G5418 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a fence, or inclosing barrier (literally or figuratively) hedge (+ round about), partition from G5420 (φράσσω);

4 instances of the word φραγμός phragmós (G5418)

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  • Ephesians 2:14 - For he is who peace our who hath made who both one and who the middle wall who of partition hath broken down

  • Mark 12:1 - And he began it by parables to speak a vineyard planted A certain man And set an hedge about And digged a place for the winefat And built a tower And let it to husbandmen And went into a far country

  • Luke 14:23 - And said the lord unto the servant Go out into the highways And hedges And compel them to come in that may be filled house my

  • Matthew 21:33 - another parable Hear a certain There was householder which planted a vineyard and hedged it round about and digged in it a winepress and built a tower and let it to husbandmen and went into a far country

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