G4217 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
interrogatively, whatever, i.e. of what possible sort what (manner of) apparently from G4219 (πότε) and the base of G4226 (ποῦ);

6 instances of the word ποταπός potapós (G4217)

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  • Luke 1:29 - And when she saw him she was troubled at saying his and cast in her mind what manner should be of salutation this

  • 1 John 3:1 - Behold what manner of love hath bestowed upon us the Father that the sons of God we should be called therefore the world not it knew us because not it knew him

  • 2 Peter 3:11 - these things Seeing then that all shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought to be ye in all holy conversation and godliness

  • Luke 7:39 - saw Now which when the Pharisee which had bidden him it he spake within himself saying This man if he were a prophet would have known who and what manner which of woman this is that toucheth him for a sinner she is

  • Matthew 8:27 - But the men marvelled saying What manner of man is this that and the winds and the sea obey him

  • Mark 13:1 - And as he went of his out of the temple saith of his one disciples of his Master what of stones And what buildings

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