G1607 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to depart, be discharged, proceed, project come (forth, out of), depart, go (forth, out), issue, proceed (out of) from G1537 (ἐκ) and G4198 (πορεύομαι);

34 instances of the word ἐκπορεύομαι ekporeúomai (G1607)

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  • Mark 1:5 - And there went out unto him all the land And they of Jerusalem And baptized all in of Jordan the river of him confessing sins him

  • Revelation 1:16 - And he had in right his hand stars seven And out of mouth his sword twoedged a sharp went And countenance his was as the sun shineth in strength his

  • Matthew 3:5 - Then went out to him Jerusalem and all Judaea and all the region round about Jordan

  • Luke 3:7 - said Then that came forth he to the multitude to be baptized of him O generation of vipers who hath warned you to flee from to come the wrath

  • Matthew 4:4 - But he answered and said It is written not by bread alone live Man but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God

  • Revelation 4:5 - And out of the throne proceeded lightnings And thunderings And voices And the seven lamps of fire burning before the throne which are the seven Spirits of God

  • Luke 4:22 - And all bare him And wondered at which words which the gracious which proceeded out of which mouth him And they said not this Is which son Joseph's

  • Ephesians 4:29 - communication Let out of mouth your no proceed but is good to of edifying the use that it may minister grace unto the hearers

  • Luke 4:37 - And went out the fame of him into every place of the country round about

  • John 5:29 - And shall come forth good they that have done unto the resurrection of life and evil they that have done unto the resurrection of damnation

  • Mark 6:11 - And whosoever not receive you nor hear you when ye depart thence shake off the dust under feet you for a testimony against them Verily I say unto you more tolerable It shall be for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment and city for that

  • Mark 7:15 - nothing There is from without a man that entering into him can him defile but the things which come out of him those There is defile a man

  • Mark 7:19 - Because not it entereth his into heart but into the belly and into the draught goeth out purging all meats

  • Mark 7:20 - he said And out of the man That which cometh that defileth the man

  • Mark 7:21 - from within For out of the heart of men thoughts evil proceed adulteries fornications murders

  • Mark 7:23 - All these evil things from within come and defile the man

  • Revelation 9:17 - And thus I saw of the horses in the vision And them that sat on their having breastplates of fire And of jacinth And brimstone And the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions And out of mouths their issued fire And smoke And brimstone

  • Revelation 9:18 - By which three these killed which the third part which of men by which the fire and by which the smoke and by which the brimstone which issued by which mouths their

  • Acts 9:28 - And he was with them coming in And going out at Jerusalem

  • Mark 10:17 - And when he was gone forth him into running one And kneeled him and asked him Master Good what shall I do that life eternal I may inherit

  • Mark 10:46 - And they came to Jericho And as he went his out of Jericho And disciples his And number of people a great the son of Timaeus Bartimaeus blind sat by the highway side begging

  • Revelation 11:5 - And their will hurt fire proceedeth out of mouth their And devoureth enemies their And their will hurt in this manner he must their be killed

  • Mark 11:19 - And when even was come he went out of the city

  • Mark 13:1 - And as he went of his out of the temple saith of his one disciples of his Master what of stones And what buildings

  • Matthew 15:11 - Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man but that which cometh out of the mouth this defileth a man

  • Matthew 15:18 - those things which But proceed from those things which the mouth from those things which the heart come forth and they defile those things which the man

  • John 15:26 - when But is come the Comforter which I will send unto you from the Father even the Spirit of truth which from the Father proceedeth he shall testify of me

  • Revelation 16:14 - they are For the spirits of devils working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth and world of the whole to gather them to the battle day of that great of God Almighty

  • Matthew 17:21 - this Howbeit kind not goeth by prayer and fasting

  • Revelation 19:15 - And out of mouth his goeth sword a sharp that with his he should smite the nations And his he shall rule his with a rod of iron And his he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness And wrath God of Almighty

  • Revelation 19:21 - And which the remnant were slain with which the sword which of him that sat upon which the horse which sword proceeded out of which mouth his And all which the fowls were filled out of which flesh his

  • Matthew 20:29 - And as they departed him from Jericho followed him multitude a great

  • Revelation 22:1 - And he shewed me a pure river of water of life clear as crystal proceeding out of the throne of God And of the Lamb

  • Acts 25:4 - But Festus answered should be kept that Paul at Caesarea that he himself and would at shortly depart

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