G5034 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a brief space (of time), i.e. (with G1722 (ἐν) prefixed) in haste + quickly, + shortly, + speedily from the same as G5036 (ταχύς);

8 instances of the word τάχος táchos (G5034)

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  • Revelation 1:1 - The Revelation of Jesus Christ things which gave unto him God to shew servant unto him things which must come to pass shortly and and signified he sent it by angel unto him servant unto him John

  • Revelation 2:5 - Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and the first works do I will come unto thee and will remove candlestick thy out of place his repent

  • Acts 12:7 - And behold the angel of the Lord came upon And a light shined in the prison he smote and on the side Peter and raised him saying Arise up in And fell off him chains from his hands

  • Romans 16:20 - And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under feet you shortly The grace Lord of our Jesus Christ be with you Amen

  • Luke 18:8 - I tell you that he will avenge them speedily Nevertheless the Son of man cometh when shall he find faith on the earth

  • Revelation 22:6 - And he said unto me These sayings are faithful And true And the Lord God of the holy prophets sent angel to shew servants the things which must be done shortly

  • Acts 22:18 - And saw him saying unto me Make haste And get thee quickly out of Jerusalem for not receive thy testimony concerning me

  • Acts 25:4 - But Festus answered should be kept that Paul at Caesarea that he himself and would at shortly depart

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