G5091 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to prize, i.e. fix a valuation upon; by implication, to revere honour, value from G5093 (τίμιος);

16 instances of the word τιμάω timáō (G5091)

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  • 1 Peter 2:17 - all Honour the brotherhood men Love God Fear the king Honour

  • 1 Timothy 5:3 - that are widows Honour indeed that are widows

  • John 5:23 - That all He that honoureth which the Son even as He that honoureth which the Father which not He that honoureth which the Son not He that honoureth which the Father which hath sent him

  • Ephesians 6:2 - Honour father thy and mother (which is commandment the first with promise

  • Mark 7:6 - and He answered said their Well prophesied hath Esaias of you hypocrites as it is written This people with their lips me honoureth and heart their far is from me

  • Mark 7:10 - Moses For said Honour father thy and mother thy and Whoso curseth father or mother the death let him die

  • John 8:49 - answered Jesus I a devil not have but I honour Father my and ye do dishonour me

  • Mark 10:19 - the commandments Thou knowest not Do not Do not Do not Do not Defraud Honour father thy and mother

  • John 12:26 - If me serve any man me let him follow also where am I there also servant my be also If any man me serve honour him my Father

  • Matthew 15:4 - For God commanded saying Honour father thy and mother and He that curseth father or mother the death let him die

  • Matthew 15:6 - And honour father or mother And have ye made the commandment of God by tradition your

  • Matthew 15:8 - draweth nigh unto me people This mouth their and with their lips me honoureth but heart their far is from me

  • Luke 18:20 - the commandments Thou knowest not Do not Do not Do not Do Honour father thy and mother thy

  • Matthew 19:19 - Honour father thy and thy mother and Thou shalt love neighbour thy as thyself

  • Matthew 27:9 - Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy that which the prophet saying And they took that which the thirty pieces of silver that which the price that which did value whom did value they of the children of Israel

  • Acts 28:10 - Who also with many honoured honours us also when we departed they laded us with such things as were necessary

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