G5392 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to muzzle muzzle from (a muzzle);

8 instances of the word φιμόω phimóō (G5392)

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  • Mark 1:25 - And rebuked him Jesus saying Hold thy peace And come out of him

  • 1 Peter 2:15 - For so is the will of God that with well doing ye may put to silence of foolish men the ignorance

  • Luke 4:35 - And rebuked him Jesus saying Hold thy peace And come out of him And had thrown him when the devil in the midst come out of him not and hurt him

  • Mark 4:39 - And he arose and rebuked the wind And said unto the sea Peace be still And ceased the wind And there was calm a great

  • 1 Timothy 5:18 - saith For the scripture the ox that treadeth out the corn not Thou shalt And is worthy The labourer reward

  • 1 Corinthians 9:9 - in For of Moses the law it is written not Thou shalt for oxen that treadeth out the corn for oxen Doth God

  • Matthew 22:12 - And he saith unto him Friend how camest thou in hither not having garment a wedding And he was speechless

  • Matthew 22:34 - But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees they were gathered together

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