G3319 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
middle (as an adjective or (neuter) noun) among, X before them, between, + forth, mid(-day, -night), midst, way from G3326 (μετά);

59 instances of the word μέσος mésos (G3319)

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  • Revelation 1:13 - And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man clothed with a garment down to the foot And girt about the paps girdle with a golden

  • Acts 1:15 - And in days stood up Peter in the midst of the disciples and said were (the number of names together about an hundred and twenty

  • Acts 1:18 - this man Now purchased a field with the reward of iniquity and headlong falling he burst asunder in the midst and gushed out all bowels his

  • John 1:26 - answered them John saying I baptize with water among but you there standeth one whom ye not know

  • Revelation 2:1 - who Unto the angel who of Ephesus of the church write These things saith who he that holdeth who of the seven stars in who right hand who walketh in the midst who of the seven candlesticks who golden

  • 1 Thessalonians 2:7 - But we were gentle among you even as cherisheth a nurse her children

  • 2 Thessalonians 2:7 - For the mystery already doth of iniquity only letteth he who now will let until out of the way he be taken

  • Revelation 2:7 - He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches that overcometh will I give To him to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God

  • Hebrews 2:12 - Saying I will declare name thy brethren unto my in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee

  • Colossians 2:14 - Blotting out that was against us the handwriting of ordinances which was contrary to us and it took out of the way nailing it to his cross

  • Philippians 2:15 - That ye may be blameless and harmless the sons of God without rebuke among the midst nation of a crooked and perverse among whom ye shine as lights among the world

  • Acts 2:22 - Ye men of Israel hear words these Jesus of Nazareth Ye men of God approved among you by miracles also wonders also signs which did by him God in the midst of you as also him know

  • Luke 2:46 - And it came to pass that after days three they found him in the temple sitting in the midst of the doctors And hearing him And asking him

  • Mark 3:3 - And he saith unto the man the withered which had hand Stand forth

  • Revelation 4:6 - And before of the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal And in the midst of the throne And round about of the throne were four beasts full of eyes before And behind

  • Acts 4:7 - And when they had set them By the midst they asked By what power or By what name done this ye

  • Luke 4:30 - of them But he passing through the midst of them went his way

  • Luke 4:35 - And rebuked him Jesus saying Hold thy peace And come out of him And had thrown him when the devil in the midst come out of him not and hurt him

  • 1 Corinthians 5:2 - And ye puffed up are And not rather have that might be taken away from among you deed this he that hath done

  • Revelation 5:6 - And I beheld And lo in the midst of the throne And of the four beasts And in the midst of the elders a Lamb stood as it had been slain having horns seven And eyes seven which are seven of God Spirits sent forth into all the earth

  • Luke 5:19 - And not find because what in him because of the multitude they went upon the housetop because the tiling and let him with his couch into the midst before Jesus

  • 1 Corinthians 6:5 - shame to your I speak Is it so is not that there among to your a wise man no not one that shall be able to judge between brethren

  • Revelation 6:6 - And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say A measure of wheat for a penny And three A measure of barley for a penny And the oil And the wine not see thou hurt

  • Luke 6:8 - their And he knew which thoughts their and said which to the man which the withered had which hand Rise up and and stood forth in which the midst which And he arose and stood forth

  • 2 Corinthians 6:17 - Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord and the unclean not touch thing and I will receive you

  • Mark 6:47 - And when even was come was the ship in the midst of the sea And he alone on the land

  • Revelation 7:17 - For which the Lamb which is in the midst which of the throne shall feed their and shall lead their unto living fountains of waters and shall wipe away which God all tears from which eyes their

  • Mark 7:31 - And again departing from of the coasts of Tyre And Sidon he came unto the sea of Galilee through the midst of the coasts of Decapolis

  • John 8:3 - brought And the scribes and Pharisees unto her a woman in adultery taken and when they had set her in the midst

  • Luke 8:7 - And some fell among the thorns And sprang up with it the thorns and choked it

  • John 8:9 - And they which heard and by their own conscience being convicted went out beginning at the eldest even unto the last and was left alone Jesus and the woman in the midst standing

  • John 8:59 - took they up Then stones to cast at him Jesus but hid himself and went out of the temple going through the midst him and passed by so

  • Mark 9:36 - And he took a child and set him in the midst him And in his arms him he said him

  • Luke 10:3 - Go your ways behold I forth you as lambs among wolves

  • Matthew 10:16 - Behold I forth you as sheep in the midst of wolves be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves

  • Matthew 13:25 - while But slept men came his enemy and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way

  • Matthew 13:49 - So shall it be at the end of the world shall come forth the angels and sever the wicked from among the just

  • Matthew 14:6 - birthday But was kept Herod danced the daughter of Herodias before them and pleased Herod

  • Matthew 14:24 - But the ship now in the midst of the sea was tossed with waves was for contrary the wind

  • Mark 14:60 - And stood up the high priest in the midst and asked Jesus saying Answerest thou nothing what is it which these against thee witness

  • Luke 17:11 - And it came to pass as went he to Jerusalem And he passed through the midst of Samaria And Galilee

  • Acts 17:22 - stood Then Paul in the midst of Mars' hill of Mars' hill and said Ye men of Athens in all things that are too superstitious ye I perceive

  • Acts 17:33 - So Paul departed from among them

  • Matthew 18:2 - And called Jesus a little child and set him in the midst him

  • Matthew 18:20 - where For are two or three gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them

  • John 19:18 - Where him they crucified and with him other two and in the midst and Jesus

  • John 20:19 - being Then at evening day the same day of the week and the doors were shut where were the disciples assembled for fear of the Jews came Jesus and stood in the midst and saith unto them Peace be unto you

  • John 20:26 - And after days eight again were within disciples his And Thomas after his then came Jesus the doors being shut And stood in the midst And said Peace be unto you

  • Luke 21:21 - Then them that are in Judaea flee thereinto the mountains and them that are in the midst of it depart out and them that are in the countries not enter thereinto of it

  • Revelation 22:2 - In the midst of the street of it and of the river side and side of the tree of life which bare fruit twelve every month and yielded fruit of it and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations

  • Luke 22:27 - whether For is greater he that sitteth at meat or he that serveth is not he that sitteth at meat I but am among you as he that serveth

  • Luke 22:55 - when they had kindled And a fire in among of the hall and were set down together them sat down Peter in among them

  • Acts 23:10 - a great And when there arose dissension fearing the chief captain lest should have been pulled in pieces Paul of him commanded the soldiers to go down and to take him from among him to bring and him into the castle

  • Luke 23:45 - And was darkened the sun And was rent the veil of the temple in the midst

  • Luke 24:36 - thus And as they spake as they Jesus stood in the midst as they and saith as they Peace be unto you

  • Matthew 25:6 - at midnight And there was a cry made Behold the bridegroom cometh go ye out to meet him

  • Acts 26:13 - At midday in the way I saw O king from heaven above the brightness of the sun shining round about me a light and with me them which journeyed

  • Acts 27:21 - long But abstinence after stood forth Paul in the midst of them and said ye should Sirs have hearkened unto me and not have loosed from Crete to have gained and harm and loss

  • Acts 27:27 - when But the fourteenth night was come were driven up and down as we in Adria about midnight night deemed the shipmen drew near to some country

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