G15 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to be a well-doer (as a favor or a duty) (when) do good (well) from G17 (ἀγαθοποιός);

10 instances of the word ἀγαθοποιέω agathopoiéō (G15)

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  • 3 John 1:11 - Beloved not follow that which is evil but that which is good He that doeth good of God is but he that doeth evil not hath God

  • 1 Peter 2:15 - For so is the will of God that with well doing ye may put to silence of foolish men the ignorance

  • 1 Peter 2:20 - what For glory if for your faults and ye be buffeted for it ye take it patiently but if when ye do well and suffer for it ye take it patiently this is acceptable with God

  • Mark 3:4 - And he saith unto them Is it lawful on the sabbath days to do good or to do evil life to save or to kill But they held their peace

  • 1 Peter 3:6 - Even as Sara obeyed Abraham lord him calling whose ye are daughters as long as ye do well and not afraid with any amazement

  • 1 Peter 3:17 - it is better For for well doing if be so the will of God that ye suffer than for evil doing

  • Luke 6:9 - said Then Jesus unto them I will ask you one thing Is it lawful on the sabbath days to do good or to do evil life to save or to destroy

  • Luke 6:33 - And if to them which do good to them which do good to you what ye thank have And for sinners the same also do

  • Luke 6:35 - But love ye enemies your and do good and lend for nothing again and shall be reward your great and shall be the children of the Highest for he kind is unto the unthankful and to the evil

  • Acts 14:17 - and Nevertheless not without witness himself he left in that he did good from heaven us rain and gave and seasons fruitful filling with food and gladness hearts our

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