G2252 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
I was be, was a prolonged form of G2258 (ἦν);

15 instances of the word ἤμην ḗmēn (G2252)

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  • Galatians 1:10 - now For men do I or God or do I seek men I if For yet men I of Christ the servant not I should be

  • Galatians 1:22 - was And unknown which by face which unto the churches which of Judaea which were in Christ

  • Acts 10:30 - And Cornelius said ago Four days until hour I was fasting And at the ninth hour I prayed in house me And behold a man stood before me in clothing bright

  • Acts 11:5 - I was in the city of Joppa praying and I saw in a trance a vision descend vessel A certain as it had been sheet a great by four corners let down from heaven and it came even to me

  • John 11:15 - And I am glad for your sakes to the intent ye may believe that not I was there nevertheless let us go unto him

  • Acts 11:17 - Forasmuch then the like gift gave them God as as he did unto us who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ I what was that I could withstand God

  • 1 Corinthians 13:11 - When I was a child as a child I spake as a child I understood as a child I thought When but I became a man I put away a child

  • Mark 14:49 - daily I was with you in the temple teaching and not ye took me but must be fulfilled the scriptures

  • John 16:4 - But these things have I told unto you that when shall come the time ye may remember of them because I I said unto you these things And unto you at the beginning not I said because with you I was

  • John 17:12 - While I was with them in the world I kept them in name thy that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost the son of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled

  • Acts 22:19 - And I said Lord they know that I imprisoned and beat in every synagogue them that believed on thee

  • Acts 22:20 - And when was shed the blood Stephen martyr of thy And I was standing by And consenting death I And kept the raiment of them that slew I

  • Matthew 25:35 - I was an hungred For and ye gave me meat I was thirsty and drink me a stranger I was and in me

  • Matthew 25:36 - Naked and ye clothed me I was sick and ye visited me in prison I was and ye came unto me

  • Matthew 25:43 - a stranger I was and not in me naked and not ye clothed me sick and in prison and not ye visited me

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