G4564 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
Sarra (i.e. Sarah), the wife of Abraham Sara, Sarah of Hebrew origin (H8283);

4 instances of the word Σάῤῥα Sárrha (G4564)

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  • 1 Peter 3:6 - Even as Sara obeyed Abraham lord him calling whose ye are daughters as long as ye do well and not afraid with any amazement

  • Romans 4:19 - And being not weak in faith not he considered his own body now dead an hundred years old about when he was And the deadness womb of Sara's

  • Romans 9:9 - of promise For is the word this At time this will I come and shall have Sara a son

  • Hebrews 11:11 - Through faith also herself Sara strength to conceive seed received also when she was past age was delivered of a child because him faithful she judged who had promised

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