G2390 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to cure (literally or figuratively) heal, make whole middle voice of apparently a primary verb;

28 instances of the word ἰάομαι iáomai (G2390)

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  • 1 Peter 2:24 - Who sins our his own self bare in body his own self on the tree that sins being dead unto righteousness should live Who stripes his own self ye were healed

  • Acts 3:11 - held And which was healed as the lame man Peter and John ran together unto them all the people in the porch that is called Solomon's greatly wondering

  • Luke 4:18 - The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach to the captives deliverance and to the blind recovering of sight he hath sent them that are bruised at deliverance

  • John 4:47 - When he heard that Jesus was come out of Judaea into Galilee he went unto him and besought him that he would come down and heal him son he was at the point for of death

  • John 5:13 - And he that was healed not wist who it was for Jesus had conveyed himself away a multitude being in that place

  • James 5:16 - Confess another your faults and pray for another that ye may be healed much availeth prayer of a righteous man The effectual fervent

  • Luke 5:17 - And it came to pass on day And he there were teaching And there were sitting by Pharisees And doctors of the law which there were come out of every town of Galilee And Judaea And Jerusalem And the power of the Lord there were present to heal he

  • Mark 5:29 - And straightway was dried up the fountain blood of her And she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague

  • Luke 6:17 - And he came down with him and stood in the plain And the company disciples him And multitude a great of people of all Judaea And Jerusalem And from the sea coast of Tyre And Sidon which came to hear him And to be healed of diseases him

  • Luke 6:19 - And the whole multitude sought to touch him for virtue out him there went And healed the whole

  • Luke 7:7 - Wherefore neither myself thought I unto thee to come but say in a word and shall be healed servant my

  • Matthew 8:8 - and answered The centurion said Lord not I am worthy that my under roof thou shouldest come but only speak the word and shall be healed servant my

  • Matthew 8:13 - And said Jesus unto the centurion Go thy way And as thou hast believed so be it done unto thee And was healed servant his in hour the selfsame

  • Luke 8:47 - saw And when the woman that not hid trembling she came and falling down before him for what cause she had touched him she declared him before all the people and how she was healed immediately

  • Luke 9:2 - And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God And to heal the sick

  • Luke 9:11 - And the people when they knew it followed him and he received him and spake him of the kingdom of God and need that had of healing healed

  • Acts 9:34 - And said unto him Peter Aeneas maketh thee Jesus Christ arise And bed thy And immediately arise

  • Luke 9:42 - yet And a coming him down him the devil and tare rebuked And Jesus spirit the unclean and healed the child and again him father him

  • Acts 10:38 - Jesus of Nazareth How anointed him God Ghost with the Holy and with power went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him

  • Hebrews 12:13 - And paths straight make feet for your which is lame be turned out of the way be healed but rather

  • John 12:40 - He hath blinded their eyes and hardened their heart see eyes and understand heart and be converted and I should heal their

  • Matthew 13:15 - is waxed gross For heart people's this and their ears are dull hear and eyes them they have closed lest at any time they should see eyes and their ears hear and heart should understand and should be converted and I should heal them

  • Luke 14:4 - And they held their peace And he took him and healed him And let him go

  • Matthew 15:28 - Then answered Jesus and said her O woman great is thy faith be it unto thee even as thou wilt And was made whole daughter her from hour that very

  • Luke 17:15 - one And of them when he saw that he was healed turned back and with voice a loud glorified God

  • Luke 22:51 - answered And Jesus and said Suffer ye far thus And he touched ear him and healed him

  • Acts 28:8 - it came to pass And that the father of Publius a fever and of a bloody flux sick of lay to whom Paul entered in and prayed and laid his hands him and healed him

  • Acts 28:27 - is waxed gross For the heart people of this and ears are dull hear and eyes their have they closed lest they should see eyes and ears hear and the heart understand and should be converted and I should heal their

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