G783 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a greeting (in person or by letter) greeting, salutation from G782 (ἀσπάζομαι);

11 instances of the word ἀσπασμός aspasmós (G783)

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  • Luke 1:29 - And when she saw him she was troubled at saying his and cast in her mind what manner should be of salutation this

  • Luke 1:41 - And it came to pass that when heard Elisabeth the salutation of Mary leaped the babe in womb her And was filled Ghost with the Holy Elisabeth

  • Luke 1:44 - lo For as soon as sounded the voice salutation of thy in ears mine leaped for joy the babe for womb mine

  • 2 Thessalonians 3:17 - The salutation with mine own hand of Paul which is the token in every epistle so I write

  • Colossians 4:18 - The salutation of me by the hand Paul Remember my bonds Grace be with you Amen

  • Colossians 4:18 - The salutation of me by the hand Paul Remember my bonds Grace be with you Amen

  • Luke 11:43 - Woe unto you Pharisees ! for ye love the uppermost seats in the synagogues and greetings in the markets

  • Mark 12:38 - And he said unto them in which doctrine unto them Beware of which the scribes which love in long clothing to go And love salutations in which the marketplaces

  • 1 Corinthians 16:21 - The salutation with mine own hand of me Paul

  • Luke 20:46 - Beware of which the scribes which desire to walk at long robes and love greetings at which the markets and the highest seats at which the synagogues and the chief rooms at which feasts

  • Matthew 23:7 - And greetings in the markets And to be called of men Rabbi Rabbi

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