H1875 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
properly, to tread or frequent; usually to follow (for pursuit or search); by implication, to seek or ask; specifically to worship ask, [idiom] at all, care for, [idiom] diligently, inquire, make inquisition, (necro-) mancer, question, require, search, seek (for, out), [idiom] surely. a primitive root;

150 instances of the word דָּרַשׁ dârash (H1875)

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  • 2 Kings 1:2 - fell down And Ahaziah through a lattice in his upper chamber that was in Samaria and was sick and he sent messengers and said enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron whether I shall recover of this disease

  • 2 Kings 1:3 - But the angel of the LORD and say to Elijah the Tishbite Arise go up to meet But the angel of the king of Samaria and say the god in Israel that ye go to enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron

  • 2 Chronicles 1:5 - altar Moreover the brasen had made that Bezaleel the son of Uri the son of Hur he put before the tabernacle of the LORD sought and Solomon and the congregation

  • 2 Kings 1:6 - And they said a man on which thou art gone up to meet And they said turn again unto the king that sent you and say And they said the LORD Is it not because there is not a God in Israel that sent to enquire of Baalzebub Is it not because there is not a God of Ekron from that bed on which thou art gone up therefore thou shalt not come down but shalt surely but shalt surely

  • Zephaniah 1:6 - And them that are turned back from the LORD and those that have not sought the LORD nor enquired

  • Ecclesiastes 1:13 - And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven travail this sore And I gave hath God to the sons of man to be exercised

  • 2 Kings 1:16 - And he said unto him Thus saith the LORD Forasmuch as thou hast sent messengers to enquire of Baalzebub is it not because there is no God of Ekron is it not because there is no God in Israel to enquire of his word off that bed on which thou art gone up therefore thou shalt not come down but shalt surely but shalt surely

  • Isaiah 1:17 - Learn to do well seek judgment relieve the oppressed judge the fatherless plead for the widow

  • Job 3:4 - Let that day be darkness regard let not God it from above shine neither let the light

  • 2 Kings 3:11 - and said But Jehoshaphat Is there not here a prophet of the LORD that we may enquire of the LORD answered by him And one servants of the king of Israel's and said Here is Elisha the son of Shaphat which poured water on the hands of Elijah

  • Lamentations 3:25 - is good The LORD unto them that wait for him to the soul that seeketh

  • Ezra 4:2 - Then they came to Zerubbabel and to the chief of the fathers and said unto them Let us build with you for we seek your God as ye do and we do sacrifice unto him since the days of Esarhaddon king of Assur which brought us up hither

  • Deuteronomy 4:29 - But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God thou shalt find him if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul

  • Amos 5:4 - For thus saith the LORD unto the house of Israel Seek ye me and ye shall live

  • Amos 5:5 - But seek and Bethel for Gilgal nor enter not to Beersheba and pass for Gilgal go into captivity go into captivity and Bethel shall come to nought

  • Amos 5:6 - Seek the LORD and ye shall live lest he break out like fire in the house of Joseph and devour it and there be none to quench it in Bethel

  • Job 5:8 - I would seek unto God and unto God would I commit my cause

  • Amos 5:14 - Seek good and not evil that ye may live and so the LORD the God of hosts shall be with you as ye have spoken

  • Micah 6:8 - He hath shewed thee O man what is good and what doth the LORD require of thee but to do justly and to love mercy humbly with thy God

  • Ezra 6:21 - did eat And the children of Israel which were come again out of captivity and all such as had separated themselves unto them from the filthiness of the heathen of the land to seek the LORD God of Israel

  • Judges 6:29 - And they said one to another Who hath done this thing And when they enquired and asked And they said Gideon the son of Joash Who hath done this thing

  • Ezra 7:10 - For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the LORD and to do it and to teach in Israel statutes and judgments

  • Jeremiah 8:2 - And they shall spread them before the sun and the moon and all the host of heaven whom they have loved and whom they have served whom they have walked and after and whom they have sought and whom they have worshipped they shall not be gathered nor be buried they shall be for dung upon the face of the earth

  • 2 Kings 8:8 - by him saying And the king unto Hazael Take in thine hand a present meet the man of God and enquire of the LORD by him saying Shall I recover of this disease

  • Isaiah 8:19 - And when they shall say seek unto them that have familiar spirits and unto wizards that peep and that mutter should not a people unto their God seek for the living to the dead

  • Genesis 9:5 - And surely your blood of your lives will I require and at the hand of every beast will I require and at the hand of man and at the hand of every man's brother will I require of your lives of man

  • 1 Samuel 9:9 - Beforetime in Israel thus he spake when a man to enquire of God a Seer called a Prophet for he that is now called Beforetime a Seer

  • Psalms 9:10 - will put their trust And they that know thy name hast not forsaken them that seek in thee for thou LORD

  • Ezra 9:12 - not your daughters Now therefore give to your children not your daughters neither take to your children nor seek their peace or their wealth for ever that ye may be strong and eat the good of the land and leave it for an inheritance to your children for ever

  • Psalms 9:12 - When he maketh inquisition for blood he remembereth them he forgetteth not the cry of the humble

  • Isaiah 9:13 - For the people turneth not unto him that smiteth the LORD of hosts them neither do they seek

  • Esther 10:3 - For Mordecai among the Jews was next unto king Ahasuerus and great among the Jews and accepted of the multitude of his brethren seeking the wealth of his people and speaking peace to all his seed

  • Esther 10:3 - For Mordecai among the Jews was next unto king Ahasuerus and great among the Jews and accepted of the multitude of his brethren seeking the wealth of his people and speaking peace to all his seed

  • Psalms 10:4 - The wicked through the pride of his countenance will not seek after God God is not in all his thoughts

  • Job 10:6 - That thou enquirest after mine iniquity after my sin and searchest

  • Hosea 10:12 - Sow to yourselves in righteousness reap in mercy break up your fallow ground for it is time to seek the LORD till he come and rain righteousness

  • 1 Chronicles 10:13 - died So Saul which he committed for his transgression against the LORD even against the word against the LORD which he kept not and also for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit to enquire

  • Psalms 10:13 - contemn Wherefore doth the wicked God he hath said in his heart Thou wilt not require

  • 1 Chronicles 10:14 - And enquired not of the LORD therefore he slew him and turned the kingdom unto David the son of Jesse

  • Psalms 10:15 - Break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man seek out his wickedness none till thou find

  • Ezra 10:16 - did so And the children of the captivity were separated And Ezra the priest chief of the fathers after the house of the fathers and all of them by their names and sat down day in the first month of the tenth to examine the matter

  • Leviticus 10:16 - the goat of the sin offering diligently diligently And Moses and behold it was burnt and he was angry with Eleazar and Ithamar the sons of Aaron which were left alive saying

  • Jeremiah 10:21 - are become brutish For the pastors the LORD and have not sought therefore they shall not prosper and all their flocks shall be scattered

  • 2 Samuel 11:3 - sent And David and enquired after the woman And one said Is not this Bathsheba the daughter of Eliam after the woman of Uriah the Hittite

  • Isaiah 11:10 - And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse which shall stand for an ensign of the people to it shall the Gentiles seek and his rest shall be glorious

  • Deuteronomy 11:12 - A land of the LORD thy God careth for are always the eyes of the LORD thy God upon it from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year

  • Proverbs 11:27 - He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour but he that seeketh mischief it shall come

  • Deuteronomy 12:5 - But unto the place shall choose which the LORD your God out of all your tribes to put his name there even unto his habitation shall ye seek and thither thou shalt come

  • 2 Chronicles 12:14 - And he did evil because he prepared not his heart to seek the LORD

  • Deuteronomy 12:30 - Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following by following that they be destroyed from before thee and that thou enquire not after their gods saying serve How did these nations not after their gods even so will I do likewise

  • 1 Chronicles 13:3 - And let us bring again the ark of our God to us for we enquired not at it in the days of Saul

  • Deuteronomy 13:14 - Then shalt thou enquire and make search and ask diligently and behold if it be truth certain and the thing is wrought abomination that such among

  • Psalms 14:2 - The LORD from heaven looked down upon the children of men to see if there were any that did understand and seek God

  • Ezekiel 14:3 - Son of man have set up their idols in their heart the stumblingblock of their iniquity and put before their face of at all of at all

  • 2 Chronicles 14:4 - And commanded Judah to seek the LORD God of their fathers and to do the law and the commandment

  • 1 Kings 14:5 - And the LORD said unto Ahijah Behold the wife of Jeroboam cometh to ask a thing of thee for her son for he is sick thus and thus shalt thou say cometh that she shall feign herself to be another

  • Ezekiel 14:7 - For every one For every one of the house in Israel or of the stranger that sojourneth in Israel which separateth himself from me and setteth up his idols in his heart the stumblingblock of his iniquity and putteth before his face and cometh to a prophet to enquire of him concerning me I the LORD will answer

  • 2 Chronicles 14:7 - Therefore he said unto Judah Let us build these cities and make about them walls and towers gates and bars while the land is yet before us because we have sought the LORD our God us because we have sought him and he hath given us rest on every side Let us build and prospered

  • Ezekiel 14:10 - And they shall bear shall be even as the punishment shall be even as the punishment of him that seeketh shall be even as the punishment of the prophet

  • 2 Chronicles 15:2 - And he went out to meet Asa and said unto him Hear Asa and all Judah and Benjamin The LORD is with you while ye be with him and if ye seek him he will be found him he will forsake him he will forsake

  • 2 Chronicles 15:12 - And they entered into a covenant to seek the LORD God of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soul

  • 1 Chronicles 15:13 - For because ye did it not at the first made a breach the LORD our God upon us for that we sought him not after the due order

  • 2 Chronicles 15:13 - That whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death whether small or great whether man or woman

  • Isaiah 16:5 - be established And in mercy shall the throne and he shall sit upon it in truth in the tabernacle of David judging and seeking judgment and hasting righteousness

  • 1 Chronicles 16:11 - Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face continually

  • 2 Chronicles 16:12 - was diseased And Asa year in the thirty and ninth of his reign in his feet was exceeding great yet in his disease great yet in his disease he sought not to the LORD but to the physicians

  • 2 Chronicles 17:3 - And the LORD was with Jehoshaphat because he walked ways David of his father in the first and sought not unto Baalim

  • Deuteronomy 17:4 - And it be told thee and thou hast heard of it and enquired diligently and behold it be true certain and the thing is wrought that such abomination in Israel

  • 2 Chronicles 17:4 - to the LORD God of his father But sought in his commandments and walked and not after the doings of Israel

  • Deuteronomy 17:9 - And thou shalt come unto the priests the Levites and unto the judge that shall be in those days and enquire and they shall shew thee the sentence of judgment

  • 2 Chronicles 18:4 - said And Jehoshaphat unto the king of Israel Enquire to day I pray thee at the word of the LORD

  • 2 Chronicles 18:6 - said But Jehoshaphat Is there not here a prophet of the LORD besides that we might enquire

  • 2 Chronicles 18:7 - said And the king of Israel And Jehoshaphat man There is yet one by whom we may enquire of the LORD but I hate him for he never prophesied good unto me but always evil the same is Micaiah the son of Imla said And Jehoshaphat said And the king

  • Deuteronomy 18:11 - Or a charmer or a consulter with familiar spirits or a wizard or a necromancer

  • Exodus 18:15 - said And Moses unto his father in law come Because the people unto me to enquire of God

  • Deuteronomy 18:19 - And it shall come to pass that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name I will require

  • 2 Chronicles 19:3 - Nevertheless things there are good found in thee in that thou hast taken away the groves out of the land and hast prepared thine heart to seek God

  • Isaiah 19:3 - shall fail And the spirit of Egypt in the midst the counsel thereof and I will destroy thereof and they shall seek to the idols and to the charmers and to them that have familiar spirits and to the wizards

  • Deuteronomy 19:18 - inquisition And the judges shall make diligent and behold if the witness be a false and behold if the witness be a false and hath testified against his brother

  • Ezekiel 20:1 - year And it came to pass in the seventh in the fifth month the tenth day of the month came that certain of the elders of Israel to enquire of the LORD and sat before

  • Ezekiel 20:3 - Son of man speak unto the elders of Israel and say and say the Lord I will not be enquired Are ye come of me As I live I will not be enquired saith the Lord

  • 2 Chronicles 20:3 - feared and set And Jehoshaphat himself to seek the LORD and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah

  • Ezekiel 20:31 - For when ye offer your gifts to pass through when ye make your sons the fire ye pollute yourselves with all your idols even unto this day I will not be enquired of by you O house of Israel As I live saith the Lord GOD I will not be enquired

  • Ezekiel 20:40 - in the mountain For in mine holy in the mountain of the height of Israel saith the Lord GOD serve there shall all the house of Israel all of them in the land me there will I accept them and there will I require your offerings and the firstfruits of your oblations For in mine holy

  • Jeremiah 21:2 - Enquire for us I pray thee of the LORD for Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon maketh war will deal I pray thee of the LORD with us according to all his wondrous works that he may go up

  • 1 Chronicles 21:30 - could But David because it to enquire of God for he was afraid because of the sword of the angel of the LORD

  • Deuteronomy 22:2 - be not nigh And if thy brother unto thee or if thou know him not then thou shalt bring it unto thine own house seek And if thy brother after it and thou shalt restore it to him again

  • 2 Chronicles 22:9 - And he sought Ahaziah and they caught him (for he was hid in Samaria and brought him to Jehu and when they had slain him they buried him Because said they he is the son of Jehoshaphat who sought the LORD with all his heart So the house Ahaziah to keep had no power still the kingdom

  • 2 Kings 22:13 - ye enquire of the LORD for me and for the people and for all Judah concerning the words of this book that is found for great is the wrath of the LORD that is kindled have not hearkened against us because our fathers concerning the words of this book to do according unto all that which is written

  • 2 Kings 22:18 - But to the king of Judah which sent you to enquire of the LORD thus shall ye say thus shall ye say of the LORD God of Israel As touching the words which thou hast heard

  • 1 Chronicles 22:19 - Now set your heart and your soul to seek of the LORD God arise that is to be built ye the sanctuary of the LORD God to bring the ark of the covenant of the LORD vessels and the holy God into the house that is to be built to the name of the LORD

  • Psalms 22:26 - shall eat The meek and be satisfied they shall praise the LORD that seek shall live him your heart for ever

  • Deuteronomy 23:6 - Thou shalt not seek their peace nor their prosperity all thy days for ever

  • Deuteronomy 23:21 - When thou shalt vow a vow it for the LORD thy God thou shalt not slack to pay require require it for the LORD thy God it of thee and it would be sin

  • 2 Chronicles 24:6 - called And the king for Jehoiada the chief and said unto him Why hast thou not required of the Levites to bring in out of Judah and out of Jerusalem the collection according to the commandment of Moses the servant of the LORD and of the congregation of Israel for the tabernacle of witness

  • Psalms 24:6 - This is the generation of them that seek him that seek thy face O Jacob Selah

  • 2 Chronicles 24:22 - remembered Thus Joash the king not the kindness had done which Jehoiada his father to him but slew his son he said look The LORD upon it and require

  • 2 Chronicles 25:15 - was kindled Wherefore the anger of the LORD against Amaziah and he sent unto him a prophet which said unto him Why hast thou sought after the gods of the people which could not deliver of the people out of thine hand

  • 2 Chronicles 25:20 - would not hear But Amaziah after the gods that he might deliver them into the hand of their enemies because they sought after the gods of Edom

  • Genesis 25:22 - struggled together And the children within her and she said If it be so why am I thus to enquire of the LORD

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