G4013 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to take around (as a companion); reflexively, to walk around compass, go (round) about, lead about from G4012 (περί) and G71 (ἄγω);

6 instances of the word περιάγω periágō (G4013)

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  • Matthew 4:23 - And went about all Galilee Jesus teaching among synagogues their And preaching the gospel of the kingdom And healing all manner of sickness And all manner of disease among the people

  • Mark 6:6 - And he marvelled because unbelief of their And he went the villages round about teaching

  • 1 Corinthians 9:5 - Have we power a sister a wife to lead about as well as and other apostles and as the brethren of the Lord and Cephas

  • Matthew 9:35 - And went about Jesus the cities all And villages teaching among synagogues their And preaching the gospel of the kingdom And healing all sickness And all disease among the people

  • Acts 13:11 - And now behold the hand of the Lord is upon thee And thou shalt be blind not seeing the sun for a season immediately And there fell is upon him a mist And a darkness And he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand

  • Matthew 23:15 - Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites ! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte and when he is made to make him the child of hell twofold more than yourselves

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