G4298 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to drive forward (as if by beating), i.e. (figuratively and intransitively) to advance (in amount, to grow; in time, to be well along) increase, proceed, profit, be far spent, wax from G4253 (πρό) and G2875 (κόπτω);

6 instances of the word προκόπτω prokóptō (G4298)

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  • Galatians 1:14 - And profited in the Jews' religion above many my equals in nation mine own more exceedingly zealous being fathers mine own of the traditions

  • 2 Timothy 2:16 - But profane and vain babblings shun unto more for they will increase ungodliness

  • Luke 2:52 - And Jesus increased in wisdom And stature And in favour with God And man

  • 2 Timothy 3:9 - But no they shall proceed further for folly their manifest shall be unto all men as also theirs was

  • 2 Timothy 3:13 - evil But men and seducers shall wax worse and worse being deceived and being deceived

  • Romans 13:12 - The night is far spent the day is at hand cast off therefore the works of darkness and let us put on the armour of light

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