G3342 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
betwixt (of place or person); (of time) as adjective, intervening, or (by implication) adjoining between, mean while, next from G3326 (μετά) and a form of G4862 (σύν);

9 instances of the word μεταξύ metaxý (G3342)

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  • Romans 2:15 - Which shew the work of the law written in hearts their also bearing witness their conscience and one another their thoughts the mean while accusing or and excusing

  • John 4:31 - In the mean prayed him disciples saying Master eat

  • Luke 11:51 - From which the blood of Abel unto which the blood of Zacharias which perished between which the altar and which the temple verily I say unto you It shall be required From which generation

  • Acts 12:6 - when And would him forth Herod night the same was Peter sleeping between two soldiers bound chains two the keepers and before the door kept the prison

  • Acts 13:42 - were gone And out of the synagogue when the Jews besought the Gentiles the next sabbath might be preached words that these

  • Acts 15:9 - And no difference between us And their by faith purifying hearts their

  • Luke 16:26 - And beside all this between us And you gulf a great fixed so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot neither that would come from thence to us can they pass

  • Matthew 18:15 - if Moreover shall trespass against thee brother thee go and his fault him between thee and him alone if thee he shall hear thou hast gained brother thee

  • Matthew 23:35 - That may come upon you all blood of righteous shed upon the earth from blood Abel of righteous unto blood of Zacharias son of Barachias whom ye slew between the temple and the altar

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