G4686 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a coil (spira, "spire"), i.e. (figuratively) a mass of men (a Roman military cohort; also (by analogy) a squad of Levitical janitors) band of immediate Latin origin, but ultimately a derivative of G138 (αἱρέομαι) in the sense of its cognate G1507 (εἱλίσσω);

7 instances of the word σπεῖρα speîra (G4686)

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  • Acts 10:1 - man a certain There was in Caesarea called Cornelius a centurion of the band called the Italian

  • Mark 15:16 - And the soldiers away him into the hall Praetorium and they call together the whole band

  • John 18:3 - then Judas having received a band and from the chief priests and Pharisees officers cometh thither with lanterns and torches and weapons

  • John 18:12 - Then the band and the captain and officers of the Jews took Jesus and bound him

  • Acts 21:31 - as they went about And him to kill came tidings unto the chief captain of the band that all was in an uproar Jerusalem

  • Acts 27:1 - when And it was determined should sail that we into Italy they delivered Paul and certain other prisoners a centurion unto one named Julius band of Augustus

  • Matthew 27:27 - Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall and gathered unto him the whole band

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