G744 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
original or primeval (them of) old (time) from G746 (ἀρχή);

12 instances of the word ἀρχαῖος archaîos (G744)

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  • 2 Peter 2:5 - And the old upon the world not spared but the eighth Noah of righteousness person a preacher saved the flood upon the world of the ungodly bringing in

  • 2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold are become he is a new all things

  • Matthew 5:21 - Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time not Thou shalt whosoever and Thou shalt in danger shall be of the judgment

  • Matthew 5:27 - Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time not Thou shalt

  • Matthew 5:33 - Again ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time not Thou shalt shalt perform but unto the Lord oaths thine

  • Luke 9:8 - of some And that Elias had appeared of others And that prophets one of the old was risen again

  • Luke 9:19 - They answering said John the Baptist others They say Elias others They say that prophets one of the old is risen again

  • Revelation 12:9 - And he was cast out which dragon which the great which serpent which that old which called the Devil And which Satan which deceiveth which world the whole he was cast out into which the earth And which angels him with him he was cast out

  • Acts 15:7 - much And disputing when there had been rose up Peter and said unto them Men and brethren ye know how that ago while a good God among us made choice by mouth my should hear that the Gentiles the word of the gospel and believe

  • Acts 15:21 - Moses For of time old every city them that preach him hath in the synagogues every sabbath day being read

  • Revelation 20:2 - And he laid hold on the dragon serpent that old which is the Devil And Satan And bound him a thousand years

  • Acts 21:16 - There went also certain of the disciples of Caesarea with us and brought with them with whom we should lodge Mnason one of Cyprus an old certain of the disciples

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