G4802 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to investigate jointly, i.e. discuss, controvert, cavil dispute (with), enquire, question (with), reason (together) from G4862 (σύν) and G2212 (ζητέω);

10 instances of the word συζητέω syzētéō (G4802)

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  • Mark 1:27 - And amazed all insomuch that they questioned among him saying What thing is is this What thing doctrine new this for with authority And spirits the unclean commandeth And they do obey him

  • Acts 6:9 - there arose Then certain which of which the synagogue which is called the synagogue of the Libertines and Cyrenians and Alexandrians and which of them of Cilicia and of Asia disputing which with Stephen

  • Mark 8:11 - And came forth the Pharisees And began to question him seeking of him a sign from heaven tempting him

  • Mark 9:10 - And that saying they kept with themselves questioning one with another what should mean from the dead the rising

  • Mark 9:14 - And when he came to his disciples he saw multitude a great about them And the scribes questioning them

  • Mark 9:16 - And he asked the scribes What question ye with

  • Acts 9:29 - And boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus he spake and And disputed against the Grecians but they went about him to slay

  • Mark 12:28 - And came one of the scribes and having heard him reasoning together and perceiving that well him he had answered asked him Which is the first of all commandment

  • Luke 22:23 - And them began to enquire among themselves which it was of them this thing that should do

  • Luke 24:15 - And it came to pass that while communed them And reasoned And them Jesus drew near and went with them

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