G565 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to go off (i.e. depart), aside (i.e. apart) or behind (i.e. follow), literally or figuratively come, depart, go (aside, away, back, out, … ways), pass away, be past from G575 (ἀπό) and G2064 (ἔρχομαι);

118 instances of the word ἀπέρχομαι apérchomai (G565)

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  • Jude 1:7 - Even as Sodom and Gomorrha and about them the cities in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after flesh strange are set forth for an example fire of eternal the vengeance suffering

  • Galatians 1:17 - Neither went I up into Jerusalem to before me them which were apostles but I went into Arabia and again returned into Damascus

  • Mark 1:20 - And straightway he called him And they left father him Zebedee in the ship with the hired servants and went after him

  • Luke 1:23 - And it came to pass that as soon as were accomplished the days of his ministration he departed to house

  • James 1:24 - he beholdeth For himself and goeth his way and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was

  • Mark 1:35 - And in the morning before day a great while rising up he went out And departed into a solitary place and there prayed

  • Luke 1:38 - said And Mary Behold the handmaid of the Lord be it unto me according word to thy And departed from her the angel

  • Mark 1:42 - And had spoken as soon as he immediately departed from as soon as he the leprosy And he was cleansed

  • Luke 2:15 - And it came to pass as were gone away from them into which heaven which the angels And which the which shepherds said to another Let us now even unto Bethlehem And see which thing this which it came to pass which the Lord hath made known unto us

  • Matthew 2:22 - when he heard But that Archelaus did reign in Judaea in the room Herod father of his he was afraid thither to go being warned of God But in a dream he turned aside into the parts of Galilee

  • Mark 3:13 - And he goeth up into a mountain And calleth unto him whom would he And they came unto he

  • John 4:3 - He left Judaea and departed again into Galilee

  • John 4:8 - (For disciples his were gone away unto the city to meat buy

  • Acts 4:15 - when they had commanded But them out of the council to go aside they conferred among themselves

  • Matthew 4:24 - And went fame his throughout all Syria And they brought his all sick people divers diseases And torments that were taken with And those which were possessed with devils And those which were lunatick And those that had the palsy And he healed his

  • John 4:28 - left then waterpot The woman and went her way into the city and saith to the men

  • John 4:43 - after Now two days thence and he departed went into Galilee

  • John 4:47 - When he heard that Jesus was come out of Judaea into Galilee he went unto him and besought him that he would come down and heal him son he was at the point for of death

  • Luke 5:13 - And he put forth his hand and touched him saying I will be thou clean And immediately the leprosy departed from him

  • Luke 5:14 - And he charged he no man to tell but go and shew thyself to the priest And offer for cleansing thy according as commanded Moses for a testimony he

  • John 5:15 - departed which The man and told which the Jews that Jesus it was which had made him whole

  • Mark 5:17 - And they began to pray him to depart out of coasts him

  • Mark 5:20 - And he departed And began to publish in Decapolis how great things had done for him Jesus And all men did marvel

  • Mark 5:24 - And Jesus went with him And followed him people much And thronged him

  • Luke 5:25 - And immediately he rose up before them and took up that whereon he lay and departed to house them glorifying God

  • Acts 5:26 - Then went the captain with the officers and brought them without violence they feared for the people they should have been stoned

  • John 6:1 - After these things went Jesus over the sea of Galilee which is the sea of Tiberias

  • John 6:22 - which The day following which when the people which stood on the other side which of the sea saw that boat other none there was there that one whereinto into were entered which disciples his and that none went which disciples his which Jesus into which boat but alone which disciples his were gone away

  • Mark 6:27 - And immediately sent the king an executioner and commanded to be brought head him and he went and beheaded him in the prison

  • Mark 6:32 - And they departed into a desert place by ship privately

  • Mark 6:36 - Send them that they may go into round about the country and into the villages and buy themselves bread nothing for to eat they have

  • Mark 6:37 - and He answered said them Give them ye to eat And they say them Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread And Give them to eat

  • Mark 6:46 - And away them he departed into a mountain to pray

  • John 6:66 - From that time many went disciples him back and no more with him walked

  • John 6:68 - answered Then him Simon Peter Lord to whom shall we go the words life of eternal thou hast

  • Luke 7:24 - were departed And when the messengers John he began to speak unto the people concerning John What went ye out into the wilderness for to see A reed with the wind shaken

  • Mark 7:24 - And from thence he arose and went into the borders of Tyre And Sidon And entered into an house no man and would have know And not he could be hid

  • Mark 7:30 - And when she was come to house she found the devil gone out And her daughter laid upon the bed

  • Mark 8:13 - And he left them and entering again into the ship departed into the other side

  • Matthew 8:18 - saw Now when Jesus great multitudes about he gave commandment to depart unto the other side

  • Matthew 8:19 - And came a certain scribe and said unto him Master I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest

  • Matthew 8:21 - another And disciples of his said of his Lord suffer me first to go and bury father my

  • Luke 8:31 - And they besought him command him into the deep to go out

  • Matthew 8:31 - So the devils besought him saying If out us suffer us to go away into the herd of swine

  • Matthew 8:32 - And he said unto them Go And when they were come out they went into herd of swine And behold ran violently the whole herd of swine down a steep place into the sea And perished in the waters

  • Matthew 8:33 - And they that kept them fled and went their ways into the city and told every thing and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils

  • Luke 8:34 - them saw When they that fed what was done they fled and went and told in the city and in the country

  • Luke 8:37 - Then besought him the whole multitude of the country of the Gadarenes to depart from him for fear with great they were taken him and he went up into the ship and returned back again

  • Luke 8:39 - Return to house thine own And shew how great things had done unto thee God And he went his way throughout the whole city and published how great things had done unto him Jesus

  • John 9:7 - And said unto him Go wash in the pool of Siloam (which is by interpretation Sent He went his way therefore And wash And came seeing

  • Matthew 9:7 - And he arose and departed to house

  • John 9:11 - answered He and said A man that is called Jesus clay made and anointed mine eyes and said unto me Go to the pool of Siloam and wash I went and and wash and I received sight

  • Luke 9:12 - And when the day began to wear away came And the twelve and said unto him Send the multitude that they may go into round about the towns and country and lodge and get victuals for here in a desert place we are

  • Revelation 9:12 - woe is past and behold there come more two woe hereafter

  • Acts 9:17 - went his way And Ananias and entered into the house and putting on him his hands said Saul Brother the Lord hath sent me even Jesus that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest that thou mightest receive thy sight and be filled with Ghost the Holy

  • Mark 9:43 - And if offend thee hand thy cut it better for thee it is maimed into life to enter than two hand having to go into hell into the fire that never shall be quenched

  • Luke 9:57 - it came to pass And that as they went him in the way man said a certain unto him I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest Lord

  • Luke 9:59 - he said And unto another Follow me And he said Lord suffer me to go first and bury father my

  • Luke 9:60 - said but unto him Jesus Let dead bury their dead thou but go and preach the kingdom of God

  • Matthew 10:5 - These twelve sent forth Jesus and commanded them saying into the way of the Gentiles not Go and into any city of the Samaritans not enter ye

  • Acts 10:7 - when And was departed which the angel which spake which unto Cornelius he called two which household servants him and soldier a devout which continually him

  • Revelation 10:9 - And I went unto the angel and said it Give me the little book And and said me Take And eat it And bitter thy belly but in mouth thy it shall be sweet as honey

  • Mark 10:22 - And he was sad at that saying and went away grieved for he had possessions great

  • Luke 10:30 - answering And Jesus said man A certain went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and thieves fell among which and of his raiment him and wounded him and departed leaving him half dead

  • John 10:40 - And went away again beyond Jordan into the place where John baptized And he abode there

  • Mark 11:4 - they went their way And and found the colt tied by the door without in a place where two ways met and they loose him

  • Revelation 11:14 - woe The second is past and behold woe the third cometh quickly

  • John 11:28 - And so said she went her way And called Mary sister secretly said The Master is come And called thee

  • John 11:46 - some But of them went their ways to the Pharisees and told them what things had done Jesus

  • John 11:54 - Jesus therefore no more openly walked among the Jews but went thence into a country near to the wilderness into Ephraim called a city and there continued with disciples

  • Mark 12:12 - And they sought him to lay hold And feared the people they knew for that against him the parable he had spoken And they left him and went their way

  • Revelation 12:17 - And was wroth which the dragon with which the woman And went to make war with which the remnant which seed of her which keep which the commandments which of God And have which the testimony which of Jesus Christ

  • John 12:19 - therefore The Pharisees said among themselves Perceive ye how nothing ye prevail the world after him is gone

  • John 12:36 - While light ye have believe in light that the children light ye may be These things spake Jesus and and departed did hide himself from them

  • Matthew 13:25 - while But slept men came his enemy and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way

  • Matthew 13:28 - He said them An enemy this hath done The servants said them Wilt thou then that we go and gather them

  • Matthew 13:46 - Who when he had found one of great price pearl went and sold all that he had and bought it

  • Mark 14:10 - And Judas Iscariot one of the twelve went unto the chief priests to betray him him

  • Mark 14:12 - And the first day of unleavened bread when the passover they killed said his disciples his Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover

  • Matthew 14:15 - evening And when it was came his disciples his saying a desert This is place and the time is now past away the multitude that they may go into the villages and buy themselves victuals

  • Matthew 14:16 - But Jesus said them not They need depart give them ye to eat

  • Matthew 14:25 - in the fourth And watch of the night went unto them Jesus walking on the sea

  • Mark 14:39 - And again he went away and prayed the same words and spake

  • Romans 15:28 - this When therefore I have performed and have sealed to them fruit this I will come by you into Spain

  • Revelation 16:2 - And went which the first And poured out which vial his upon which the earth And there fell sore a noisome And grievous upon which the men which had which the mark which of the beast And which which image his upon them which worshipped

  • Matthew 16:4 - generation A wicked And adulterous a sign seeketh after And a sign there shall no be given them a sign Jonas of the prophet And he left them and departed

  • John 16:7 - Nevertheless I the truth tell for you It is expedient for you that I I go if for I go the Comforter not come unto you if but I depart I will send him unto you

  • Mark 16:13 - And they went and told it unto the residue neither them believed they

  • Matthew 16:21 - From that time forth began Jesus to shew disciples he how that must he go unto Jerusalem and many things suffer From the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and the third day be raised again

  • Luke 17:23 - And they shall say to you See here or See there not after them nor follow

  • John 18:6 - As soon then as he had said unto them I am he they went backward and fell to the ground

  • Revelation 18:14 - And which the fruits which lusted after which soul that thy are departed from that thy And all things which were dainty And which goodly are departed from that thy And no more thou shalt find them

  • Matthew 18:30 - And not he would but went and cast him into prison till he should pay the debt

  • Matthew 19:22 - heard But when the young man that saying he went away sorrowful for he had possessions great

  • Luke 19:32 - went their way And they that were sent and found even as he had said unto them

  • Matthew 20:4 - unto them And said Go also ye into the vineyard also whatsoever is right I will give you And they went their way

  • John 20:10 - went away Then again unto their own home the disciples

  • Revelation 21:4 - And shall wipe away God all tears from eyes their And death no shall there be any more neither sorrow neither crying neither pain no shall there be any more for the former things are passed away

  • Matthew 21:29 - He answered and said not I will afterward He answered he repented and went

  • Matthew 21:30 - And he came to the second and said likewise And he answered and said I go sir And not went

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