G1777 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
liable to (a condition, penalty or imputation) in danger of, guilty of, subject to from G1758 (ἐνέχω);

8 instances of the word ἔνοχος énochos (G1777)

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  • James 2:10 - whosoever For the whole law shall keep offend and yet in one point he is of all guilty

  • Hebrews 2:15 - And deliver them who fear of death through all their lifetime subject were to bondage

  • Mark 3:29 - But he that shall blaspheme against Ghost the Holy never hath forgiveness against but in danger is of eternal damnation

  • Matthew 5:21 - Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time not Thou shalt whosoever and Thou shalt in danger shall be of the judgment

  • Matthew 5:22 - I But say unto you That whosoever is angry brother without a cause in danger shall be of the judgment whosoever But shall say brother Raca in danger shall be of the council whosoever But shall say Thou fool in danger shall be of hell fire

  • 1 Corinthians 11:27 - Wherefore whosoever shall eat bread this and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily guilty shall be of the body and blood of the Lord

  • Mark 14:64 - Ye have heard the blasphemy what ye think And they all condemned him to be guilty of death

  • Matthew 26:66 - What ye think and They answered said guilty of death He is

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