G2251 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
our our, your (by a different reading) from G2349 (θνητός);

9 instances of the word ἡμέτερος hēméteros (G2251)

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  • 1 John 1:3 - That which we have seen also heard declare we unto you that also ye fellowship may have is with us also fellowship truly our is with the Father also is with Son his Jesus Christ

  • 1 John 2:2 - And the propitiation he is for sins our not for ours and only but And for the sins of the whole world

  • Acts 2:11 - Cretes and Arabians we do hear speak them in our tongues the wonderful works of God

  • Titus 3:14 - learn And also ours good works to maintain for necessary uses they be unfruitful

  • 2 Timothy 4:15 - Of whom also thou be greatly for he hath our words

  • Romans 15:4 - whatsoever things For were written for our learning were written that through patience and comfort of the scriptures hope might have

  • 1 Corinthians 15:31 - daily I die I protest by rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus Lord our

  • Acts 24:6 - Who also the temple hath gone about to profane Who also we took also according to our law would have judged

  • Acts 26:5 - Which knew me from the beginning if they would testify that after the most straitest sect of our religion I lived a Pharisee

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