing

  • John 1:33 - And I not knew him but he that sent me he which baptizeth with water the same unto me said Upon whom knew Ghost descending and remaining Upon him the same is he which baptizeth with Ghost the Holy

  • Mark 1:34 - And he healed many sick that were of divers diseases And devils many cast out And not suffered to speak devils because they knew him

  • John 1:36 - And looking upon Jesus as he walked he saith the Lamb of God

  • John 1:39 - He saith him Come and saw Come and saw abode and with him abode day that hour for it was about the tenth

  • John 1:46 - And said unto him Nathanael out of Nazareth Can there any good thing come saith unto him Philip Come And see

  • John 1:47 - saw Jesus Nathanael coming to him and saith of him saw indeed an Israelite in whom guile no is

  • John 1:48 - saith unto him Nathanael Whence me knowest thou answered Jesus and said unto him Before thee that Philip called when thou wast under the fig tree I saw thee

  • John 1:50 - answered Jesus and I said unto him Because I said unto thee I saw thee under the fig tree believest thou greater things than these thou shalt see

  • Colossians 2:1 - I would For that ye knew what great conflict I have for you and for them at Laodicea and for as many as not have face my for them at the flesh

  • 1 Thessalonians 2:1 - yourselves For know brethren entrance in our unto you that not in vain it was

  • 1 Corinthians 2:2 - not For I determined to know any thing among you Jesus Christ and him crucified

  • 1 Thessalonians 2:2 - But and after that we had suffered before and were shamefully entreated as ye know at Philippi we were bold at God our to speak unto you the gospel God at much contention

  • Matthew 2:2 - Saying Where is he that is born King of the Jews we have seen for him star in the east and are come to worship him

  • Revelation 2:2 - I know works thy and labour thy and patience thy and how not thou canst bear them which are evil and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles and not are and hast found them liars

  • Romans 2:2 - we are sure But that the judgment of God is according to truth against such things them which commit

  • 1 Thessalonians 2:5 - neither For at any time a cloke flattering used we as ye know neither a cloke of covetousness God is witness

  • Mark 2:5 - saw When Jesus faith their he said unto the sick of the palsy Son be forgiven thee sins thy

  • 2 Thessalonians 2:6 - And now what withholdeth ye know that might be revealed he in his time

  • Galatians 2:7 - But contrariwise when they saw that was committed unto me the gospel of the uncircumcision as was unto Peter the gospel of the circumcision

  • 1 Corinthians 2:9 - But as it is written the things which Eye not hath neither ear not heard neither into the heart of man not have entered the things which hath prepared God for them that love him

  • 2 Peter 2:9 - knoweth The Lord the godly out of temptations how to deliver the unjust and unto the day of judgment to be punished to reserve

  • John 2:9 - When (but had tasted which the governor of the feast which the water wine that was made and not knew whence it was which (but the servants knew which drew which the water called which the bridegroom which the governor of the feast

  • Matthew 2:9 - When they had heard the king they departed and lo the star which they saw in the east went before them till it came and stood over where was the young child

  • Revelation 2:9 - I know thy of them which works and of them which tribulation and of them which poverty rich (but thou art and of them which I know the blasphemy of them which say Jews are they and not are but are the synagogue of them which of Satan

  • Mark 2:10 - that But ye may know that power hath the Son of man to forgive on earth sins (he saith to the sick of the palsy

  • Matthew 2:10 - they saw When the star they rejoiced joy great with exceeding

  • 1 Corinthians 2:11 - what For knoweth man the things the things man the things the Spirit the things man the things is in him so even the things the things of God no man knoweth the things the Spirit the things of God

  • 1 John 2:11 - But he that hateth brother his in darkness is and in darkness walketh and not knoweth whither he goeth because darkness hath blinded eyes his

  • 1 Thessalonians 2:11 - As ye know as one every as a father children doth his we exhorted of you and comforted and and charged

  • 1 Corinthians 2:12 - we Now not which the spirit which of the world have received but which the spirit which is of which God that we might know which of which God the things that are freely given to us

  • Mark 2:12 - And he arose immediately And took up the bed went forth before all insomuch that amazed all And glorified God saying never it on this fashion We

  • Revelation 2:13 - I know works thy and where dwelleth even where seat Satan and thou holdest fast name my and not denied faith my and in those days in who Antipas martyr my faithful who was slain among you even where dwelleth Satan

  • Galatians 2:14 - But when I saw that not they walked according to the truth of the gospel I said unto Peter before them all If thou a Jew being after the manner of Gentiles livest and not as do the Jews why the Gentiles compellest thou to live as do the Jews

  • Mark 2:14 - And as he passed by he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the receipt of custom And said him Follow me And he arose Follow him

  • Luke 2:15 - And it came to pass as were gone away from them into which heaven which the angels And which the which shepherds said to another Let us now even unto Bethlehem And see which thing this which it came to pass which the Lord hath made known unto us

  • Galatians 2:16 - Knowing that no be justified a man by the works of the law by the faith Jesus Christ and we in Christ Jesus have believed that be justified by the faith Christ and no by the works of the law for no be justified by the works of the law flesh

  • Mark 2:16 - And when the scribes And Pharisees saw unto his he eateth with publicans And sinners they said disciples unto his How is it that with publicans And sinners he eateth And drinketh

  • Matthew 2:16 - Then Herod when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men wroth was exceeding and sent forth and slew all the children in Bethlehem and in all the coasts thereof from two years old and under according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men

  • 1 Thessalonians 2:17 - we But brethren being taken from you for time a short face not in heart the more abundantly endeavoured face you to see with great desire

  • Luke 2:17 - when they had seen And it they made known abroad concerning which which was told them concerning which child this

  • Romans 2:17 - thou a Jew art called and restest in the law and makest thy boast of God

  • Revelation 2:19 - I know thy works and charity and service and faith and patience thy and works thy and the last to be more than the first

  • 1 John 2:20 - But ye an unction have from the Holy One But ye know all things

  • Luke 2:20 - And returned the shepherds glorifying And praising God for all the things that they had heard And seen as it was told unto them

  • 1 John 2:21 - not I have unto you because not ye know the truth but because ye know it and because no lie of the truth not is

  • Acts 2:22 - Ye men of Israel hear words these Jesus of Nazareth Ye men of God approved among you by miracles also wonders also signs which did by him God in the midst of you as also him know

  • 2 Timothy 2:23 - But foolish and unlearned questions avoid knowing that they do gender strifes

  • Mark 2:24 - And the Pharisees said unto him why do they on the sabbath day that which not is

  • Luke 2:26 - And it was unto him revealed by Ghost the Holy not he had seen death before he had seen Christ the Lord's

  • Acts 2:27 - Because not leave soul my in hell neither wilt thou suffer Holy One thine to see corruption

  • Philippians 2:28 - the more carefully therefore I sent him that when ye see him again ye may rejoice and that I the less sorrowful may be

  • 1 John 2:29 - If ye know that righteous he is ye know that every one that doeth righteousness of him is born

  • Acts 2:30 - a prophet Therefore being and knowing that with an oath had sworn his God that of the fruit loins his according to the flesh he would raise up Christ to sit on throne his

  • Luke 2:30 - For have seen eyes mine salvation thy

  • Acts 2:31 - He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ that not left soul his in hell neither flesh his did see corruption

  • Luke 2:48 - And when they saw him they were amazed And unto him mother him said Son why dealt with us thus behold father thy and I sorrowing have sought thee

  • Luke 2:49 - And he said unto them How is it that ye sought I not wist ye is it that about Father's business my must be I

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