G3691 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
keen; by analogy, rapid sharp, swift probably akin to the base of G188 (ἀκμήν) ("acid");

7 instances of the word ὀξύς oxýs (G3691)

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  • Revelation 1:16 - And he had in right his hand stars seven And out of mouth his sword twoedged a sharp went And countenance his was as the sun shineth in strength his

  • Revelation 2:12 - And to the angel in Pergamos of the church write These things saith he which hath sword with two edges the sharp

  • Romans 3:15 - are swift feet Their to shed blood

  • Revelation 14:14 - And I looked And behold cloud a white And on cloud one sat like unto the Son of man having on head crown a golden And in hand sickle a sharp

  • Revelation 14:17 - And another angel came out of which the temple which is in which heaven having And he sickle a sharp

  • Revelation 14:18 - And another angel came out from the altar to him that had power over fire And cried cry with a loud to him that had sickle sharp saying Thrust in thy sickle sharp And gather the clusters of the vine of the earth for are fully ripe grapes her

  • Revelation 19:15 - And out of mouth his goeth sword a sharp that with his he should smite the nations And his he shall rule his with a rod of iron And his he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness And wrath God of Almighty

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