H1803 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
properly, something dangling, i.e. a loose thread or hair; figuratively, indigent hair, pining sickness, poor(-est sort). from H1802 (דָּלָה);

8 instances of the word דַּלָּה dallâh (H1803)

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  • Song of Solomon 7:5 - Thine head upon thee is like Carmel and the hair Thine head like purple the king is held in the galleries

  • 2 Kings 24:14 - And he carried away all Jerusalem and all the princes and all the mighty men of valour even ten thousand and all the craftsmen and smiths none remained save the poorest sort of the people of the land

  • 2 Kings 25:12 - of the poor of the land left But the captain of the guard to be vinedressers

  • Isaiah 38:12 - Mine age is departed and is removed tent from me as a shepherd's I have cut off like a weaver my life with pining sickness he will cut me off from day even to night wilt thou make an end

  • Jeremiah 40:7 - heard Now when all the captains of the forces which were in the fields and had committed that the king of Babylon had made Gedaliah the son of Ahikam in the land and had committed and women and children and of the poor in the land of them that were not carried away captive of Babylon

  • Genesis 41:19 - And behold seven kine other came up after them poor ill favoured and very and leanfleshed as I never saw such in all the land of Egypt for badness

  • Jeremiah 52:15 - certain of the poor of the people and the residue of the people that remained in the city and those that fell away and those that fell away to the king of Babylon and the residue of the multitude carried away captive Then Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard

  • Jeremiah 52:16 - certain of the poor of the land left But Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard for vinedressers and for husbandmen

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