G3507 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
properly, cloudiness, i.e. (concretely) a cloud cloud from G3509 (νέφος);

22 instances of the word νεφέλη nephélē (G3507)

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  • Revelation 1:7 - Behold he cometh with clouds and shall see him all eye and they also which him pierced and shall wail because him all kindreds of the earth Even so Amen

  • Acts 1:9 - And these things when he had spoken beheld him he was taken up And a cloud received him out of sight him

  • Jude 1:12 - These are in feasts of charity your spots when they feast without fear themselves feeding clouds they are without water of winds carried about trees whose fruit withereth without fruit twice dead plucked up by the roots

  • 2 Peter 2:17 - These are wells without water clouds with a tempest that are carried to whom the mist of darkness for ever is reserved

  • 1 Thessalonians 4:17 - Then we which are alive which and remain together with them shall be caught up in the clouds in meet which the Lord in the air and so ever with the Lord be

  • Mark 9:7 - And there was a cloud that overshadowed him And came a voice out of a cloud saying This is Son my beloved him hear

  • Luke 9:34 - thus While he spake there came a cloud and overshadowed he they feared While as they entered into a cloud

  • Luke 9:35 - And a voice there came out of the cloud saying This is Son my beloved him hear

  • 1 Corinthians 10:1 - not I would Moreover that ye should be ignorant brethren how that fathers our all under the cloud were and all through the sea passed

  • Revelation 10:1 - And I saw another angel mighty come down from heaven clothed with a cloud And a rainbow was upon head And face his as the sun And feet his as pillars of fire

  • 1 Corinthians 10:2 - And all unto Moses baptized in the cloud And in the sea

  • Revelation 11:12 - And they heard voice a great from heaven saying their Come up hither And Come up to heaven in a cloud And beheld their enemies their

  • Luke 12:54 - he said And also to the people When ye see a cloud rise out of the west straightway he said a shower There cometh also it is so

  • Mark 13:26 - And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with power great And glory

  • Revelation 14:14 - And I looked And behold cloud a white And on cloud one sat like unto the Son of man having on head crown a golden And in hand sickle a sharp

  • Revelation 14:15 - And another angel came out of the temple crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud Thrust in sickle thy And reap for is come for thee the time reap for is ripe the harvest of the earth

  • Revelation 14:16 - And thrust in he that sat on the cloud sickle on the earth And was reaped the earth

  • Mark 14:62 - And Jesus said I am and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven

  • Matthew 17:5 - yet While he spake behold cloud a bright overshadowed While he and behold a voice out of cloud which said This is Son my beloved in whom I am well pleased While he hear ye

  • Luke 21:27 - And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power And glory great

  • Matthew 24:30 - And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven And then mourn all the tribes of the earth And they shall see of the Son of man coming in the clouds heaven with power And glory great

  • Matthew 26:64 - I say unto him Jesus Thou hast said nevertheless I say unto you Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven

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