G1715 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
in front of (in place (literally or figuratively) or time) against, at, before, (in presence, sight) of from G1722 (ἐν) and G4314 (πρός);

45 instances of the word ἔμπροσθεν émprosthen (G1715)

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  • Mark 1:2 - As it is written in the prophets Behold I send messenger my before face thee which shall prepare way thee before thee

  • 1 Thessalonians 1:3 - without ceasing Remembering your work of faith and labour of love and patience of hope Lord in our Jesus Christ in the sight of God and Father in our

  • John 1:15 - John bare witness of him and cried saying This he was of whom I spake after me He that cometh before me is preferred for before me he was

  • John 1:27 - He it is after me coming who before me is preferred who I not am worthy to unloose He latchet shoe's

  • John 1:30 - This is he of which I said After me cometh a man which before me is preferred for before me he was

  • Galatians 2:14 - But when I saw that not they walked according to the truth of the gospel I said unto Peter before them all If thou a Jew being after the manner of Gentiles livest and not as do the Jews why the Gentiles compellest thou to live as do the Jews

  • 1 Thessalonians 2:19 - what For is our hope or joy or crown of rejoicing or Are not even ye in the presence Lord is our Jesus Christ at his coming

  • 1 Thessalonians 3:9 - what For thanks can we God again for you for all the joy wherewith we joy for your sakes before God our

  • 1 Thessalonians 3:13 - To the end he may stablish your hearts unblameable at holiness before God even Father of our at the coming Lord of our Jesus Christ with all saints his

  • Philippians 3:13 - Brethren I myself not count to have apprehended this one thing and those things which are behind I do forgetting and those things which are before reaching forth unto

  • 1 John 3:19 - And hereby we know that of the truth we are And before him shall assure hearts our

  • John 3:28 - yourselves Ye me bear that I said not I am I the Christ but that sent I am before him

  • Revelation 4:6 - And before of the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal And in the midst of the throne And round about of the throne were four beasts full of eyes before And behind

  • 2 Corinthians 5:10 - For all we appear must before the judgment seat of Christ that may receive every one the things done in his body according to that he hath done or it be good or bad

  • Matthew 5:16 - so shine which light Let your before which men that they may see Let your which good works and glorify which Father Let your which is in which heaven

  • Luke 5:19 - And not find because what in him because of the multitude they went upon the housetop because the tiling and let him with his couch into the midst before Jesus

  • Matthew 5:24 - Leave there gift thy before the altar and go thy way first be reconciled brother thy and then come and offer gift thy

  • Matthew 6:1 - Take heed which alms your not that ye do before which men to be seen which of them not reward no ye have of which Father your which is in which heaven

  • Matthew 6:2 - when Therefore do thine alms not do before thee as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets that they may have glory of men Verily I say unto you They have reward

  • Matthew 7:6 - not Give that which is holy that which unto the dogs neither cast that which pearls ye your before that which swine lest they trample them under that which feet them and turn again and rend you

  • Luke 7:27 - This is he of which it is written Behold I send messenger my before face thee which shall prepare way thee before thee

  • Mark 9:2 - And after days six taketh Jesus with him Peter And James And John And leadeth them into mountain an high apart by themselves And he was transfigured before them

  • John 10:4 - And when his own sheep he putteth forth before him he goeth And sheep him follow for they know voice him

  • Luke 10:21 - In that hour rejoiced in spirit Jesus and said I thank thee Father Lord of heaven and earth for thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed that unto babes even so Father for so it seemed good in thy

  • Matthew 10:32 - Whosoever therefore shall confess is in me before which men shall confess also is in him before which Father my which is in heaven

  • Matthew 10:33 - whosoever But shall deny me before which men deny him will I also before which Father my which is in heaven

  • Matthew 11:10 - this For is he of which it is written Behold I send messenger my before face thee which shall prepare way thee before thee

  • Matthew 11:26 - Even so Father for so it seemed good sight in thy

  • Luke 12:8 - I say Also unto you Whosoever confess me before men also the Son men confess him before the angels of God

  • John 12:37 - so many But him miracles had done before him not yet they believed on him

  • Luke 14:2 - And behold man a certain there was which had the dropsy before him

  • Matthew 17:2 - And was transfigured before his And did shine face his as the sun and raiment his was white as the light

  • Matthew 18:14 - Even so not it is the will of which Father your which is in heaven that should perish one which little ones of these

  • Acts 18:17 - took Then all the Greeks Sosthenes the chief ruler of the synagogue and beat him before the judgment seat And for none of those things Gallio cared

  • Luke 19:4 - And he ran before and climbed up into a sycomore tree to see him for that he was to pass

  • Revelation 19:10 - And I fell at feet him to worship him And he said unto me See thou do it not fellowservant of thy I am And brethren of thy that have the testimony of Jesus God to worship for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy

  • Luke 19:27 - But which enemies me those which not would that I should reign over them bring hither and slay them before me

  • Luke 19:28 - And spoken when he had thus he went before ascending up to Jerusalem

  • Luke 21:36 - Watch ye therefore always all and pray that ye may be accounted worthy to escape these things all that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of man

  • Revelation 22:8 - And I John which saw these things And I had heard And when I had heard And saw I fell down to worship before which the feet which of the angel which shewed me these things

  • Matthew 23:13 - woe But unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites ! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men ye for yourselves neither go in neither go in suffer ye go in

  • Matthew 25:32 - And shall be gathered before him all nations And divideth him from another as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats

  • Matthew 26:70 - But he denied before them all saying not I know what saying

  • Matthew 27:11 - And Jesus stood before the governor and asked him the governor sayest Thou Art the King of the Jews And Jesus said him Thou sayest

  • Matthew 27:29 - And when they had platted a crown of thorns they put in head him And a reed in right hand him And they bowed the knee before him and mocked him saying Hail King of the Jews

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