G3004 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
properly, to "lay" forth, i.e. (figuratively) relate (in words (usually of systematic or set discourse; whereas G2036 (ἔπω) and G5346 (φημί) generally refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while G4483 (ῥέω) is properly to break silence merely, and G2980 (λαλέω) means an extended or random harangue)); by implication, to mean ask, bid, boast, call, describe, give out, name, put forth, say(-ing, on), shew, speak, tell, utter a primary verb;

1240 instances of the word λέγω légō (G3004)

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  • Acts 1:3 - To whom also he shewed himself alive after passion his by many infallible proofs days forty being seen his also speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God

  • Acts 1:6 - When they therefore were come together they asked of him saying Lord at time this restore again the kingdom to Israel

  • Hebrews 1:6 - when And again he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world he saith And let him all the angels of God

  • Hebrews 1:7 - And of angels he saith maketh angels spirits And ministers of fire a flame

  • 1 Timothy 1:7 - Desiring to be teachers of the law understanding neither what they say neither whereof they affirm

  • Mark 1:7 - And preached saying There cometh one mightier than I after I of whose not I am worthy to stoop down and unloose the latchet shoes

  • Revelation 1:8 - I am which Alpha and which Omega the beginning and the ending saith which the Lord which and which was and which to come which the Almighty

  • Galatians 1:9 - As we said before so now again say I unto you gospel any other that ye have received accursed let him be

  • 1 Corinthians 1:10 - I beseech Now you brethren by the name Lord of our Jesus Christ that the same speak all and no that there be among you divisions that there be Now perfectly joined together among the same mind and among the same judgment

  • 2 John 1:10 - there come unto you and doctrine not bring not receive him into your house and God speed him not bid

  • 2 John 1:11 - For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker deeds him evil

  • Revelation 1:11 - Saying I am which Alpha and which Omega which the first and which the last and What thou seest write in a book and send which it unto the seven churches which are in Asia in Ephesus and in Smyrna and in Pergamos and in Thyatira and in Sardis and in Philadelphia and in Laodicea

  • 1 Corinthians 1:12 - I say Now this that every one of you I say I am of Paul I Now of Apollos I Now of Cephas I Now of Christ

  • James 1:13 - no man I am tempted Let of God I am tempted for God cannot be tempted with evil I am tempted neither any man

  • Jude 1:14 - prophesied And also of these the seventh from Adam Enoch saying Behold cometh the Lord with ten thousands saints

  • John 1:15 - John bare witness of him and cried saying This he was of whom I spake after me He that cometh before me is preferred for before me he was

  • Mark 1:15 - And saying is fulfilled The time And is at hand the kingdom of God repent ye And believe the gospel

  • Matthew 1:16 - Jacob And begat who Joseph who the husband of Mary of whom begat Jesus who is called Christ

  • Revelation 1:17 - And when I saw him I fell at feet him as dead And he laid right him hand upon me saying unto me not Fear I am the first And the last

  • Jude 1:18 - How they told you How in the last time there should be mockers after their own lusts who should walk ungodly

  • Philemon 1:19 - I Paul have written it with mine own hand I will repay I do to thee how even thine own self unto me besides

  • Matthew 1:20 - these things But her thought on behold the angel of the Lord in a dream appeared her saying Joseph thou son of David not fear to take Mary thy wife unto thee for in her that which is conceived of Ghost is the Holy

  • John 1:21 - And they asked him What then Elias Art thou And he saith No I am that prophet Art thou And he answered No

  • Philemon 1:21 - Having confidence obedience in thy I wrote unto thee knowing that also more than I say do

  • John 1:22 - said they Then unto him What art thou that an answer we may give to them that sent us What sayest thou of thyself

  • Matthew 1:22 - this Now all was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of which the Lord by which the prophet saying

  • Luke 1:24 - after And days conceived Elisabeth wife his and hid herself months five saying

  • Mark 1:24 - Saying Let us alone what have we to do with thee thou Jesus of Nazareth art thou come to destroy us I know thee what thou art the Holy One of God

  • Mark 1:25 - And rebuked him Jesus saying Hold thy peace And come out of him

  • John 1:26 - answered them John saying I baptize with water among but you there standeth one whom ye not know

  • Mark 1:27 - And amazed all insomuch that they questioned among him saying What thing is is this What thing doctrine new this for with authority And spirits the unclean commandeth And they do obey him

  • John 1:29 - which The next day seeth which John which Jesus coming unto him and saith which the Lamb which of God which taketh away which the sin which of the world

  • Mark 1:30 - But wife's mother Simon's lay sick of a fever and anon they tell her of her

  • John 1:32 - And bare record John saying I saw the Spirit descending like a dove from heaven And it abode upon him

  • John 1:36 - And looking upon Jesus as he walked he saith the Lamb of God

  • Mark 1:37 - And when they had found him they said him All men seek for thee

  • John 1:38 - turned Then Jesus and saw them following (which is to say them What seek ye Then They said them Rabbi (which is to say being interpreted Master where dwellest thou

  • Mark 1:38 - And he said unto them Let us go into the next towns that there also I may preach into for came I forth

  • John 1:39 - He saith him Come and saw Come and saw abode and with him abode day that hour for it was about the tenth

  • Mark 1:40 - And there came to him a leper beseeching him And kneeling down him And saying him If thou wilt thou canst me clean

  • John 1:41 - We have found He first brother his own Simon and saith unto him We have found the Messias which is being interpreted the Christ

  • Mark 1:41 - And Jesus moved with compassion put forth his hand and touched him and saith him I will be thou clean

  • John 1:43 - The day following would Jesus go forth into Galilee and findeth Philip and saith unto him Follow me

  • Mark 1:44 - And saith unto him See nothing nothing thou say but go thy way thyself shew to the priest And offer for cleansing thy commanded those things which Moses for a testimony unto him

  • John 1:45 - We have found Philip Nathanael and saith unto him him of whom did write Moses in the law and the prophets We have found Jesus the son of Joseph of Nazareth

  • John 1:46 - And said unto him Nathanael out of Nazareth Can there any good thing come saith unto him Philip Come And see

  • John 1:47 - saw Jesus Nathanael coming to him and saith of him saw indeed an Israelite in whom guile no is

  • John 1:48 - saith unto him Nathanael Whence me knowest thou answered Jesus and said unto him Before thee that Philip called when thou wast under the fig tree I saw thee

  • John 1:49 - answered Nathanael and saith unto him Rabbi thou art the Son of God thou art the King of Israel

  • John 1:51 - And I say unto him Verily Verily I say unto you Hereafter ye shall see heaven open And the angels of God ascending And descending upon the Son of man

  • Luke 1:63 - And he asked for a writing table and wrote saying John is name His And they marvelled all

  • Luke 1:66 - ! And them laid them up all they that heard in hearts him saying What manner of child this be ! And the hand of the Lord was with him

  • Luke 1:67 - And Zacharias father his was filled Ghost with the Holy And prophesied saying

  • Revelation 2:1 - who Unto the angel who of Ephesus of the church write These things saith who he that holdeth who of the seven stars in who right hand who walketh in the midst who of the seven candlesticks who golden

  • Matthew 2:2 - Saying Where is he that is born King of the Jews we have seen for him star in the east and are come to worship him

  • John 2:3 - And when they wanted wine saith the mother of Jesus unto him wine no They have

  • Colossians 2:4 - this And I say any man you should beguile with enticing words

  • 1 John 2:4 - He that saith I know him and commandments him not keepeth a liar is and in him the truth not is

  • 2 Thessalonians 2:4 - Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he in Who the temple Who God as God sitteth shewing himself that he is God

  • John 2:4 - saith unto her Jesus what have I to do with thee Woman not yet come hour mine

  • 2 Thessalonians 2:5 - not Remember ye that yet when I was with you these things I told you

  • John 2:5 - he saith mother His unto the servants he saith unto you do

  • Mark 2:5 - saw When Jesus faith their he said unto the sick of the palsy Son be forgiven thee sins thy

  • Hebrews 2:6 - testified But in a certain place one saying What is man that thou art mindful him or the son man that thou visitest him

  • 1 John 2:6 - He that saith in him he abideth ought even as he to walk also him so to walk

  • Acts 2:7 - amazed And all and marvelled saying one to another not Behold all these are which speak Galilaeans

  • 1 Timothy 2:7 - Whereunto am ordained I a preacher and an apostle the truth (I speak in Christ not and lie ) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and the truth

  • 2 Timothy 2:7 - Consider what I say give and thee the Lord understanding in all things

  • John 2:7 - saith them Jesus Fill the waterpots with water And Fill them to the brim

  • Revelation 2:7 - He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches that overcometh will I give To him to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God

  • John 2:8 - And he saith unto them Draw out now And bear unto the governor of the feast And bear

  • Revelation 2:8 - And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write These things saith the first And the last which was dead And is alive

  • Titus 2:8 - speech Sound that cannot be condemned that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed no having of you to say evil

  • 1 John 2:9 - He that saith in the light he is and brother hateth in darkness is even until now

  • Revelation 2:9 - I know thy of them which works and of them which tribulation and of them which poverty rich (but thou art and of them which I know the blasphemy of them which say Jews are they and not are but are the synagogue of them which of Satan

  • John 2:10 - And saith unto him Every man at the beginning good wine doth set forth And when men have well drunk then that which is worse but thou hast kept good wine until now

  • Mark 2:10 - that But ye may know that power hath the Son of man to forgive on earth sins (he saith to the sick of the palsy

  • Ephesians 2:11 - Wherefore remember that ye being in time past that which Gentiles in the flesh that which are called Uncircumcision by that which are called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands

  • Mark 2:11 - unto thee I say Arise and take up bed thine and go thy way into house thine

  • Revelation 2:11 - He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches He that overcometh be hurt of death the second

  • Acts 2:12 - amazed And all and were in doubt another to another saying What meaneth this

  • Hebrews 2:12 - Saying I will declare name thy brethren unto my in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee

  • Mark 2:12 - And he arose immediately And took up the bed went forth before all insomuch that amazed all And glorified God saying never it on this fashion We

  • Revelation 2:12 - And to the angel in Pergamos of the church write These things saith he which hath sword with two edges the sharp

  • Acts 2:13 - Others mocking said of new wine full These men are

  • Luke 2:13 - And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude host of the heavenly praising God And saying

  • Matthew 2:13 - were departed And him behold the angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph saying Arise and take the young child and mother him and flee into Egypt and be thou there until I bring thee will for Herod seek the young child to destroy him

  • James 2:14 - What doth it profit brethren my though faith say a man have works and not have not can faith save him

  • Mark 2:14 - And as he passed by he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the receipt of custom And said him Follow me And he arose Follow him

  • Matthew 2:15 - And was there until which the death of Herod that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of which the Lord by which the prophet saying Out of Egypt have I called which son my

  • Mark 2:16 - And when the scribes And Pharisees saw unto his he eateth with publicans And sinners they said disciples unto his How is it that with publicans And sinners he eateth And drinketh

  • Acts 2:17 - And it shall come to pass in the last days saith God I will pour out of Spirit my upon all flesh And shall prophesy sons your And daughters your And young men your visions shall see And old men your shall dream dreams

  • Mark 2:17 - When heard Jesus it he saith unto them no need have They that are whole of the physician but sick have no I came to call the righteous but sinners to repentance

  • Matthew 2:17 - Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy that which the prophet saying

  • Revelation 2:17 - He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches that overcometh will I give To him to eat of manna the hidden and will I give To him stone a white and in stone name a new written which no man knoweth he that receiveth

  • 2 Timothy 2:18 - Who concerning the truth have erred saying that the resurrection already is past and overthrow of some the faith

  • Mark 2:18 - And used disciples of John And of the Pharisees fast And they come And say unto him Why do disciples of John And of the Pharisees fast but thy disciples not fast

  • Revelation 2:18 - And who unto the angel who in Thyatira of the church write These things saith who the Son who of God who hath who eyes his like unto a flame of fire And who feet his are like fine brass

  • Matthew 2:20 - Saying Arise and take which the young child and which mother his and go into the land of Israel they are dead for which sought which life which the young child

  • Revelation 2:20 - Notwithstanding I have against thee a few things because thou sufferest which that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication and things sacrificed unto idols to eat

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