G5528 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a "court" or "garden", i.e. (by implication, of pasture) herbage or vegetation blade, grass, hay apparently a primary word;

13 instances of the word χόρτος chórtos (G5528)

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  • James 1:10 - But the rich in is made low because as the flower of the grass he shall pass away

  • James 1:11 - is no sooner risen For the sun with a burning heat also it withereth the grass also the flower of it falleth also the grace of the fashion of it perisheth so also the rich man in ways of it fade away

  • 1 Peter 1:24 - For all flesh as The grass and all the glory of man as the flower The grass withereth The grass and the flower thereof falleth away

  • 1 Corinthians 3:12 - Now build upon foundation this gold silver stones precious wood hay stubble

  • Mark 4:28 - of herself For the earth bringeth forth fruit first the blade after that the ear after that the full corn in the ear

  • John 6:10 - said And Jesus Make the men sat down there was And grass much in the place sat down So the men in number about five thousand

  • Matthew 6:30 - if Wherefore the grass of the field which to day is and to morrow into the oven is cast God so clothe shall he not much more clothe you O ye of little faith

  • Mark 6:39 - And he commanded them sit down all by companies by companies upon the green grass

  • Revelation 8:7 - and The first angel sounded and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood and they were cast upon the earth and the third part of trees was burnt up and all grass green was burnt up

  • Revelation 9:4 - And it was commanded them hurt the grass of the earth neither any green thing neither any tree those men only which not have the seal of God in foreheads them

  • Luke 12:28 - If then the grass in the field is to day which and to morrow into the oven is cast God so clothe how much more will he clothe you O ye of little faith

  • Matthew 13:26 - when But was sprung up the blade also fruit brought forth then appeared also the tares

  • Matthew 14:19 - And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass And took the five loaves And the two fishes and looking up to heaven he blessed And brake and gave the disciples loaves and the disciples the multitude

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