G5217 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to lead (oneself) under, i.e. withdraw or retire (as if sinking out of sight), literally or figuratively depart, get hence, go (a-)way from G5259 (ὑπό) and G71 (ἄγω);

77 instances of the word ὑπάγω hypágō (G5217)

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  • Mark 1:44 - And saith unto him See nothing nothing thou say but go thy way thyself shew to the priest And offer for cleansing thy commanded those things which Moses for a testimony unto him

  • 1 John 2:11 - But he that hateth brother his in darkness is and in darkness walketh and not knoweth whither he goeth because darkness hath blinded eyes his

  • Mark 2:11 - unto thee I say Arise and take up bed thine and go thy way into house thine

  • James 2:16 - say And one them of you Depart in peace be ye warmed and filled not ye give And them those things which are needful to the body what doth it profit

  • John 3:8 - The wind where it listeth bloweth and the sound thereof thou hearest but not canst whence it cometh and whither it goeth so is every one that is born of The wind

  • Luke 4:8 - And answered him and said Jesus Get thee behind me Satan it is written for Thou shalt worship the Lord God thy And him only shalt thou serve

  • Matthew 4:10 - Then saith him Jesus Get thee hence Satan it is written for the Lord God thy Thou shalt worship and him only shalt thou serve

  • John 4:16 - saith unto her Jesus Go call husband thy and come hither

  • Mark 5:19 - Howbeit Jesus not suffered him but saith him Go home to thy friends and tell him how great things for thee the Lord hath done and hath had compassion on thee

  • Matthew 5:24 - Leave there gift thy before the altar and go thy way first be reconciled brother thy and then come and offer gift thy

  • Mark 5:34 - And he said unto her Daughter faith thy hath made thee go in peace and be whole of plague thy

  • Matthew 5:41 - And whosoever thee shall compel mile a go with him twain

  • John 6:21 - they willingly Then received him into the ship and immediately the ship was at the land into they went

  • Mark 6:31 - And he said unto them Come ye unto them apart into a desert place And rest a while there were for coming And going many And so much as to eat leisure

  • Mark 6:33 - And saw him departing the people And knew him many And afoot out of all cities ran thither And outwent him And came together unto him

  • Mark 6:38 - He saith unto them How many loaves have ye go And see And when they knew He saith Five And two fishes

  • John 6:67 - said Then Jesus unto the twelve also ye Will go away

  • John 7:3 - said therefore unto His brethren His Depart hence also go into Judaea that also disciples thou may see the works thou that doest

  • Mark 7:29 - And he said unto her For this saying go thy way is gone the devil out of daughter thy

  • John 7:33 - said Then unto them Jesus Yet a little while with you am I and then I go unto him that sent me

  • Matthew 8:4 - And saith unto him Jesus See no man thou tell but go thy way thyself shew to the priest And offer the gift commanded that Moses for a testimony unto him

  • Matthew 8:13 - And said Jesus unto the centurion Go thy way And as thou hast believed so be it done unto thee And was healed servant his in hour the selfsame

  • John 8:14 - answered Jesus and said unto them Though I bear record of myself true is record yet my for I know whence I came and whither I go ye but cannot I know whence I came and whither I go

  • John 8:21 - said Then again unto them Jesus I go and ye shall seek me and in sins your shall die whither I go ye cannot come

  • John 8:22 - he saith Then the Jews Will he kill himself because he saith Whither I go ye cannot come

  • Matthew 8:32 - And he said unto them Go And when they were come out they went into herd of swine And behold ran violently the whole herd of swine down a steep place into the sea And perished in the waters

  • Mark 8:33 - But when he had turned about and looked disciples he rebuked Peter saying Get thee behind me Satan for not thou savourest the things that be of God but the things that be of men

  • Luke 8:42 - For daughter one only he had he about years of age twelve and he lay a dying as But went he the people thronged he

  • Matthew 9:6 - that But ye may know that power hath the Son of man on earth to forgive sins (then saith he to the sick of the palsy Arise take up thine bed and go unto house thine

  • John 9:7 - And said unto him Go wash in the pool of Siloam (which is by interpretation Sent He went his way therefore And wash And came seeing

  • John 9:11 - answered He and said A man that is called Jesus clay made and anointed mine eyes and said unto me Go to the pool of Siloam and wash I went and and wash and I received sight

  • Luke 10:3 - Go your ways behold I forth you as lambs among wolves

  • Revelation 10:8 - And which the voice which I heard from which heaven again spake unto me And said Go and take which the little book which is open in which the hand of the angel which standeth upon which the sea And upon which the earth

  • Mark 10:21 - Then Jesus beholding him loved him and said him One thing thou lackest go thy way whatsoever thou hast sell and give to the poor and thou hast treasure in heaven and come and follow me take up the cross

  • Mark 10:52 - And Jesus said unto him Go thy way faith thy hath made thee And immediately he received his sight And followed Jesus in the way

  • Mark 11:2 - And saith him Go your way into the village over against you And as soon as ye be entered into him ye shall find a colt tied whereon never man sat loose him and bring

  • John 11:8 - say unto him His disciples Master of late sought thee to stone the Jews and again goest thou thither

  • John 11:31 - which then The Jews which were with her in which the house and comforted her when they saw which Mary that hastily she rose up and went out followed her saying that She goeth unto which the grave to weep there

  • John 11:44 - And came forth he that was dead bound foot And hand with graveclothes And face him with a napkin was bound about saith him Jesus Loose him And let him go

  • John 12:11 - Because many that by reason of him went away of the Jews and believed on Jesus

  • John 12:35 - said Then unto them Jesus Yet a little while the light with you is Walk while the light ye have darkness you come upon for Walk in darkness not knoweth whither he goeth

  • Luke 12:58 - When thou goest with adversary thine to the magistrate as thou art in the way give diligence that thou mayest be delivered from him lest he hale thee to the judge and the judge thee deliver the officer and the officer thee cast into prison

  • John 13:3 - knowing Jesus that all things had given his the Father into hands and that from God he was come and to God went

  • Revelation 13:10 - captivity leadeth into captivity shall go with the sword be killed must with the sword be killed Here is the patience and the faith of the saints

  • John 13:33 - Little children yet a little while with you I am Ye shall seek me and as I said unto the Jews Whither go I ye cannot come and to you I say now

  • John 13:36 - said him Simon Peter Lord whither I go answered him thou Jesus Whither I go not thou canst me now follow afterwards but follow me

  • Matthew 13:44 - Again like is the kingdom of heaven unto treasure he hideth in a field the which hath found when a man he hideth and for joy thereof goeth and all that he hath selleth and buyeth a field that

  • John 14:4 - And whither I go ye know And the way ye know

  • Revelation 14:4 - These are they which with women not defiled virgins for are they These are they which follow which the Lamb whithersoever he goeth These were redeemed from which among men being the firstfruits which unto God and which the Lamb

  • John 14:5 - saith unto him Thomas Lord not know whither thou goest and how can we the way know

  • Mark 14:13 - And he sendeth forth two disciples him And saith him Go ye into the city And there shall meet you a man a pitcher of water bearing follow him

  • Mark 14:21 - indeed The Son man goeth as it is written of he woe but man for that by whom The Son man is betrayed ! good were it he if never been born man for that

  • John 14:28 - Ye have heard because I I said unto you I go away and come again unto you If ye loved me ye would rejoice because I said I go again unto Father because Father I greater than I is

  • John 15:16 - not Ye me chosen but I chosen you and ordained you that Ye should go and fruit bring forth and fruit that your should remain that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in name my he may give it you

  • Revelation 16:1 - And I heard voice a great out of the temple saying to the seven angels Go your ways And pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth

  • John 16:5 - now But I go my way to him that sent me and none of you asketh me Whither I go my way

  • Mark 16:7 - But go your way he said disciples him and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee there him shall ye see as he said unto you

  • John 16:10 - Of righteousness because to Father my I go and more ye see me

  • John 16:16 - A little while and not see me and again A little while and ye shall see me because I go to the Father

  • John 16:17 - said Then some of disciples his among themselves What is this that he saith unto us A little while and not see me and again A little while and ye shall see me and Because I go among the Father

  • Matthew 16:23 - the things But he turned and said the things unto Peter Get thee behind me Satan an offence me thou art not for thou savourest the things the things that be of God but the things the things those that be of men

  • Revelation 17:8 - The beast that thou sawest was and not is and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit and into perdition go and shall wonder they that dwell in the earth that not were names in the book of life from the foundation of the world when they behold The beast that was and not is and yet is

  • Revelation 17:11 - And the beast that was And not is And he the eighth is And of the seven is And into perdition goeth

  • Luke 17:14 - And when he saw them he said unto them Go shew yourselves unto the priests And it came to pass that as they went unto them they were cleansed

  • John 18:8 - answered Jesus I have told you that I am he if therefore me ye seek let these go their way

  • Matthew 18:15 - if Moreover shall trespass against thee brother thee go and his fault him between thee and him alone if thee he shall hear thou hast gained brother thee

  • Matthew 19:21 - said unto him Jesus If thou wilt perfect be go and sell that thou hast and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come and follow me

  • Luke 19:30 - Saying Go ye into over against the village you in the which at your entering ye shall find a colt tied whereon the which yet never man sat loose him and bring

  • Matthew 20:4 - unto them And said Go also ye into the vineyard also whatsoever is right I will give you And they went their way

  • Matthew 20:7 - He saith unto him Because no man us hath hired He saith unto him Go also ye into the vineyard also whatsoever is right that shall ye receive

  • Matthew 20:14 - Take that thine even go thy way I will unto this last give as even unto thee

  • John 21:3 - They say unto him Simon Peter I go a fishing They say unto him go also We with thee They went forth also entered into a ship immediately also that night they caught nothing

  • Matthew 21:28 - what But ye think A certain man had Son two and he came to the first and said Son go to day work in vineyard my

  • Matthew 26:18 - And he said Go into the city at such a man and he said unto him The Master saith time My at hand is at thy house I will keep the passover with disciples My

  • Matthew 26:24 - The Son he goeth as it is written of him woe but he for that by whom The Son he is betrayed good ! it had been him if not been born he for that

  • Matthew 27:65 - said unto them Pilate Ye have a watch go your way make it as sure as ye can

  • Matthew 28:10 - Then said unto them Jesus not Be they go tell brethren my that go into Galilee and there me shall they see

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