G2296 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to wonder; by implication, to admire admire, have in admiration, marvel, wonder from G2295 (θαῦμα);

46 instances of the word θαυμάζω thaumázō (G2296)

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  • Galatians 1:6 - I marvel that so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel

  • 2 Thessalonians 1:10 - When he shall come to be glorified in saints and to be admired in all them that believe (because them that believe testimony our among you in day that

  • Jude 1:16 - These are murmurers complainers after lusts their walking and mouth their speaketh great swelling in admiration words having men's persons of advantage because

  • Luke 1:21 - And waited the people for Zacharias And marvelled in tarried so long he in the temple

  • Luke 1:63 - And he asked for a writing table and wrote saying John is name His And they marvelled all

  • Acts 2:7 - amazed And all and marvelled saying one to another not Behold all these are which speak Galilaeans

  • Luke 2:18 - And all those things which they that heard it wondered at those things which were told by those things which the shepherds them

  • Luke 2:33 - And marvelled Joseph And mother him at those things which were spoken of him

  • John 3:7 - not Marvel that I said unto thee must Ye be born again

  • Acts 3:12 - saw And when Peter it he answered unto the people Ye men of Israel why marvel ye at this or on us why look ye so earnestly as though by our own power or holiness we had made to walk this man

  • 1 John 3:13 - not Marvel brethren my if hate you the world

  • Acts 4:13 - when they saw Now of Peter the boldness and John and perceived that men unlearned they were and ignorant they marvelled they took knowledge and of them that with Jesus they had been

  • Luke 4:22 - And all bare him And wondered at which words which the gracious which proceeded out of which mouth him And they said not this Is which son Joseph's

  • John 4:27 - And upon this came disciples her And marvelled that with the woman he talked no man yet said What seekest thou or What he talked with her

  • John 5:20 - For the Father loveth the Son and all things he will shew him that him doeth and these he will shew him works that ye may marvel

  • Mark 5:20 - And he departed And began to publish in Decapolis how great things had done for him Jesus And all men did marvel

  • John 5:28 - not Marvel at this for is coming the hour in the which all in the graves shall hear voice his

  • Mark 6:6 - And he marvelled because unbelief of their And he went the villages round about teaching

  • Mark 6:51 - And he went up unto them into the ship And ceased the wind And they were sore beyond measure in themselves amazed And wondered

  • Luke 7:9 - heard When these things Jesus he marvelled at him and turned him about that followed at him unto the people and said I say unto you no not in Israel so great faith I have not found

  • John 7:15 - And marvelled the Jews saying How this man letters knoweth never having

  • John 7:21 - answered Jesus and said unto them one work I have done and all marvel

  • Acts 7:31 - When Moses saw it he wondered at the sight as he drew near When him to behold came it the voice of the Lord unto him

  • Matthew 8:10 - heard When Jesus it he marvelled and said to them that followed Verily I say unto you no not in Israel so great faith I have

  • Luke 8:25 - he said And him Where is faith your they being afraid And wondered saying one to another What manner of man this is ! for and the winds he commandeth and water and they obey him

  • Matthew 8:27 - But the men marvelled saying What manner of man is this that and the winds and the sea obey him

  • Matthew 9:8 - saw But which when the multitudes it they marvelled and glorified which God which had given power such which unto men

  • Matthew 9:33 - And was cast out when the devil spake the dumb And marvelled the multitudes saying It was never seen so in Israel

  • Luke 9:43 - amazed And all at the mighty power of God all And while they wondered at all which did Jesus he said unto disciples

  • Luke 11:14 - And he was casting out a devil And it he was dumb it came to pass And a devil was gone out spake dumb And wondered the people

  • Luke 11:38 - And when the Pharisee saw it he marvelled that not first he had before dinner

  • Mark 12:17 - And answering the things that are Jesus said him Render the things that are Caesar's Caesar's And the things that are the things that are God's the things that are God's And they marvelled at him

  • Revelation 13:3 - And I saw heads his as it were wounded to deadly And wound deadly his was healed And wondered all the world after the beast

  • Acts 13:41 - Behold ye despisers and wonder and perish for a work I work in days your a work which believe though a man declare it unto you

  • Mark 15:5 - But Jesus yet nothing answered so marvelled that Pilate

  • Matthew 15:31 - Insomuch that the multitude wondered to see the dumb to speak the maimed to be whole the lame to walk and the blind to see and they glorified the God of Israel

  • Mark 15:44 - And Pilate marvelled if already dead and calling unto him the centurion he asked him if any while dead

  • Revelation 17:6 - And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints And with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus And I wondered I saw her admiration with great

  • Revelation 17:7 - And said unto me which the angel Wherefore didst thou marvel I thee will tell which the mystery which of the woman And which of the beast which that carrieth her which hath which the seven heads And which ten horns

  • Revelation 17:8 - The beast that thou sawest was and not is and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit and into perdition go and shall wonder they that dwell in the earth that not were names in the book of life from the foundation of the world when they behold The beast that was and not is and yet is

  • Luke 20:26 - And not they could take hold his words before the people And they marvelled at answer his and held their peace

  • Matthew 21:20 - And saw when the disciples it they marvelled saying How soon withered away is the fig tree

  • Matthew 22:22 - When they had heard these words they marvelled When left him and went their way

  • Luke 24:12 - Then Peter arose and ran unto the sepulchre and stooping down he beheld the linen clothes laid by themselves and departed in himself wondering at that which was come to pass

  • Luke 24:41 - while they yet And believed not unto them for joy and wondered he said unto them Have ye any meat here

  • Matthew 27:14 - And he answered him to never a word insomuch marvelled that the governor greatly

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