G770 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to be feeble (in any sense) be diseased, impotent folk (man), (be) sick, (be, be made) weak from G772 (ἀσθενής);

35 instances of the word ἀσθενέω asthenéō (G770)

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  • Philippians 2:26 - For longed after he all you and was full of heaviness because that ye had heard that he had been sick

  • Philippians 2:27 - also For he was sick nigh unto death but God on him had mercy not on him and only but also on me sorrow upon sorrow I should have

  • Romans 4:19 - And being not weak in faith not he considered his own body now dead an hundred years old about when he was And the deadness womb of Sara's

  • 2 Timothy 4:20 - Erastus abode at Corinth Trophimus but have I left at Miletum sick

  • Luke 4:40 - was setting Now when the sun all they that had any sick diseases with divers brought him unto him Now one every him his hands he laid and healed him

  • John 4:46 - came So Jesus again into Cana of Galilee where he made the water wine And there was a certain nobleman whose son was sick at Capernaum

  • John 5:3 - In lay multitude a great of impotent folk of blind halt withered waiting for of the water the moving

  • John 5:7 - answered him The impotent man Sir man no I have to when is troubled the water put me into the pool while but am coming I another before me steppeth down

  • James 5:14 - Is any among you let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him anointing him with oil among the name of the Lord

  • John 6:2 - And followed him multitude a great because they saw him miracles which he did on them that were diseased

  • Mark 6:56 - And whithersoever as he entered into villages or cities or country in the streets they laid the sick And besought him that if the border garment him they might touch And as many as they might touch him were made whole

  • Luke 7:10 - And returning they that were sent to the house found that had been sick the servant whole

  • Romans 8:3 - For could not do what the law in that it was weak through flesh God his own Son sending in the likeness flesh of sinful and for of sinful condemned of sinful in flesh

  • 1 Corinthians 8:9 - take heed But lest by any means liberty of yours this a stumblingblock become to them that are weak

  • 1 Corinthians 8:11 - And perish the weak brother through thy knowledge for whom Christ died

  • 1 Corinthians 8:12 - so But when ye sin against the brethren and wound their conscience weak against Christ when ye sin

  • Luke 9:2 - And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God And to heal the sick

  • Acts 9:37 - it came to pass And her in days those that she was sick they and died had washed And they they laid her in an upper chamber

  • Matthew 10:8 - the sick Heal the lepers cleanse the dead raise devils cast out freely ye have received freely give

  • John 11:1 - man was Now a certain sick named Lazarus of Bethany the town of Mary and Martha sister her

  • John 11:2 - (It was that Mary which anointed which the Lord with ointment and wiped which feet his which hair his whose which brother Lazarus was sick

  • John 11:3 - sent Therefore his sisters unto him saying Lord he whom thou lovest is sick

  • John 11:6 - When therefore he had heard that he was sick still he abode in where he was the same place two days

  • 2 Corinthians 11:21 - as concerning reproach (I speak as though we had been weak foolishly Howbeit any I am bold foolishly (I speak I am bold also

  • 2 Corinthians 11:29 - Who I am and not I am Who is offended and not I burn

  • 2 Corinthians 12:10 - Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities in reproaches in necessities in persecutions in distresses for Christ's when for I am weak then I strong am

  • 2 Corinthians 13:3 - Since a proof ye seek in me speaking of Christ which to you-ward not is but is mighty in you

  • 2 Corinthians 13:4 - also For though he was crucified by weakness but he liveth by the power of God also For we are weak in him but he liveth with him by the power of God toward you

  • 2 Corinthians 13:9 - are glad For when we we are weak ye and strong are this and also we wish even your perfection

  • Romans 14:1 - but Him that is weak in the faith receive ye not to disputations doubtful

  • Romans 14:2 - one For believeth that he may eat all things another who is weak herbs eateth

  • Romans 14:21 - It is good neither to eat flesh nor to drink wine nor any thing whereby brother thy stumbleth or is offended or is made weak

  • Acts 19:12 - So unto the sick were brought from body his handkerchiefs or aprons So departed from his the diseases and spirits the evil went from his

  • Acts 20:35 - all things I have shewed you how so labouring ye ought to support the weak to remember and the words of the Lord Jesus how he said blessed It is to give more than to receive

  • Matthew 25:36 - Naked and ye clothed me I was sick and ye visited me in prison I was and ye came unto me

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