G4459 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
an interrogative particle of manner; in what way? (sometimes the question is indirect, how?); also as exclamation, how much! how, after (by) what manner (means), that adverb from the base of G4226 (ποῦ);

101 instances of the word πῶς pōs (G4459)

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  • 1 Thessalonians 1:9 - themselves For of us shew what manner of entering in we had to you and how ye turned to God from idols to serve God the living and true

  • Luke 1:34 - said Then Mary unto the angel How be this seeing a man not I know

  • Hebrews 2:3 - How shall we escape so great if we neglect salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord by them that heard unto us and was confirmed

  • Acts 2:8 - And how we hear every own tongue man in our wherein we were born

  • Mark 2:26 - How he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest also the shewbread did eat which not is did eat the priests also gave also with him to them which were

  • Revelation 3:3 - Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard and hold fast and repent therefore thou shalt I will come on thee as a thief and know what hour I will come on thee

  • John 3:4 - saith unto him Nicodemus How can a man be born old when he is can can into womb mother's him the second time he enter and be born

  • 1 Timothy 3:5 - (For his own house to rule not how how the church of God shall he take care of

  • Romans 3:6 - God forbid for then how judge God the world

  • 2 Thessalonians 3:7 - yourselves For know how ye ought to follow us for not ourselves disorderly among you

  • 2 Corinthians 3:8 - How not rather shall of the spirit be glorious

  • John 3:9 - answered Nicodemus and said unto him How can these things be

  • 1 Corinthians 3:10 - According which to the grace which of God which is given unto me as a wise masterbuilder the foundation I have laid another But buildeth thereon every man But let how buildeth thereon

  • Philippians 3:11 - I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead

  • John 3:12 - If earthly things I have told you and not shall ye believe how if I have told you of heavenly things shall ye believe

  • 1 Timothy 3:15 - if But I tarry long that thou mayest know how thou oughtest in the house God to behave thyself which is the church God of the living the pillar and ground of the truth

  • 1 John 3:17 - whoso But hath good this world's and seeth brother him need hath and shutteth up bowels him of compassion from him how the love of God dwelleth in him

  • Mark 3:23 - And he called them in parables unto him and said them How can Satan Satan cast out

  • 1 Thessalonians 4:1 - Furthermore then brethren we beseech ye and exhort you by the Lord Jesus that as ye have received of us how ought ye to walk and to please God so ye would abound and more

  • Colossians 4:6 - speech Let your be alway with grace with salt seasoned that ye may know how ought ye man every to answer

  • Galatians 4:9 - now But after that ye have known God rather But after that ye have known of God how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements whereunto again to be in bondage ye desire

  • John 4:9 - saith Then unto him a woman of Samaria How is it that thou a Jew being of me drink askest being a woman of Samaria no for dealings a Jew with the Samaritans

  • Romans 4:10 - How then reckoned in circumcision when he was or in uncircumcision Not in circumcision but in uncircumcision

  • Mark 4:13 - And he said unto them not Know ye parable And how then all parable will ye know

  • 1 John 4:20 - If a man say I love God and brother hateth a liar he is for not I love brother whom he hath God whom not he hath how can I love

  • Acts 4:21 - So when they had further threatened go them nothing finding how they might punish them because of the people for all men glorified God for that which was done

  • Mark 4:40 - And he said unto them Why fearful are ye so how is it no that ye have faith

  • Ephesians 5:15 - See then that circumspectly ye walk not as fools but as wise

  • Mark 5:16 - And it told them they that saw how it befell to him that was possessed with the devil And also concerning the swine

  • John 5:44 - How can ye believe honour one of another which receive and honour one of another only God not seek

  • Romans 6:2 - God forbid shall we that are dead to sin How any longer live therein

  • Matthew 6:28 - And for raiment why take ye thought Consider the lilies of the field how they grow not they toil neither do they spin

  • John 6:42 - And saith not that he Is Jesus the son of Joseph whose we know father And mother how is it then saith that he from heaven I came down

  • Luke 6:42 - Either how canst thou say Brother thine Brother let me cast out the mote that is in eye thine thyself that is in eye thine the beam not beholdest Thou hypocrite cast out first the beam out of eye thine and then shalt thou see clearly cast out the mote that is in eye Brother thine

  • John 6:52 - strove therefore among themselves The Jews saying How can this man us give his flesh to eat

  • Matthew 7:4 - Or how wilt thou say brother thine Let me pull out the mote out of eye thine and behold a beam is in eye thine

  • John 7:15 - And marvelled the Jews saying How this man letters knoweth never having

  • 1 Corinthians 7:32 - But you without carefulness I would have for the things that belong to He that is unmarried careth for the things that belong to for the things that belong to the Lord how he may please for the things that belong to the Lord

  • 1 Corinthians 7:33 - for the things that are But he that is married careth for the things that are for the things that are of the world how he may please for the things that are his wife

  • 1 Corinthians 7:34 - There is difference also between for the things a wife and for the things a virgin for the things The unmarried woman careth for the things for the things of the Lord that she may be holy and in body and in spirit for the things but she that is married careth for the things for the things of the world how she may please for the things her husband

  • Luke 8:18 - Take heed therefore how ye hear that which for hath shall be given him and that which not hath and that which he seemeth hath shall be taken from him

  • Mark 8:21 - And he said unto them How not is it that ye do

  • Acts 8:31 - And he said How can I some man should guide me he desired And Philip that he would come up and sit with him

  • Romans 8:32 - He that his own Son not spared but for us all delivered him how not also with him all us freely give

  • John 8:33 - They answered him seed Abraham's We be and to any man in bondage never how thou sayest free Ye shall be made

  • Luke 8:36 - it told them They also which saw by what means was healed he that was possessed of the devils

  • John 9:10 - said they Therefore unto him How opened thine eyes

  • Mark 9:12 - And he answered and told them Elias verily cometh first and restoreth all things and how it is written of the Son of man that many things he must suffer and be set at nought

  • John 9:15 - again Then asked him also the Pharisees how he had received his sight He said him clay He put upon eyes mine also I washed also do see

  • John 9:16 - said Therefore of the Pharisees some This a man not is of God because the sabbath day not he keepeth Others said How can a man that is a sinner such miracles do And a division there was among them

  • John 9:19 - And they asked them say this Is son your who ye say blind was born how then now doth he

  • John 9:21 - by what means But now he not know or who hath opened he eyes we not know he of age is he ask him he for he shall speak

  • John 9:26 - said they Then to him again What did he to thee how opened he thine eyes

  • Acts 9:27 - Barnabas But took him and brought him to the apostles and declared him how at the way he had seen the Lord and that he had spoken him and how at Damascus he had preached boldly at the name of Jesus

  • Romans 10:14 - How then shall they call on him in of whom not believed How and believed of whom not heard How and heard without a preacher

  • Romans 10:15 - how And shall they preach they be sent as it is written How beautiful are the feet of them and bring glad tidings of peace and bring glad tidings of good things

  • Matthew 10:19 - when But they deliver you no take how or what ye shall speak it shall be given for you in that same hour what ye shall speak

  • Mark 10:23 - And looked round about Jesus and saith disciples How hardly riches shall they that have into the kingdom of God enter

  • Mark 10:24 - And the disciples were astonished at words his And Jesus again answereth and saith his Children how hard is it for them that trust at riches into the kingdom of God to enter

  • Luke 10:26 - He said unto him in the law What is written how readest thou

  • Acts 11:13 - he shewed And us how he had seen an angel in house his which stood and said his Send to Joppa men and call for Simon whose surname is Peter

  • Romans 11:14 - I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh and might save some of them

  • Luke 11:18 - If Satan against himself be divided how shall kingdom his because ye say through Beelzebub cast out that I devils

  • Mark 11:18 - And heard the scribes And chief priests And sought how him they might destroy they feared for him because all the people was astonished at doctrine him

  • John 11:36 - said Then the Jews how he loved him

  • Matthew 12:4 - How he entered into the house of God and the shewbread did eat which not lawful was for him did eat neither for them which for him for the priests only

  • Luke 12:11 - when And they bring you unto the synagogues and unto magistrates and powers ye no take how or what ye shall answer or what ye shall say

  • Acts 12:17 - he beckoning And him with the hand to hold their peace declared him how the Lord him had brought out of the prison he said And Go shew unto James And to the brethren these things And he departed and went into another place

  • Matthew 12:26 - And if Satan Satan cast out against himself he is divided how then shall his kingdom

  • Luke 12:27 - Consider the lilies how they grow not they toil not they spin I say and yet unto you not that Solomon in all glory arrayed like one of these

  • Matthew 12:29 - Or else how can one enter into house a strong man's and goods his he will spoil he first bind a strong man's and then house his he will spoil

  • John 12:34 - answered him The people We have heard out of the law that Christ abideth for ever and how thou sayest that must be lifted up Son of man who is this Son of man

  • Matthew 12:34 - O generation of vipers how can ye good things speak evil being out of for the abundance of the heart the mouth speak

  • Mark 12:35 - And answered Jesus and said while he taught in the temple How and said the scribes that Christ the Son is of David

  • Mark 12:41 - And sat Jesus over against the treasury and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury And many that were rich cast many

  • Luke 12:50 - a baptism But I have to be baptized with and how am I straitened till it be accomplished

  • Luke 12:56 - Ye hypocrites the face of the earth and of the sky ye can discern but time this how is it that ye do not discern

  • Mark 14:1 - was After the feast of the passover and unleavened bread of two days and sought the chief priests and the scribes how him by craft they might take and put him to death

  • John 14:5 - saith unto him Thomas Lord not know whither thou goest and how can we the way know

  • 1 Corinthians 14:7 - And even things without life sound giving or pipe or harp a distinction in the sounds giving how shall it be known what is piped or harped

  • Luke 14:7 - he put forth And to those which were bidden a parable when he marked how the chief rooms they chose out he put forth to them

  • 1 Corinthians 14:9 - So likewise ye by the tongue easy to be understood words ye utter how shall it be known speak ye shall for into the air speak

  • John 14:9 - saith unto him Jesus so long time with you Have I been and not hast thou me Philip hath seen me hath seen the Father and how thou saith then Shew us the Father

  • Mark 14:11 - And when they heard it they were glad And promised him money to give And he sought how he might conveniently him betray

  • 1 Corinthians 14:16 - Else when thou shalt bless with the spirit shall he that occupieth the room of the unlearned how say Amen at thy giving of thanks seeing what thou sayest not he understandeth

  • 1 Corinthians 15:12 - if Now Christ be preached that from of the dead he rose how say some among you that resurrection of the dead no there is

  • 1 Corinthians 15:35 - But man will say some How are the dead with what and body do they come

  • Acts 15:36 - after And some days said Paul unto Barnabas Let us go again and visit brethren our in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord and see how they do

  • Matthew 16:11 - How it not understand is it that it not concerning bread that I spake to you that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees

  • Luke 18:24 - saw And that he when Jesus very sorrowful was he said How hardly riches that have enter into the kingdom of God

  • Acts 20:18 - when And they were come to him he said him Ye know from the first day from I came into Asia after what manner with you at all seasons I have been

  • Luke 20:41 - he said And unto them How say they that Christ son David's is

  • Luke 20:44 - David therefore Lord him calleth then how son him is he

  • Matthew 21:20 - And saw when the disciples it they marvelled saying How soon withered away is the fig tree

  • Luke 22:2 - And sought the chief priests And scribes how they might kill him they feared for the people

  • Luke 22:4 - And he went his way and communed with the chief priests And captains how him he might betray him

  • Matthew 22:12 - And he saith unto him Friend how camest thou in hither not having garment a wedding And he was speechless

  • Matthew 22:43 - He saith him How then doth David in spirit Lord him call He saith

  • Matthew 22:45 - If then David call him Lord how son him is he

  • Matthew 23:33 - Ye serpents ye generation of vipers how can ye escape the damnation of hell

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