G2112 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
directly, i.e. at once or soon anon, as soon as, forthwith, immediately, shortly, straightway adverb from G2117 (εὐθύς);

81 instances of the word εὐθέως euthéōs (G2112)

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  • Mark 1:10 - And straightway coming up out of the water he saw opened the heavens And the Spirit like a dove descending upon him

  • 3 John 1:14 - I trust But shortly I shall thee and face to face we shall speak Peace be to thee Greet thee Our friends Greet Our friends by name

  • 3 John 1:14 - I trust But shortly I shall thee and face to face we shall speak Peace be to thee Greet thee Our friends Greet Our friends by name

  • Galatians 1:16 - To reveal Son him among me that I might preach him among the heathen immediately not I conferred with flesh and blood

  • Mark 1:18 - And straightway they forsook nets him and followed him

  • Mark 1:20 - And straightway he called him And they left father him Zebedee in the ship with the hired servants and went after him

  • Mark 1:21 - And they went into Capernaum And straightway on the sabbath day he entered into the synagogue and taught

  • James 1:24 - he beholdeth For himself and goeth his way and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was

  • Mark 1:29 - And forthwith out of the synagogue when they were come they entered into the house of Simon And Andrew with James And John

  • Mark 1:30 - But wife's mother Simon's lay sick of a fever and anon they tell her of her

  • Mark 1:31 - And he came and lifted her and took by the hand her And left her the fever immediately And she ministered her

  • Mark 1:42 - And had spoken as soon as he immediately departed from as soon as he the leprosy And he was cleansed

  • Mark 1:43 - And he straitly charged him and forthwith away him

  • Mark 2:2 - And straightway were gathered together many insomuch that no room to receive them no not so much as about the door And he preached unto them the word

  • Mark 2:8 - And immediately perceived when Jesus spirit unto them that they so reason ye in themselves he said unto them Why these things reason ye in hearts your

  • Mark 2:12 - And he arose immediately And took up the bed went forth before all insomuch that amazed all And glorified God saying never it on this fashion We

  • Mark 3:6 - And went forth the Pharisees and straightway with the Herodians counsel took against him how him they might destroy

  • Revelation 4:2 - And immediately I was in the spirit And behold a throne was set in heaven And on a throne one sat

  • Mark 4:5 - some And fell on stony ground where not it had earth much and immediately it sprang up because no it had depth earth

  • Mark 4:15 - these And are they by the way side where is sown the word and when they have heard immediately cometh Satan and taketh away the word is sown in hearts their

  • Mark 4:16 - And these are they likewise on stony ground which are sown who when they have heard the word immediately with gladness receive it

  • Mark 4:17 - And no have root in themselves and but for a time so endure afterward ariseth when affliction or persecution for the word's sake immediately they are offended

  • Matthew 4:20 - And they straightway left their nets followed him

  • Matthew 4:22 - And they immediately left the ship and father him and followed him

  • Mark 4:29 - when But is brought forth the fruit immediately he putteth in the sickle because is come the harvest

  • Mark 5:2 - And when he was come him out of the ship immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with spirit an unclean

  • John 5:9 - And immediately was made whole the man And took up bed And walked was and the sabbath on the same day

  • Luke 5:13 - And he put forth his hand and touched him saying I will be thou clean And immediately the leprosy departed from him

  • Mark 5:13 - And gave them forthwith Jesus And went out spirits the unclean and entered into the swine And ran the herd violently down a steep place into the sea (they were about two thousand And were choked in the sea

  • Mark 5:29 - And straightway was dried up the fountain blood of her And she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague

  • Mark 5:30 - And immediately Jesus knowing in himself out of that virtue had gone turned him about in the press and said Who my touched clothes

  • Mark 5:36 - As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue not Be only believe

  • Luke 5:39 - also No man having drunk The old wine straightway desireth new he saith for The old better is

  • Mark 5:42 - And straightway arose the damsel And walked she was for years of the age of twelve And they were astonished astonishment with a great

  • John 6:21 - they willingly Then received him into the ship and immediately the ship was at the land into they went

  • Mark 6:25 - And she came in straightway with haste unto the king and asked saying I will that me thou give by and by in a charger the head of John the Baptist

  • Mark 6:27 - And immediately sent the king an executioner and commanded to be brought head him and he went and beheaded him in the prison

  • Mark 6:45 - And straightway he constrained disciples he to get into the ship And before into the other side unto Bethsaida while he sent away the people

  • Luke 6:49 - But he that heareth and not doeth like is a man built an house upon the earth that without a foundation which against the stream and immediately it fell and was the ruin an house of that great

  • Mark 6:50 - they all For him saw And were troubled And immediately he talked with him And saith him Be of good cheer I it is not afraid

  • Mark 6:54 - And when they were come him out of the ship straightway they knew him

  • Mark 7:35 - And straightway were opened his ears And was loosed the string tongue his And he spake plain

  • Matthew 8:3 - And put forth his hand and touched him Jesus saying I will be thou clean And immediately be thou clean him leprosy

  • Mark 8:10 - And straightway he entered into a ship with disciples and came into the parts of Dalmanutha

  • Mark 9:15 - And straightway all the people when they beheld him were greatly amazed And running to him saluted him

  • Acts 9:18 - And immediately there fell from eyes his as it had been scales and he received sight and forthwith And arose was baptized

  • Acts 9:20 - And straightway in the synagogues he preached Christ that he is the Son of God

  • Mark 9:20 - And they brought him unto him And when he saw him straightway the spirit tare him And he fell on the ground and wallowed foaming

  • Mark 9:24 - And straightway cried out the father of the child with tears and said I believe Lord help thou mine unbelief

  • Acts 9:34 - And said unto him Peter Aeneas maketh thee Jesus Christ arise And bed thy And immediately arise

  • Mark 10:52 - And Jesus said unto him Go thy way faith thy hath made thee And immediately he received his sight And followed Jesus in the way

  • Mark 11:2 - And saith him Go your way into the village over against you And as soon as ye be entered into him ye shall find a colt tied whereon never man sat loose him and bring

  • Mark 11:3 - And if any man unto you say Why do ye this say that the Lord him need hath And straightway him he will send hither

  • Acts 12:10 - they were past When the first ward and the second they came unto gate the iron that leadeth unto the city which of his own accord opened him and they went out and passed on through street and forthwith departed the angel from him

  • Luke 12:36 - And ye yourselves like unto men that wait lord for their when he will return from the wedding that when he cometh And knocketh immediately they may open unto him

  • Luke 12:54 - he said And also to the people When ye see a cloud rise out of the west straightway he said a shower There cometh also it is so

  • Matthew 13:5 - Some fell upon stony places where not they had earth much and forthwith they sprung up because no they had deepness earth

  • John 13:30 - having received then the sop He immediately out it was and night

  • Luke 14:5 - And answered them him saying Which of you shall have an ass or an ox into a pit fallen And not straightway out him on day the sabbath

  • Matthew 14:22 - And straightway constrained Jesus disciples him to get into a ship And to go before him into the other side while away the multitudes

  • Matthew 14:27 - straightway But spake unto them Jesus saying Be of good cheer I it is not afraid

  • Matthew 14:31 - immediately And Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him and said him O thou of little faith wherefore didst thou doubt

  • Mark 14:43 - And immediately while he yet him spake cometh Judas one of the twelve And with him multitude a great with swords And staves from the chief priests And the scribes And the elders

  • Mark 14:45 - And as soon as he was come straightway he goeth him and saith Master Master And kissed him

  • Mark 15:1 - And straightway in the morning a consultation held the chief priests with the elders And scribes And the whole council and bound Jesus and carried him away And delivered him to Pilate

  • Acts 16:10 - after And the vision he had seen immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia assuredly gathering that had called us the Lord for to preach the gospel unto them

  • Luke 17:7 - which But from you a servant having plowing or feeding cattle unto him when he is come from the field will say by and by Go and sit down to meat

  • Acts 17:10 - And the brethren immediately by night sent away Paul and Silas into Berea who coming into the synagogue of the Jews thither went

  • Acts 17:14 - immediately And then Paul sent away the brethren to go as it were to the sea abode And Silas and Timotheus there

  • John 18:27 - again then denied Peter and immediately the cock crew

  • Matthew 20:34 - had compassion So Jesus on them and touched eyes him and immediately received sight him eyes and they followed him

  • Matthew 21:2 - Saying her Go into the village over against you and straightway ye shall find an ass tied and a colt with her loose them and bring them unto me

  • Matthew 21:3 - And if any man unto you say any man ye shall say The Lord of them need hath straightway and he will send of them

  • Luke 21:9 - when But ye shall hear of wars and commotions not be must for these things come to pass first but is not by and by the end

  • Acts 21:30 - was moved And the city all and ran together the people and they took Paul and drew him out of the temple and forthwith were shut the doors

  • Acts 22:29 - straightway Then they departed from him which should him have examined also which the chief captain and was afraid after he knew because a Roman he was also because he had him bound

  • Matthew 24:29 - Immediately after the tribulation days of those shall the sun be darkened and the moon not give light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers heaven shall be shaken

  • Matthew 25:15 - And to another unto one he gave five talents to another and two to another and one to every man according to his several ability And took his journey straightway

  • Matthew 26:49 - And forthwith he came to Jesus and said Hail master And kissed him

  • Matthew 26:74 - Then began he to curse And to swear saying not I know the man And immediately the cock crew

  • Matthew 27:48 - And straightway ran one of him And took a spunge filled and it with vinegar And put it on a reed and gave him

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