G5154 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
third; neuter (as noun) a third part, or (as adverb) a (or the) third time, thirdly third(-ly) ordinal from G5140 (τρεῖς);

49 instances of the word τρίτος trítos (G5154)

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  • John 2:1 - And day the third a marriage there was in Cana of Galilee And was the mother of Jesus there

  • Acts 2:15 - not For as ye suppose these are it is For hour but the third of the day

  • Revelation 4:7 - And beast the first like a lion And the second beast like a calf And the third beast had a face as a man And the fourth beast like eagle a flying

  • Revelation 6:5 - And when he had opened the third seal I heard the third beast say Come And see And I beheld And lo horse a black And he that sat on him had a pair of balances in hand him

  • Revelation 8:7 - and The first angel sounded and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood and they were cast upon the earth and the third part of trees was burnt up and all grass green was burnt up

  • Revelation 8:8 - And the second angel sounded And as it were mountain a great with fire burning was cast into of the sea And became the third part of the sea blood

  • Revelation 8:9 - And died which the third part which of the creatures which were in which the sea which and had life And which the third part which of the ships were destroyed

  • Revelation 8:10 - And the third angel sounded And it fell from heaven star a great burning as it were a lamp And it fell upon the third of the rivers And upon the fountains of waters

  • Revelation 8:11 - And the name of the star is called Wormwood And became the third part of the waters Wormwood And many men died of of the waters because they were made bitter

  • Revelation 8:12 - And the fourth angel sounded And was smitten for a third part of the sun And for a third part of the moon And for a third part of the stars so as was darkened for a third part of them And the day not shone for a third part of them And the night likewise

  • Revelation 9:15 - And were loosed which the four angels which were prepared for which an hour And a day And a month And a year for to slay which the third part which of men

  • Revelation 9:18 - By which three these killed which the third part which of men by which the fire and by which the smoke and by which the brimstone which issued by which mouths their

  • Luke 9:22 - Saying must The Son of man many things suffer and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes and be slain and the third day be raised

  • Mark 9:31 - he taught For disciples him and said him The Son of man is delivered into the hands of man and after that he is killed him and after that he is killed the third day he shall rise

  • Mark 10:34 - And they shall mock him And shall scourge him And shall spit upon him And shall kill him And the third day he shall rise again

  • Acts 10:40 - Him God raised up the third day and him openly shewed

  • Revelation 11:14 - woe The second is past and behold woe the third cometh quickly

  • 2 Corinthians 12:2 - I knew a man in Christ above years fourteen (whether in of the body I cannot I knew (whether out of the body I cannot I knew God I knew caught up such an one to the third heaven

  • Revelation 12:4 - And which tail her drew which the third part which of the stars which of heaven And did cast her to which the earth And which the dragon stood before which the woman which was ready it was born for as soon as it was born which child her to devour

  • 2 Corinthians 12:14 - Behold the third time ready I am to come to you and not I will to you not for I seek to you but you not for ought for the children for the parents to lay up but for the parents for the children

  • Mark 12:21 - And the second took he And died And neither he left any seed And the third likewise

  • 1 Corinthians 12:28 - And some hath set God in the church first apostles secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healings helps governments diversities of tongues

  • Luke 12:38 - And if come in the second watch And in the third watch come And find them so blessed are servants those

  • 2 Corinthians 13:1 - is the third This time I am coming to you In the mouth of two witnesses or three be established every word

  • Luke 13:32 - And and tell unto them Go ye and tell fox Behold I cast out devils And cures I do to day And to morrow And the third day I shall be perfected

  • Revelation 14:9 - And the third angel followed his saying with voice a loud the beast worship And image his And receive his mark in forehead his or in hand his

  • Mark 14:41 - And he cometh the third time And saith unto them Sleep on now And take your rest it is enough he cometh the hour behold is betrayed the Son of man into the hands of sinners

  • 1 Corinthians 15:4 - and And that he was buried and And that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures

  • Mark 15:25 - it was And hour the third and they crucified him

  • Revelation 16:4 - And the third angel poured out vial upon the rivers And upon fountains of waters And they became blood

  • Matthew 16:21 - From that time forth began Jesus to shew disciples he how that must he go unto Jerusalem and many things suffer From the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and the third day be raised again

  • Matthew 17:23 - And they shall kill him And the third day he shall be raised again And sorry they were exceeding

  • Luke 18:33 - And they shall scourge him and put him And day the third he shall rise again

  • Matthew 20:3 - And he went out about the third hour and saw others standing in the marketplace idle

  • Luke 20:12 - And again he sent a third and And him they wounded and cast him out

  • Matthew 20:19 - And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock And to scourge And to crucify And the third day he shall rise again

  • Luke 20:31 - And the third took her in like manner and And the seven no and they left children And died

  • John 21:14 - This now the third time is that Jesus disciples after that he was risen from the dead

  • John 21:17 - He saith unto him the third time Simon son of Jonas I love thou me was grieved Peter because he said unto him the third I love thou me And he said unto him Lord thou all things knowest thou knowest because I love thee He saith unto him Jesus Feed sheep my

  • Revelation 21:19 - And foundation of the wall of the city all manner of stones precious were garnished with foundation The first was jasper the second sapphire the third a chalcedony the fourth an emerald

  • Matthew 22:26 - Likewise also the second also the third unto the seventh

  • Luke 23:22 - And the third time he said unto him what Why evil done he no cause of death I have found in him I will therefore him and let him go

  • Acts 23:23 - And he called unto two him centurions saying Make ready soldiers two hundred to go to Caesarea And horsemen threescore and ten And spearmen two hundred at the third hour of the night

  • Luke 24:7 - Saying must The Son men be delivered into the hands men of sinful and be crucified and the third day rise again

  • Luke 24:21 - we But trusted that he it had been which should have redeemed Israel and beside all this third the day is to day since these things were done

  • Luke 24:46 - And said unto them Thus thus it is written And thus it behoved to suffer Christ And to rise from the dead the third day

  • Matthew 26:44 - And he left the same and went away again and prayed the third time the same words saying

  • Acts 27:19 - And the third with our own hands the tackling of the ship day we cast out

  • Matthew 27:64 - Command therefore be made sure that the sepulchre until the third day lest come disciples him by night and steal him and say unto the people He is risen from the dead and shall be the last error worse than the first

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