G5067 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
fourth four(-th) ordinal from G5064 (τέσσαρες);

9 instances of the word τέταρτος tétartos (G5067)

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  • Revelation 4:7 - And beast the first like a lion And the second beast like a calf And the third beast had a face as a man And the fourth beast like eagle a flying

  • Revelation 6:7 - And when he had opened seal of the fourth I heard the voice of the fourth beast say Come And see

  • Revelation 6:8 - And I looked And behold horse a pale And that sat on him name him death And Hell followed with him And was given him power to kill over the fourth part of the earth with sword And with hunger And with death And with the beasts of the earth

  • Mark 6:48 - And he saw them toiling in rowing was for the wind contrary them And about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them walking upon the sea And would have passed by them

  • Revelation 8:12 - And the fourth angel sounded And was smitten for a third part of the sun And for a third part of the moon And for a third part of the stars so as was darkened for a third part of them And the day not shone for a third part of them And the night likewise

  • Acts 10:30 - And Cornelius said ago Four days until hour I was fasting And at the ninth hour I prayed in house me And behold a man stood before me in clothing bright

  • Matthew 14:25 - in the fourth And watch of the night went unto them Jesus walking on the sea

  • Revelation 16:8 - And the fourth angel poured out vial unto him upon the sun And power was given unto him to scorch men with fire

  • Revelation 21:19 - And foundation of the wall of the city all manner of stones precious were garnished with foundation The first was jasper the second sapphire the third a chalcedony the fourth an emerald

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